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Posts posted by coolphoton1234




    Preston is a follower with a strong sense of honer. You saved his life and those he was sworn to protect. The only thing he has left to give is loyalty, but he is obsessed with the idea of the minutemen. So instead of calling you 'master' he calls you 'general' and then expects you to live up to his personal ideal of what that should mean: protect the people and stabilize the Commonwealth. The thing you have to keep in mind about him is that he is suffering from PTSD and is obsessed with the minutemen to the point of mania. There nearly a religion to him. Honestly the MM are the only faction that your rise in rank makes much sense.

    ... not at all. nothing about your rise from random nobody to general makes any sense


    Yes it dose. Preston is the last active minuteman but can't face rebuilding on his own so he gives the person that just slaughtered 20 raiders and a deathclaw for people he only just met. Then went and slaughtered even more raiders for an entirely different group of people you just met. Thru his blue tinted shades you look like a messiah and in his warped view gave you the only title anyone could realistically use to rebuild the Minutemen. You are the only thing keeping a shell-shocked solder from killing himself and he treats you that way. As to why no one argues later with his disision, Your not only the general, you are essentially the founder of the restored Minutemen, and there are indications that it is at least partly a cult of personality.

    Every faction in F4 is quick to accept you without much thought. As much as I hate that BoS guy in the police station, he's right to be suspicious and that's how the BoS normally are, and how everyone should be. Not willy nilly walk into someone's base and insta become supreme leader and also the maid on duty at the same time.


    you mean the violent xenophobes, the violent fanatical xenophobes, and the we-would-be-terrorists-if-there-were-a-goverment wouldn't just except random outsiders into positions of trust and policy making?



    Preston is a follower with a strong sense of honer. You saved his life and those he was sworn to protect. The only thing he has left to give is loyalty, but he is obsessed with the idea of the minutemen. So instead of calling you 'master' he calls you 'general' and then expects you to live up to his personal ideal of what that should mean: protect the people and stabilize the Commonwealth. The thing you have to keep in mind about him is that he is suffering from PTSD and is obsessed with the minutemen to the point of mania. There nearly a religion to him. Honestly the MM are the only faction that your rise in rank makes much sense.

    ... not at all. nothing about your rise from random nobody to general makes any sense


    Yes it dose. Preston is the last active minuteman but can't face rebuilding on his own so he gives the person that just slaughtered 20 raiders and a deathclaw for people he only just met. Then went and slaughtered even more raiders for an entirely different group of people you just met. Thru his blue tinted shades you look like a messiah and in his warped view gave you the only title anyone could realistically use to rebuild the Minutemen. You are the only thing keeping a shell-shocked solder from killing himself and he treats you that way. As to why no one argues later with his disision, Your not only the general, you are essentially the founder of the restored Minutemen, and there are indications that it is at least partly a cult of personality.

  3. As the MM are basically recruited commonwealth citizens, they would use whatever they could find.



    ...the last time I tried that I wound up with farmers better armed than the guards.

  4. as i have been building up my settlements recently, I have been having a hard time upgrading my guards weapons. not because I don't have the weapons or the resources, but because there are so few thematic upgrades. I'm playing with AE2 and I would love some input on what weapons match what factions.


    As an example

    The MM:1918 BAR (Provisoners), M1 Grand, the M 14 (Guards), the Colt 1911, Remington 1858, and fully modified pipe auto rifles(Civilians), as well as the laser musket, revolutionary sword, and the Gauss rifle (named or leader NPCs)

    BOS: Mini-gun, Gatling laser (Guards), standard laser, Desert Eagle, and vanilla revolver (Civilians),Automatic Plasma Rifles (Provisoners), supersledge, M79 Grenade Launcher(Leaders)

    Institute: Institute laser, stun baton(Civilians), Simi-Automatic Plasma Rifles,Plasma Sword, AS Vektor (Guards, Provisoners), CROSS PlasRail, Buzz Axe (Leader/Named)

    Railroad: Silenced pistols,Crossbow, (Civilians) Railway Rifle(Leader), Gaussrifle, Hunting Rifle(Guard)AS Vektor (Provisoners)

    harbor men: harpoon gun, lever action rifle

    CotA: M54 Gatling Rifle firing depleted uranium rounds (named or leader NPCs), gamma gun, small melee{knives} (Civilians), radium rifle, MK14 EBR, large blunt melee{Super sledge, sledge hammer} (Guards)



    as I generally have at least 5 guards at each settlement plus the provisoners I would really love some variety that matches the faction theam.



    EDIT: As an aside, I will be updating this as my game-play progresses and I get input.

  5. Preston is a follower with a strong sense of honer. You saved his life and those he was sworn to protect. The only thing he has left to give is loyalty, but he is obsessed with the idea of the minutemen. So instead of calling you 'master' he calls you 'general' and then expects you to live up to his personal ideal of what that should mean: protect the people and stabilize the Commonwealth. The thing you have to keep in mind about him is that he is suffering from PTSD and is obsessed with the minutemen to the point of mania. There nearly a religion to him. Honestly the MM are the only faction that your rise in rank makes much sense.

  6. Just a thought that occurred to me: why not have a 'junk' item that has all the components to make a reqrutment beacon or a powered water-pump? Not loot-able in the world, just build-able at one settlement so you can carry it to another for quick setup. I mean mechanically its basically what your provisioners are doing. Maybe make the kit need extra wood or steel to represent a box. Just thought I would put it out there.

  7. Today I helped defend a settlement for the ten thousandth time and once again one of my guards ate some blue fire. Can anyone please mane a way to get the guards to stay in there posts? Giving them Gauss riffles is pointless if they are going to run to shotgun range of a behemoth and eat a fatman round.

  8. ...Not sure how CoA feels about super mutants. They are immune to dad's and are that way from fev....


    Atom embraces all. By force if necessary.


    On topic:

    Anywhere on The Island (lore-wise) would support a CotA settlement, provided there are no fog condensers, but Haddock Cove, Radiant Crest Shrine, Glowing Grove, Atom's Spring, and the Children of Atom shrine seem extra lore-ie. In the Commonwealth the Decayed Reactor Site, Skylanes Flight 1665, and the Sentinel Site (all in the Glowing Sea) seem lore friendly and interesting places to build.


    Immersion-wise, perhaps you could make some sort of 'visited the friendly CotA (been to the crater and/or the Nucleus)' flag for the ability to build the CotA beacon? The ease of getting the rad immune settlers is really the only immersion braking thing. its not just the spawn 20 settlers in 2 minutes thing. There really should be a "prove your devotion to atom and your competence" requirement before you can get the insular Children to go to your generally very dangerous(the heart of the glowing sea, anywhere on The Island without fog condensers to hold back the fog creatures), settlement.


    I don't know if it is in your intentions, but perhaps some sort of workstation to make basic CotA stuff (the robes, gamma guns, radium rifles) would be appropriate, because as far as I can tell, right now the most effective way to get those is to kill and loot the CotA...witch would anger Atom, not to mention the CotA faction that you attacked.


    Over all my vision, ever sense my first trip to Far Harbor, is that I am no longer the General. I am the emissary of Atom. His will made manifest! I will Unify the Commonwealth in his name!....Ahem..*coff*...anyway... Your mod is like 5 steps in that direction. Keep up the *Awesome* work



    *Edit: Can you restrict who attacks a settlement? If you can perhaps restricting attacks on high rad locations to super mutants, the institute (synths are rad proof right?) robots and maybe the BoS would be thematically appropriate.

  9. Personally, aside form the saving issue, the only problem I have with survival is scale. Namely the 'I have to drink 6 liters of water and eat half my body wight in food every day' issue. The saving thing, for a game that officially supports mods(many of witch can destabilize the game), is utterly ludicrous and arbitrary.

  10. MMO2 seems to have everything that WatM have plus a lot. but that's mainly comparing the mod pages because I have never used WatM.



    edit: WatM is more balanced overall, and more lore frindly. also the MM uniforms are all the same color. MMO2 is more convenient especially early on and the uniforms are in at least 3 colors.


    Do note I use War of the Commonwealth so I've seen lots of MM in both. In WatM the MM are more than a match for an equal number of raiders but weaker than super-mutants. In MMO2 I have seen them wipe out BOS patrols outnumbered 2/3.

  11. exactly what the title says. I would love more CotA objects, for example spilled nuclear waste, those skulls filled with glowing stuff from far harbor, radiation barrels, large patches of static glowing plants, maybe radioactive light sources like the fusion cores from Atoms Judgement, place-able sources of radiation....I love the CotA atmosphere, but the far harbor stuff was extremely limited if you want to make CotA themed settlements.


    Mods I am aware of that help"


    Children of Atom Overhaul and Crater of Atom Settlement by genolune

    EoW - Far Harbor Lights by Emissary of Wind

    Bright Blight Mood Lights by JesterDoobie

    Static Harvest Collection by frogprincess_q4

  12. I would love to see a mod that populates Fallout 4 with random citizens. As it is, you have populated settlement.and then miles of empty road to the next town or settlement. It breaks the immersion for me that I never see random people walking around doing stuff. As a result, it makes it difficult to get into the game anymore. GTA V has people walking around and cars driving around, and the world feels more alive. Fallout 4 just feels so empty.


    Is there anyway to create a mod that can create random non-player characters to just walk around Massachusetts, so that you can pass them on the street? That would be much more immersiv



    thanks for sharing a great discussion/concept thread!

    my own mod-fu for FO4 is not great, though who knows what collaborations can happen?


    Indeed, having different options for FO4 would be great.

    anything that adds to the sandbox RPG elements would be cool!

    maybe not more NPCs outright, just more options for the existing NPCs.

    having freeholders and ghouls and robots and all,

    with a 'history' that help or try and take out a hit on a contract,

    it would add a lot to the end-game open-world part of the game.


    some mods in the works, such as "the code",

    "bounty boards"

    "ambient sidequests" and

    various new lands mods,

    will make a lot of difference.



    //lore rant and side discussion ensues.

    so, 2077 happened,

    and the population went from ~10 billion,

    to 30 million worldwide. (FOBible, FO1&2, FONV)

    it is distributed sparsely across the geography.



    200+ years later, attrition has mostly lowered that number again...

    so that's why there are so few people left,

    and hence, so many places look empty and well,

    post apocalyptic.


    it's one thing to have water and electricity...

    It would be odd to see everything looking pre-war,

    and having a huge population be in Boston Wasteland, say 600 000 or more...



    It'll be great to hear what other folks think about all that -

    both, lore, and different approaches to implementing more 'life' into the game.

    @ the lore rant


    The loses are one thing, but judging by several location's ghoul population, a fairly high percentage of people turned in to ghouls. The Commonwealth should have way more of them than they do. Aside from that... if I was running a place like Diamond City I would have instituted a mandatory breeding system for the sake of the species. With that draconian reduction in population humanity should have ether died or flourished. Instead it seems to have stagnated.



    @ OP War of the Commonwealth adds a lot of NPC spawns and makes the CW feel more alive, but they are basically random, so you might get deathclaws between sanctuary and the RR or sentinal bots in several places in concord. both have happened to me on the lowest preset. Higher than that and you can have trouble reaching sanctuary (there are at least 3 spawn points right out side the vault).

  13. I want this too. It alwase struck me as weird that I can build a functional robot out of coffee cups, gas cans, a cupple hotplates and plungers, but I cant program it to be happy? I would like them to function like normal settlers with the variable happiness, but I would settle for a 100% or 75% hard setting.

  14. I would like to see a Gauss Musket or FC powered Laser Musket as late game minute men weapons, and a bomb pumped laser heavy weapon that heavily irradiate you(instant death naked) fires a massively powerful beam and uses minunukes for ammo.

  15. I would also love this. Maybe creepy rad-roach sized ones like the doll-head robot from Toy Story or any of them from Dr. Steel's Childhood don't a-go-go

    particularly the latter. Maybe make them approach attackers and blow up. (Ma Ma... Ma Ma.. plasma grenade...) It would really help RP as a mad scientist.

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