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About WalkingMassofComplexes

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  1. Deadly Dragons (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3829) has one kinda like that.
  2. Here, decided to save you the trouble and made a goat mount: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AK4MEGyNi7CjX-lxZijq4lDuWGT1fZCm. Not gonna put it up as an official mod, since I can't be arsed right now. My computer's borked, so I can't actually play Skyrim right now, but I'm like 99% sure it works. It's for Oldrim (obviously), he's essential, levels up with you, has a bit more health and stamina than a regular goat, 2 times bigger, and he's a follower because why the f*** not. Not gonna do the headbutt or the other animation stuff. It's not my forte at all. He's on the bridge east of Whiterun. If you use "coc whiterun" it's the other bridge over there. Here's a pic I took of him in nifskope: Also, a shoutout to Tasheni for the saddle and bridle (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92433). Makes my work a hell of a lot easier. EDIT: Feel I should mention for people viewing this in the future that that method ^^^ SeraphimKensai mentioned only works up until a point. It's probably not a good idea to make a copy of a horse actor and go about it that way. Goats (and other non-horse creatures) have different skeletons, so it'd animate weird or not show up or ctd or something (I forget at the moment, blame the heat). What you want to do is make a copy of the race you want to make a mount for and in the body tab, direct it to your new skeleton (you have to edit the goat skeleton to have the saddle bone; google it and there's tutorials for that). Also make sure to edit your amor and armor addon so that it also applies to your new race and give the race the actortypehorse keyword on the left. After that, make a new goat actor (just copy one of the others) and make sure it uses your new armor and race. Place him somewhere in the world and it should work (hopefully).
  3. This might interest you if you can wait a bit: https://www.moddb.com/mods/apotheosis. It's supposed to come out sometime this year, and it goes through all of the daedric realms.
  4. The only thing even remotely similar I can think of off the top of my head is the tiger form in that druid mod. BUT! I made one just for you, dahling! He looks pretty decent, if I do so say myself. I kinda already gave him a name and a location, since I came up with something fitting, but if you want me to make a version 'specially for you, lemme know. I'll actually publish the mod tomorrow, since it's late for me right now, but to tide you over, I offer this: EDIT: Link for whenever you see this.
  5. -quit asking me for the legs I'm not modding anymore -
  6. -quit asking me for the legs I'm not modding anymore -
  7. -quit asking me for the legs I'm not modding anymore -
  8. -quit asking me for the legs I'm not modding anymore -
  9. -quit asking me for the legs I'm not modding anymore -
  10. And what would you consider sexy? Just the same thing on a flat chest? =p
  11. Realized I'm an idiot for posting in the other thread and not this one. Here. Whipped it up in half an hour. (link)
  12. Congrats! It's a demon deer! I decided to fulfill your request because I was bored and because fiends are awesome. <3 Credit actually goes to LorSakyamuni for converting the meshes/textures as resources, so there's three different color schemes here. An albino looking one, a pink one, and a zebra print fiend. Which do you want?http://i.imgur.com/Tkd5lKR.jpg
  13. Thanks! :3 Sometimes it's really hard to tell where I'm at, skill-wise. It seems everyone's either a really simplistic modder with basic CK knowledge making scores of big-titted ladies or some mega-modder making hit after hit like Chesko and Enai. :p As for the armor, it's for my upcoming character, Dagoth Thanavas Dres, the ex-Dres slaver necromancer who's returned to his Dagoth roots, currently chilling in Skyrim practicing necromancy, collecting things for Mannimarco, and waiting for Dagoth Ur to reform from the Heart of Lorkhan after his most recent murder in the hopes that he'll end up saner this time. It's a long, weird, and complicated story. The armor was sketched out in my art notebook first, and I based its components on his backstory. The purple scales are actually supposed to be from a wamasu that he hunted in Black Marsh while raiding for slaves. I dunno if you can tell but I overlayed a scale texture on the robes because that bit's made out of Shadowscale skins. The feathers are supposed to be from argonians (I was originally going to use the actual hair meshes but decided it was much easier using the feathers from the Raven Witch armor :p). I was also going to put it in a string of argonian teeth from back to front, tying the "argonian hunter" look together, but the bone weights refused to cooperate, so after a few days of attempted bone-wrangling, I gave up on that. The skeleton arm I took from his base body mesh (which is much the same - male body with left skeleton arm), It's from a failed assassination attempt where a Shadowscale blew off his whole arm. Using necromancy, he raised it to be useful again, but because necromancy is outlawed in Morrowind, he hides it with the cloak. :D Sorry for the rambling. Point is, I like having a story to my work. Makes the design flow better. It's late now, so I'll hop on the discord later to talk with everyone and hammer out the details. If you want to send me your armor ideas by PM, that'd work too. Glad to be modding with you. :)
  14. I've worked on a few armors before, though never any weapons. To be honest, I was looking to work on this for a bit of experience. So far, I've skated by on scrapping together vanilla armors and modders resources (as well as a few ports from Oblivion mods here and there (and other people's Skyrim works but only because I don't plan on releasing my personal stuff :p)). I'm not that good at new stuff, and I'm certainly nowhere near anyone like zerofrost. This is my most recent project, if you'd like to see what I can do. If it's not up to your standards, I understand. As an aside, though, is there a place where the Shezzarine modders usually talk to each other (you obviously don't use telepathy :p)?
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