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Everything posted by omegoa

  1. The front page is wrong on the amount of voiced dialogue -- 47,000 was the number for Oblivion. Skyrim boasts 60,000 voiced lines spread out over seventy actors :D
  2. Somebody just told me crossbows were confirmed in that PS3 article awhile back. Any validity to this?
  3. That giant picture is pretty epic. Not gonna lie. Camonna, can you confirm that third picture? Looks nice, but I haven't seen it anywhere myself.
  4. Andoran looks like it might be worth taking a look at after it's released . . .
  5. I really enjoyed finding the artifacts in Morrowind -- Eleidon's Ward and the Dragonbone Cuirass in particular, and the Daedric Faces were fun too
  6. Moar! Which is why I'm thankful that I'm smart enough to play PC :rolleyes:
  7. Were-anything! I can't possibly see how Skyrim could be anything other than a great game. They've taken most of what was wrong with Oblivion and fixed it while adding so much more with everything that we loved from both Morrowind and Oblivion being incorporated, not to mention all the innovations they've made with the Creation Engine. Add that to the flood of mods that'll come out . . . :biggrin:
  8. It may just be that's where the jail you bust out of is. In Morrowind you had no choice but to start in Seyda Neen (unless you modded, of course), and in Oblivion you were right by the Imperial City making it a very likely first stop and most certainly the first city you saw.
  9. Norwegian? I don't think we're talking about the same page, 'cause I was comparing it to this, though it's not impossible that there were Norwegian and French versions of the article. By Throat I think they meant Throat of the World, atop which High Hrothgar is located. Reading back over my old post I realize I worded it poorly -- only meant to introduce those two pieces of information ahaha. Can't wait for E3 either -- the gameplay demos, the information. This dry period of information will be replaced with a flood! :biggrin:
  10. I think there may be some new information here, most notably that something named "Wilbur" will be your pet that helps you in fights. Less significantly, the starting town is called Riverwood. This is that French page we were trying to translate, translated.
  11. Yeah, I think the word for it was mousse and I had no idea what it meant lol. Foam was all Google translate would pull up, but it didn't make an ounce of sense! Yeah, I remember reading about the return of Dwemer ruins and Nordic ruins as well. If consoles can use the analog stick to direct attacks, I'm thinking that means that we PC users can use our mouse to direct our attacks -- so much easier!
  12. I read over it, and it seems more or less on the mark. Granted, my French isn't superb, but the translation seems to check out. Perhaps by "foam" they mean sea caves?
  13. I don't think mounted combat would require a huge change in controls - at least not the way I've envisioned it being implemented. Forward would still move you forward, back backwards, right and left mouse buttons still doing their thing, etc. with a shield (if you're holding one) being more effective on whichever side it's held. It'd be nice too if it were possible to pull a rider down from a horse producing a "knockdown" effect, forcing mounted fighters to stay mobile.
  14. I don't care what kind of mounts they are as long as I don't have to dismount to bash something's skull in.
  15. Isn't there a shout for summoning a perfectly live one? XD
  16. I suspect that conjuration will continue to work just like it has in the previous titles.
  17. And if it isn't, there'll be a mod for that :biggrin: It's already been done for Oblivion!
  18. Listened to it a couple time over. What he said -- in regard to releasing the game now as opposed to releasing the game for a new console -- was, "We wouldn't have to make as many choices between 'how many polygons or memory do we put in the environment versus the people.' So our bigger cities still have walls that load you, so that if we were on a next-gen system that might be something we wouldn't have to do -- memory wise you know? -- to section that off, and at the end of the day the experience is kind of the same. You would just be walking smoothly into that city as opposed as to clicking the door, waiting for the load, and waiting to go in." So it's sounding like open cities are definitively out. Lucky us, there'll be mods that fix that :D
  19. Gah, no open cities? That also means no levitation, jump -- and how are dragons supposed to interact with cities?
  20. Thanks for that -- it comes across a lot more clearly. I was worried for a bit when I read "Impressions cold," from the Google translation.
  21. If it's not available on console then it's probably not available on PC what with all the desire to make PC and consoles equal . . . But that's what mods are for!
  22. As morbid as the situation implies, I'd love to see Hopesfire and Trueflame return as artifacts. :biggrin: I'd thought of that myself -- in Morrowind, I usually left Hopesfire behind in favor of Trueflame . . . now we can dual wield them! It might be worth learning how to mod . . .
  23. This just may be the most significant news since beards were announced!
  24. Got in finally. Most of the video looks gorgeous, though a it did raise a couple questions for me: 1) In the video I saw a miner shatter a piece of stone, which is pretty cool, but how does this work over time? Is he gonna be mining in the same place all day errday? Or is he eventually gonna mine a giant cavern? 2) We also got to see a couple assassinations. In past games you could pick someone off from afar (or even up close if you're sneaky enough), and your victims buddies would hardly react if they didn't detect you. In Oblivion they'd walk over, look at the corpse, and mutter a couple things. Then they walked back to their place -- providing a perfect opportunity for you to pick them off. This also raises the question of NPC behavior towards corpses in general. The people of the Imperial City seemed pretty cool with it when they found a corpse in their streets. 3) Not really a question, but the running water looks terrible. Most of these are just small things, but they can be immersion breakers if/when you notice them. All in all, though, it looks amazing! Can't wait to kill me some dragons. :devil:
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