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Everything posted by magicman3516

  1. Managed to work out what's causing this: It's Madmen, that Forsworn Overhaul.
  2. I've got a strange particle effect applied to arrows in my game. It's happening even if the bow was unenchanted. I can't seem to click on it when I open the console to see what's added or modified it unless I'm doing it wrong somehow. Has anyone else had the same issue?
  3. Alright. Moved to a new computer, moving my mo2 mod folder to a new install. everything looked good on mo2's side. i start it up and then get an error message before the main menu loads in. the game does boot up (i can hear the music) but kicks me out with this error message. My FNV install was from scratch, but i'm pretty sure i've got every plugin that my mods need. someone else had the same issue, but with a different form code at the beginning. any ideas???
  4. I've always enjoyed piecing together a suit of legendary artifacts in Morrowind. The Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw, the Dragonbone Cuirass, the Fists of Randagulf, and Eleidon's Ward. This was my usual setup when I use heavy armor. For the next playthrough I was going to do, I was gonna use medium armor, as the Ebony Mail artifact is very effective. I searched the UESP for any worthwhile medium armor artifacts to cover the rest of the body when I came to the stunning revelation that the only artifact in the medium class was the aforementioned Ebony Mail! Sure, I could always enchant adamantium, but the enchantments offered by artifacts would beat any enchantment I could muster. Plus, using a legendary artifact is cooler! It's got pedigree! Anyway, I thought and thought, and came to the realization that Indoril Nerevar's armor likely influenced the Ordinators you see in-game. You know, the best medium armor in the game. Anyway, this means that Nerevar was a user of medium armor. And some pieces of his suit must have survived. You see what I'm getting at? I can't mod. I simply can't wrap my head around at the moment. But maybe a modder could consider my silly idea and give the medium class a good reason to be used. Hope I didn't ramble too much. But yeah, give it some thought, ok? And yeah, I know this isn't really the place to just throw ideas at. Sorry.
  5. Aight, found the cause. Hand Loader is acting up for some reason. Will comment this, see if a hotfix or something comes out.
  6. Actually, back up! None of my 44 weapons can use 44. Special anymore! What the hell is going on? Did a mod i install accidentally remove the round from the list of usable ammo types?! I gotta do some testing.
  7. Alright. Correct me if it's just my game, but Lincoln's Repeater won't load 44. Special. I updated to 3.3.2 just a few days ago, and had started a new game. When I decided to find Lincoln's Repeater, i bought some boxes of 44. Special. (Hand Loader adds boxes you can purchase) I grabbed the repeater, pressed 2 twice, and lo and behold, I can't load 44. Special into it. I suspect a nerf, but why? I can't see anything about this on the changelogs either. Anyone else got this?
  8. Shot a comment about it over to the original mod page... I'm just glad this is over and i can play my game.
  9. FOUND OUT WHAT MOD MAKES MEGATON HOSTILE! The version of This Is Freeside i downloaded (the 19 june release) is the culprit! Thanks for your suggestions showler. Despite the fact that the fnvedit angle was a bust, the very fact you stayed this long is enough.
  10. Ok. I've disabled every. single. mod. Of course besides whats needed to test this, being ttw, the nvse plugins and a quickstart plugin to make things quick. guess i'm going to start enabling mods and loading this save outside megaton
  11. I've found some megaton related faction id's but i know for a fact that separate player faction ids exist. But there's no reason at all that they should be hostile. So far as i know only a mod could change this. any idea how i could search for this on fnvedit?
  12. There are console commands for adding yourself to a faction, which raises another question. What's Megaton's faction id? I know the coc commands were ripped straight from the old game, but the id may have changed with the port.
  13. Seems like you might be right. used coc to get to outside rivet city and they aren't shooting me. guess i'll be searching up this console command.
  14. It's weird though. other friendly human npcs aren't aggressive. crazy wolfgang simply runs away from the combat, and his tick isn't red. Silver, the woman who's in debt to moriarty isnt hostile either. you can talk to her without getting shot at. I'll warp to rivet city to see if they're hostile too.
  15. Hmm. guess i'll have to roll up my sleeves and start checking. I have no idea what could be causing this though.
  16. Hmm. I'm not exactly the smartest when it comes to fnvedit. Couldn't be too hard cross checking the cause right?
  17. No, see. as soon as i start a new game and beeline towards megaton, BOOM. they shoot me on sight?! It's weird. I don't know what mod i have could alter the npcs in megaton. Wait, maybe you're right? maybe the game thinks i killed someone in megaton and all i need to do is wait 3 days? hmm.
  18. I've got a weird bug. Currently, on my save file, as soon as i head to megaton, they start attacking. It seems to be connected to the human npcs, as when i killed stockholm from a distance using the console, deputy weld isn't hostile. when i enter is when they start shooting. I don't know if this is connected to my load order, or the save itself, and the beginning is so damn long, i really don't want to restart to see if it's connected to the save file. I'll paste my load order. Heres hoping someone can help me. FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm CaravanPack.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm TaleOfTwoWastelands.esm YUPTTW.esm All Weapon Sounds Overhaul .esp Ambient Temperature - PPA.esp Ambient Temperature.esm B42Descriptions.esp B42Inertia.esp B42Inspect.esp B42Wristwatch.esp Better Pack Rat Perk.esp CASM with MCM.esp CompanionInfAmmo.esp CyberJAM.esp DC Arsenal 2.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp FafnirUniqueTTWOverhaul.esp FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp Functional Post Game Ending.esm Handloader.esp Immersive Pickup Sounds -- TTW Patch.esp ImmersivePickupSoundsFNV.esp IMPACT.esp Inventory Access.esm JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp JIP Selective-Fire.esm Jump Fall Fixer.esp JustAssortedMods.esp Karmic Balance.esp LevelCapIncreaser(60).esp LonesomeRoadScorchedSierraPowerHelmet.esp LRNoRepLoss.esp Perkless.esp PerkPackPlus.esp PerksPerLevel.esp PHWHPAPVisuals.esm Powered Power Armor.esp RagdollsTTW.esm Regulators.esm RoughinItPortableHotplate.esp Sortomatic.esm Streamlined Cowboy Perk.esp Tenpenny Tower Quest - Redux.esm The Mod Configuration Menu.esp The Weapon Mod Menu.esp ToDoList.esp Tree New Perks.esp TTW - Bottle That Water.esp TTW Dialogue Expansion for Role-Players.esp SpringvaleGarage.esm UnlimitedTraits.esp Vigilant_Recycler.esp Water Purification Overhaul V1.0A.esp WWP AR Series.esp LaserWeaponIronSights.esp CynthiasArmory.esp GlovesGalore.esp GlovesGalore_DeadMoney.esp Dead Money - No Collar Explosion and No Poison Cloud.esp Magazine Submenu.esp MCPipBoy2000MK6_clock.esp Explosive Sounds Overhaul.esp ISControl.esm PerkPackPlus - TTW Sawyerbatty Patch.esp Cyberware OWB.esp Cyberware TTW.esp Cyberware.esm TTW 3.3 Lone Courier Dialogue.esp Capital Ruins for TTW.esp Rebuild the Capital.esm Heat Haze.esp TTWZetaRewards.esp Vanilla UI Plus.esp TTW - Simple HUD Tint Switcher.esp TTWBobbleheadQuests.esp DiceRoll&CapFlip.esp Wasteland Starting Gear DC.esp Skill Items.esp CPI Icons.esp Rebuild the Capital - No Pony Express Boxes.esp Rebuild the Capital-PAVE.esp Weapon Retexture Project.esp B42 RWMS.esp WeaponsOfTheNewMilleniaAndFriends.esm RXUtilityTools.esp 9mmAkimbo.esp PerkPackPlus - WOTNMAF Patch.esp WotNMaF TTW Patch.esp 9mmAkimbo-Millenia-Patch.esp RXUtilityToolsTTW.esp FlashlightNVSE.esp Millenia & friends sound patch.esp WotNMaF-Colt-Pocket-1849-Hitman-Animations.esp ValenceRedux.esp THIS_IS_FREESIDE.esp FadeToBlack.esp DNW_BSO_Patch.esp.esp DNWeathers.esp DN Realism.esp S6S Perks.esp TerrifyingPCName.esp Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered v1.2.esp Simple Open Strip.esm NVFunctionalMonorail.esp Brightweight Strip Overhaul Open - Iguazu.esp Brightweight Strip Overhaul Open.esp JokerineStripMall.esm AmaccurzerO's Animated Wastelands.esp WWP 45 Pistol replacer - Vanilla Stats.esp WWP 45 Pistol replacer.esp WWP 22smg.esp WWP Varmint Rifle.esp WWP Hunting Revolver.esp Animated Ingestibles.esp MTB.esm MTB Megaton Mover.esp TTW Reputations.esm WMVM.esm Tammer's NIF-Bashed Weapons Mega-Pack.esm CARAdvancedCustomizing.esp 10MMSMGAdvancedCustomizingScripted.esp 9mmPistolAdvancedCustomizing.esp Unique Fort Armor - PAVE.esp PAVE_NV.esp PAVE_TTW.esp
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