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    United States
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  1. Human stupidity and ignorance is limitless
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      I'm stuck in an endless sea of dumb people, hate it when people go on how a book is s*** compared to the movie it's based on. If I had a quid for every moron I've wanted to shoot, well I'd have more money than I'd know what to do with.
    3. Nadin



      Well, you could use that money to but ammunition and guns. Obviously.

      Oh, and you might want to set some aside for bail.


      Well, assuming that the universe/multiverse is infinite, which, for all intents and purposes, it is, then knowledge is infinite. And if knowledge is infinite, and what humanity knows is finite, than statistics will show that we know almost literally nothing.

      I gather that this isn't what you were implying, but still, it's a b...

    4. Nadin


      bit more cheerful (and accurate, if you ask me.)

      Oh, and the whole stupidity thing is just a temporary condition while we're sending you the new robotic brains. Please feel free to contact us if you want a refund or if there's a shipping error.

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