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  1. I only know of the "breech" mod that allowed explosives to. If you used a formlist you could allow lasers to open locks with a quick .esp
  2. A delay would have to be set for EVERY key's data. Doing that by hand would be a chore. Perhaps SNIFF can add a function that can delay every key in anim data by whatever value you specify.
  3. Well to be honest, it was you, Purr4me that pulled said fish in from said sea with your inane rambling, to steer GoldenGlobes back on the right track. Don't pin this on GoldenGlobes. Now that Globes has gotten solid advice from the likes of Roy and Stewie and company, I'm sure he'll/she'll be just fine.
  4. Actually FO3/FNV is capable of shadows on non-actors. Take a look at The Oasis in FO3. Notice anything? Shadows. Yes they are baked, so they cannot move. But I'd rather have 100% of all static objects casting shadows (like in FO3's oasis) than no shadows at all.
  5. Not gonna lie, I was cool with it all up until the whole "...as a couple" bit. oof There is a short list of things one simply doesn't do with their spouse. Golf, Super Smash Bros, and modding being near the top of said list respectively. The moment you criticize her work in any manner, is the moment you best get used to celibate, couch-ridden nights. The risk of toe-stepping and emotional bruising on both your parts increases exponentially when you factor in outside help. You'll be constantly stepping on eggshells, trying to avoid giving tasks and advice to others, that both of you haven't completely signed off on. ... I suggest you become the textbook definition of a 'yes-man', lest this boat sink before leaving the harbor. As that black toucan bird in the animated film Rio once said : "Happy wife, happy life. And a happy life means less modding strife". Or something like that. I think I only saw the trailer for Rio (the CG one about those birds).
  6. I was thinking the same thing. more mist, more droplets, moooooar
  7. In response to post #65625326. #65628591, #65629366, #65633256, #65644816, #65655416, #65701121, #65715056, #65716061, #65720011, #65720376, #65727941, #65737981, #65739166, #65754506 are all replies on the same post. @VirusZ Kindly take your negativity and pessimism elsewhere. After reading this positive interview, where we share our development and so on, your first take is pure negativity. That is depressing. You claim to be Fallout fan, and yet you purposely write things that hurt the morale of -actual- Fallout fans who pour their heart and soul into this mod. Did you not stop to think about how our team would feel after reading your comments? You see, a real fallout fan appreciates what we do, encourages us to continue. The difference between a "fallout fan" and a "hater" is the fans WANT to see us cross the finish line. You however? 100% of what you wrote is put-downs and negativity. aka 'hate' You neglected to say a single thing in support of us and what we are doing. Zip, zilch, none, nada. What was the purpose of your comment anyway? You ask mod projects not to announce until it is in public beta, well I ask you then not to comment until you can confirm 100% that its not coming out. Deal?
  8. I've noticed when i put a new magic effect in data/meshes/skeve/effects it doesn't work, but if i toss it into the vanilla data/meshes/effects folder it works. Same goes for textures. Is skyrim modding that much more limited compared to fallout modding, or is there some trick to allowing custom folders for one's own mod assets? I'd really REALLY not get sloppy and toss dozens of new custom assets of mine into the generic 'effects' folder only to have a headache sorting them out.
  9. yah probably I'd like to put one together at some point
  10. Nice interview, its a welcomed Nexus feature too. Quite glad to see Frostfall on SSE :yes:
  11. and here's an animated gif of an explosion in CK showing nothing when the animation plays I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, customizing via NVIDIA control panel, playing with the CK's .ini, updating my gpu drivers, nothing. The game itself though is beautiful and runs at a solid 64fps, with all vfx (albeit dull) working quite well
  12. Explosions, spells, hand effects, anything. Only models show up in the preview pane. Anything vfx-related is completely invisible. Anyone ever heard of this? As a vfx artist trying to bring amazing things to Skyrim SE this is really slowing me down
  13. Mr. Bravo is absolutely right there. For my own personal game I've touched up the entire AmidianBorn texture packs to have a more befitting contrast which has indeed made them blend seamlessly with the rest of Skyrim SE. I've also applied my own custom cubemaps to all his metal retextures to help 'em shine and that's helped equally as much as the diffuse tweaks.
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