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  1. I have a strange problem with lever action shotguns. I can use/shoot them just fine, but when the rifle is reloaded after a shot, i.e. operating the lever, the whole screen turns black for a moment. This happens in first person as well as in third person view. I really can´t put my finger on a specific reason, it happens even if I disable all mods. Maybe something went wrong with the animation files, but I really don´t have an idea on how to check or fix this.
  2. Title says all, I am missing surround sound. I am using Realtek OnBoard High Definition Audio Controller which usually works fine, but for some reason NV only works in stereo. I tried to switch the Hardware sound acceleration to medium or low but this did not help. And since NV don´t have any menu to configurate the sound settings I am pretty much lost here. Of course there could be bigger problems, but without 5.1 the game looses a lot of immersion.
  3. No Ideas? Anyone? I guess I could handle any other broken quest since this one really seems to be tricky. Dad is still in his chair so I can´t imagine a way to circumvent this mess? Maybe there is a way to skip this quest and start the next quest, "The Waters of Life"? Please?
  4. For some reason Vault 112 just went missing. When I enter the door in the Vault 112 garage it looks like this... http://www.abload.de/img/112by9a.jpg I tried to teleport directly into Tranquility Lane via COC command. This works but when I leave Tranquility Lane I get stuck in the pod. I can not leave the pod and my char is still a child. And when I try to teleport back from TL into the garage I end up as child again. I tried the getquestcompleted commands but it seems they will not work here. I disabled all active mods but this will not help. The problem is that right now my copy of Fallout 3 is aproximately 200 miles away from me so a simple reinstall is out of the question. I need a way to circumvent/end this mod. Any ideas?
  5. I usually think of the wastelands as some kind of school yard with the brotherhood and the enclave as the two biggest bullys around. They are both arrogant and vicious against everyone who is not with them or can´t be used and the only difference between them might be their reasons. And like every bully they want to be the top dog and just can not bear anyone equal beside them. The idea of working together naturally will not even cross their mind.
  6. No, she is not. I can´t see a slave collar on here when I meet her in Raven Rock. She might have been kidnapped in the first place, but then she definitely crossed a line. She is moving freely in Raven Rock and she is telling you that she just HAD to join the Enclave. Not because she wanted to stay alive but because of "all the possibilities". In this she reminds me of Wernher "My goal are the stars, but on the way London might get hit..." von Braun.
  7. My playstyle changed a lot because of several reasons. During my first two play throughs i was always very nice, saved and rescued everyone and used to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for everyone. Speak... a saint par excellence. In combat I was always straight forward. Surprising the first enemy with a sneak attack and then go in guns blazing. Now I am using Fallout Wanderers Edition and this mod changes the game mechanics a lot. Now I am veeery sneaky and I love my sniper rifle. Nothing is more fun than taking out a raider outpost from a huge distance by taking them out one by one before they even realise where it comes from. I also suddenly think that using mines and bottlecap mines is a good idea. Planting tons of mines and then making the enemy running into them is just as much fun as sniping. And I am more a drifter and way more egoistic now. I don´t feel the need to rescue anyone. At some point I was just pissed of by people in Fallout 3. You just saved their lives or, wasting ammo and gear for maybe thousands of caps and risking your life and then people hand over 100 caps with a graciousness like they just gave you the freaking Koh-i-Noor diamont. And in the next second they give you the "Yes, it´s locked for a reason!" speech... And the brotherhood is even better! They want you to risk your life because they are too stupid to find a book. In a library. An after you milled through an whole army of supermutants they give you a small tip and tell you not to waste it for drugs... Now I am not really a bad guy but way more selfish. I do nothing for free. I think it is fun to watch a brotherhood patrol fight to the last breath so I can finish of their battered enemies, loot their corpses and sell their dog tags to the brotherhood. I sneak into the rivet city marketplace and take everything whats not nailed down and sell it back to the merchants the next morning. Just to rob them again in the following night. And pick-pocket the ammo from a brotherhood soldier while he is fighting a horde of mutants is always a great source of entertainment. Hey, I needed that ammo! Just pay me fairly for my services next time... might cost you some caps but will certainly save you some soldiers. :D
  8. I think Feral Ghoul Reavers scare me at least a bit. Ridiculously tough and fast and those buggers just WON`T let go. Especially in dark an confindes places it is always fun to meet them... You stumble through the dark and suddenly you hear this "MAAaaaaeeEEEeeee!", followed by a hollow "SPLAT!" when the first of those poisonous thingys hits you. Not only that they can deliver them over ludicrously great distances, no, they always decide to come close and stuff them right down your throat. Seriously, when I meet 3 or more Ferals I always think that running is a mighty good idea. The next thing I fear are Supermutant Overlords armed with three beam laser rifles. Usually you can bring down almost anything by crippling its legs and slowly take them apart. But when it is twice as tall as you, seriously pissed and armed with a three beam you might have a problem. Especially in the Statesman hotel with its small rooms and crawling with Overlords I always end up being dismembered several times. Oh yeah, and then we have the Mirelurks. Its not because they are that tough, although they can be a threat when they come in groups. It is just that they remember me sooo much of the Clannfears in Oblivion and I just HATED those buggers. I think they even look e bit like clannfears, they move like them and they use exactly the same headbutt attack. I am VERY gratefull that Fallout 3 has no level scaling since in Oblivion one single clannfear easily could take you out if it caught you on the wrong foot. So every time I encounter a mirelurk it makes me remember those damn clannfears... and I ended up more than once beating the crap out of them with a caddle prod just to take revenge... :D
  9. Thank you again. Everything works like a charm now, I am really grateful!
  10. Hooray, it works! Thank you very much, finally some order in the chaos... :D One more question though. Which would be the best place for some additional mods like Selective Fire or Auto Aim Fix?
  11. Yeah, another loadorder question... but I am a bit lost here. I am using Marts Mutant Mod, Fallout Wanderers Edition and Weapon Mod Kits. I had to re-install Fallout 3 after my hard drive died and now I just can´t get the game to work again. What ever I try, the game crashes on startup. My problem is, that the readme of every mod suggests a different load order. There are also a couple of different compatibility patches, some come with the mods and some are provided by the FOIP and I don´t have the slightest idea which patches I should use. And if you could be provide me with a suggestion for a load order I would be very grateful. I have all DLC and the game is patched to 1.7.
  12. Ha! I searched the web for hours without finding an answer and you had the right thought at the first moment! :thanks: It turned out that it had something to do with my load order. I guess I accidently changed my load order somehow, stupid me... I unchecked everything except the Fallout3.esm and voila... the game loaded just fine. After that I compared my actual load order with a backup of the last working load order and for some reason they were different. After restoring the load order everything runs fine. Thank you! Btw, I just stumbled over your BetterSound-mod yesterday. It was the reason I fired my Fallout up again after a couple of weeks of Fallout abstinence... funny coincidence.
  13. A couple of days ago F3 just worked fine (only some random CTDs every now and then) on WinXP SP 3. And now, all of a sudden, it refuses to start. When I hit the "play" button in the games main menu I can see a black window or sometime the first picture from the slide show and then I am just back on my desktop. No error message at all. The same happens when I use FOMM. The strange thing is, that I did not change anything on my rig. No new drivers, check for viruses is negative. Usually I would just re-install the game, but I do not have my disc here. So any idea would be very appreciated.
  14. Hehe, it certainly looks so... But then again, it actually IS hard sometimes to like people in Fallout 3. The game always conveys the feeling that everyone who treats you nicely (or is at least not a complete moron) does this only because he/she wants you to do something. About Wernher... yeah, that hypocritical rat deserves a place in my "hate" list as well. All that free the slaves crap and suddenly he want you to steal a child? And then he wants to keep the system running, but only for the higher goal, or course. I am sure this scumbag read his "Dictatorship for Dummies" very carefully...
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