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  1. Oddguy sneaks up behind Ancalagon, and plunges an icicle deep into his "Godly" heart.
  2. dreugh scare the crap out of me... i dunno why, but because of them, i am utterly terrified to wander into water deeper than my knees...
  3. OddGuy


    To quote Acoran, please don't let this become a flame war of beliefs... anyway, I can't really describe love with words. I can form a picture of it in my mind, but it fades away when I attempt to express it orally... what's everybody else think?
  4. OddGuy


    I, too, am a big believer in the paranormal. I haven't had any real experiences, though.... But one time, I was at a friend's house, in his basement, and I got a really distinct vibe that there was someone or something behind me; I turned around and there wasn't.
  5. OddGuy

    The Soul

    I believe a person has a soul, a mind, and a body. Your soul is the part of you that defines who you are, what you do, what you love, what you hate. Your ind makes decisions, and you body carries around your soul and mind. Your soul is what passes on to your next identity after you die. (i believe in reincarnation) And, no, I'm not scared of death. That's not why I believe in reincarnation, or a soul. I believe in my soul, my identity, because it's what i believe in. Plus, it's fun to debate. :D
  6. uh... switch, why don't you just move it to spoilers? its a dwemer book. i think it says stuff about how to create a god, or why the dwarves disappeared, or something like that.
  7. these arent in perfect order. 1. rain man 2. ALL the star wars 3. south park: bigger, longer, and uncut 4. LOTR: fellowship and towers 5. SWAT 6. Office Space- the best movie EVER!!!!!!!!! 7. saving silverman 8. The Matrix 1 and 2 9. Monty Python and the holy grail 10. Matchstick Men
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