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About CobraJM20

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  1. Here's the reason why I hate hardcore gamers so much; they sound so much like you. You really think that your so great because you can play games a little harder? You blame little kids for ruining your fun? That every single game must become art. What a load of bs. Really? The time when enterainment products become art is when a artist uses them to convey their message, that's what art is. Sorry bub but someone had to burst your little bubble for you but BG is not art, Deus EX is not art, games (along with books, flims and other entertainment products) are not art. They only exist to entertain people, not for people to say "wow I love how it look, it's like art". BioWare creates games to entertain, Beth creates games to entertain, Bliz creates games to entertain, since when did they create art? In hundred years time, no one except fans will remember these titles and it wouldn't have made the impact that someone like Van Goth or Picasso did. But my time here is done, you'll never see gamers unite anytime soon (unless it's a new game). What did you expect when you came to the forums and started this thread, public love? I told what you need to know and you ridiculed it like trash, I gave you the reality of it son. Hope you grow thicker skin when you do come, snarky comments are really free of charge. What is art but the pure expresstion created to inspire and to entertain. Van gogh* As you put it was only reconized well after his death. Movies and games are the works of art of our generation. They are what is remembered for us. Our generation is one of almost no class or intelligence for that matter. This rant was not ment to insult but as a plea of help. Games were once great and due to the over popularity of them they are sinking into the void of s***. Your attitude is not warented nor is it wanted. I have been a gamer since I was a small child and I do not plan on stopping anytime soon. I am sure that the multitude of people who play more then just one game, can agree that games are going down a path that is quite frankly just sad. We longer see the Legand of Zeldas that everyone loved. Instead we see charcters who are about as memoriable as a walmart greeter. Games that last you not even a month and having to deal with the crap from the media and the hackers. This rant was not ment to insult nor was it ment to be against one group of people. This was directed at all of us who call ourselves gamers. The people who remember what was great about gaming the memories tied with it. I never once said I blamed little kids for this. It was directed at the consumers and the companies that supply the conusmers. The media changes the games, The companies comply and create their games, and the ill-informed consumers buy the game. It is a never ending cycle that will not stop until we ourselves do. What makes you say that games cant be great? Have we grown so complacent that this is what gamers have become? If you took this as an insult then I appologize. it was not ment as one. It was ment to incite and inspire people to learn more and think, a rare thing in this day and age, about what they buy and for who they buy it for. if the game is rated M do not give it to a kid. If the game has the playablity of a jalopy running over carrots, then do not buy it. Because if we do you are only permitting and allowing the companies to make more of such trash and the cycle begins all over again. I long for the old days of gaming as I am sure many do also. Dont take it as a negtivily taken rant, it was my opinions on how it is and what it should be. Just how you stated yours on how it will never be. I am trying to change things while you are allowing them to happen. So please do say what you will, just know that people like you are why gaming is dying.
  2. Post tried to double post. Caught it before hand.
  3. Though you make some good statements. I do not agree with parts of it. Your comment on video games not being an art. That is bull, they consist of art and a great game can be a masterpiece. I am a harcore gamer and as for they choose. No they choose in terms with what people buy. If people buy crappy games they will still make them. Consumers have control they just dont choose to exercise that. And what company shall I move on too? All of them at some point have sold out what they once were to join in the general populace. I see now that gaming will never be great until it becomes the rarity. Thats when developers need to make a good game or the "Gamers" will not buy it. We know better then that. And also, family games should be for kids etc I agree with that. But I am tired of playing a game rated M. And have to hear some 8 or 13 year old kid on the other end insulting my mother or yelling into the mic because they lost. Kids need to stick to their games and leave the rest of us alone. Gaming is for the Gamers. That is how it started and that is how it should be.
  4. When I say "soul" It is figurativly. The once great game companies have strayed to far from their roots and are making games that are not the least bit fun. And its all companies not just one. It has been a long time since a truly great game has come out. Your snide remarks do not undermine the fact that gaming is going down hill . Considering its more popular then ever the hardcore gamers are losing out due to the large gathering of families gaming now. if they want to play games there is the wii. leave the pc and xbox alone.
  5. I realize that they need to make money. But they can do so without scaraficing the soul of the game. Companies have done this in the past they sure as hell can do it in the future.
  6. What happened to the good days of gaming? The days when a game lasted you not for a week but for a year or more. A time when games were fun, now they are like a second job, between the hacking and simplicity in the games, As in the words of Jack Sparrow “Where has all the fun gone?”….Well sort of. The days of gaming might be more popular than ever. But at what cost? Did we sacrifice the soul of gaming itself? Just to make it mainstream? Gamers are more a more frequent now days. But these "casual" gamers buy the games that companies pump out. They are not fun or interesting; they are nothing but generic stories that have been done a million times before. Companies are selling themselves out to the point that. Their drive to produce great games has been completely beat out of them. Games like Halo 2 were played for years on end. And now the latest Call of Duty title or perhaps the latest Battlefield. They are the same games with different guns and characters sure. But at their base they are still the same exact game, with slightly improved game engine and nothing more. There is no innovativeness in them. And their fun wears out quickly. They are a cheap thrill. If you take a piece of s*** and put a new hat on it, you are still left with a piece of s***. Companies care for nothing more than making money now days. The voice of the true gamers is drowned out in the media and the swamp of casuals. The media caused many of controversies in games and negatively affected the entire gaming community. The old grand theft autos were great fun games that allowed for the freedom to do what you wanted. And now the extremely restrictive new installment GTAIV is playing host to a gang of Good bad guys? Whatever happened to the main characters that did what they wanted for their own gain? But no overly conservative people like Jack Thompson scare companies like rock star into producing a less gratuitous game. Or fox news with the mass effect 1 romance scenes. You can see worst things on day time TV or in a fashion magazine. But they had to blow it out of proportion and now Bioware keep the romance scene so G rated they feel like nothing more than a interaction between friends. Mass Effect 2’s romance scenes has a kiss and then a fade to black the worst one was with your crew member Miranda who had some clothed dry humping in it. Games are a fictitious affair. And if the game is rated M, maybe fox news should have been wary of the parents who brought the games for their children. ESRB does a great job branding games for certain age groups. And I think we can all agree when we play gears or halo or the. We don’t want to hear some 5 year old making insults about our mother just because he lost. A part of events that happen “because of video games” could have easily been avoided if the parents took some responsibility as a parent and payed attention to what they buy their children. Games no longer have the ultimate bosses or any satisfying battles for that matter. They don’t have the choices that we have come to expect. A good example is Fable. The original was pure genius. Evil was indeed evil and you got a satisfied feeling when you became all powerful. It seems that now days being evil are more of being an ass. Building a brothel is an evil choice in fable 3. That is not evil that is just being a**. Evil is rampaging through a town wantonly destroying and killing everyone, just so that you can buy their houses and rent them out. Evil is shooting the head off a bandit and watching the others cower in fear. And then Molyneux attempted to introduce the concept of love into it. Gaming is not about love. It is about experiencing things that you cannot in the real world and as such adding a dog and the ability to marry your Xbox live friends does not make the game better. He took away the core of fable and made it tailored to those that don’t want what fable is they only want the easy game that is extremely easily accessible. A game with no challenge is no fun it is pointless. Like walking through oblivion with god mode on allows you to plow through the game easily but you don’t really enjoy it. I realize that some would disagree with these points. But I hope that the true gamers out there. The ones that have been playing since the days of pong, and the original Nintendo would understand what I mean. We seem to have lost focus on what makes a game truly great. Games that are remembered and never forgotten. Moments when like you first turned on the PS1 and saw how “amazing” the graphics were. Playing FFVII and VIII, the truly great ones. You could at the time name every character. And now days finding someone who can remember one from the new one is next to impossible. Characters are slowly becoming so generic that you fail to even grow attached to them at all. I am sure everyone remembers the guild master in fable. “Hero your health is low do you have any potions or food”. And yet in the new fable. Can any of us remember a single line that they used? We need to regain our sight all of us. If we keep buying the crappy games they put out then they will keep making them. Why put effort into something that they know people will buy anyway. It is great to see that the Laura croft and twisted metal series and taking steps to improve on their shortcomings, making games that now only appeal to the masses but the hardcore gamers as well. The 3 great B’s Bethesda, Blizzard, and Bioware; seem to be the only ones trying to cling to their roots and keep the heart of gaming alive. So if you are a true gamer, A lover of a time when gaming was great. Then do your part and state your opinion. Let our voices be heard. Help bring us back to the golden age of gaming. We miss it dearly. And to all of those that would love to just flame this post. Realize this. Back when gaming was considered nerdy, back at the times of Mario and Zelda. We were doing exactly are you are now. Just in a much better period for the games themselves. This rant to me is well justified. As an avid gamer for many years now, it saddens me to see what has become of once great companies and game series. Add your views. Say you’re part. But for the love of god. Stop buying bad games!
  7. I spend a lot of time combining Esps into one larger file so as ot bypass the 255 limit. I just keep all partners in one file etc.
  8. I have been on this website for a few years now and Have relished to see my favorite game be turned not just better but into a entirely new experience in its self. I have active over 500 mods and I add more everyday. I have sampled mods from every genre, and catagory and keep those that I like the most. The few hundered races that I can choose from to the greatly enchanced gameply and graphics to simple visual appeal the modding community in general has made in my opinion the best and most memorable game in existence. I just wanted to thank the modders who make this community so great. Those modders that have stuff through thick and thin and in many ways produce mods that fare surpass anything that besthesdia put out. You created a game world of imagination, and kept a game running for 4 years straight. From races mods to texture mods and then some. I want to thank not only the man behind this amazing site, but those that make up the site and make this great game on of legand and may it keep going for many more years. To all of you who have had a part in this website from maybe creating mods to donating thank you all. For your work has made not just a game, not just an experience but a comunity of hundreds. Thank you so much words cannot express my thanks. I am a lifetime member and hope to see this comunity grow more and more. To all of you great modders and gamers alike lets keep this site going and say a word of thanks for those that put out the great content that is The elder scrolls Nexus! Thank you yet again keep it up for this site is one of the great ones and may it never die! Below is my current mod list as of now and I add to it everyday
  9. I am an oblivion fanatic quite frankly i have incorperated at least 250 mods of varying degress from tesnexus and recently i have tried playing the shivering isles and when i enter the roon to talk to Haskul, I cannot sit so the quest does not iniate. I cant sit at all. I've tried loading a new charater and trying but to no avail. I would love to have some help on resovling this issue.
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