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About Jdog2360

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  1. Well you are in luck sir! There is a quest that grants you the "Ring of Hircine" Do that quest and you can turn into a werewolf whenever you want ;) Let me help you find where it is in riddle format. My streets are fogged Easily described grog I have the biggest of them all What I have is not small Death is my pleasure We name buildings at leisure Its a running joke With the town folk The location of this quest Surely is not the best This place is quite sad But its really not so bad I lie within the yard Being happy is quite hard
  2. Hey, sorry if that has already been posted. I've been looking for a long time for an answer but can't find one. So essentially I have DR6 installed etc etc etc.... I know the mod is partially working because I get the combustive spell daily, and I can kick and bash and throw. However, I never seem to dismember people with my weapons. Any help with this? I don't understand if I am supposed to pick perks or something (read something about perks somewhere). I am so lost, any help would be great! Thanks!
  3. Thanks. I was looking on the TESNexus front page instead of the forums. Haha, thank you.
  4. Hey I want to change my password but I can't seem to find the place to do so. I looked through most of the preferences and stuff but I couldn't find it. Can somebody give me a walkthrough or something. Thanks :D
  5. What is the full name of MMM? Can somebody give me a link aswell.
  6. 1. Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul Basically it caps the levels of those low shitty level guys. Rats arent going to be level 20 anymore. It also adds static enemy spawns all over Cyrodil. This will make the game challenging in some instances, you won't be wanting to wander into the wilderness unarmed, you would most likely die. 2. Deadly Reflexes, this will add a level of intensity to Oblivion with unique combat moves, finishers, cutting of peopels heads, cutting off their wrists, etc... 3. All Plus 5 Attributes or something like that basically removes the complications of the Oblivion leveling system. Instead of getting +1 +2 +3 +4 or +5 you always get plus 5 for an attribute that you leveld a skill that it governs. To make it seem as though I am not as strong I ticked the difficulty slider 10-15 spaces to the right. Although you may want to not do this since you might install OOO and Deadly Reflexes. 4. Theives aresenal adds a new level of playability and uniqueness into oblivion. Ever felt like distracting a gaurd with a noise only for him to be knocked out by a special gas? Get this. 5. Vaults of Cyrodil is the perfect companion to Theives Arsenal. It adds vaults to every castle in cyrodil and every store in the IC. It is impossible to lockpick the vault doors, you need a key you pickpocket from the Vault Gaurd and you CAN get a disguise for that specific cities vault. You may want to decrease the difficulty with Deadly Reflexes AND OOO installed. Although you may not if you install the +5 attributes as well.
  7. Hey can somebody give me the link to the MOST POPULAR colored map. I was looking through them but I want to make sure I am getting the best one. (Most Downloads)
  8. Download these mods. Vaults of Cyrodil Theives Arsenal AllPlus5Attributes Then Set the difficulty slider 10 ticks to the right. Create a Theif character with... Security Sneak Acrobatics Athletics Marksman Blade Light Armor Favors Agilty Endurance Your set to go.
  9. Alright thanks. So this is it. 1. Go to OBMM and change the load order. 2. Exit out of OBMM. 3. Launch Oblivion through OBSE. Can somebody confirm each step and give me specifics on setting the load order? I played around with it for a bit. Basically I know you can move the .esp's up and down in the order, but do I need to click any button to set that order?
  10. Yeah that would be cool, I guess. Although I do enjoy the flexibility in Oblivion. If you want to, you can go from a Warrior to an Archer in a snap. I that seems like it takes away from the game, and doesn't add :D
  11. Is there a mod that increases the amount of enemies (Marauders, bandits, trolls, etc...) in the wilderness and on roads?
  12. Alright, basically this is a thread to talk about what may or may not appear in the newest Elder Scrolls which I hope will be released some time in 2010. Bethesda must have looked at a plethora of mods posted around the web and taken into account what players want and enjoy. I am greatly looking forward to an improved combat system similar to the "Deadly Reflexes" mod. 1. Better melee combat system. 2. More spells that are unique and do more damage than the current ones. (Keep the minor to superior though, it keeps things organised) 3. Bow and arrows can pin ragdolls to walls. (That would be very fun) 4. Possible Blood and Gore settings. 5. Decapitations, etc.... 6. A broader storyline to the Dark Brotherhood quest line. 7. More unique characters and quests. (e.g the dark brotherhood quest were you have to kill the guy with the boars head) 8. Unique dialouge and enviroments. Add your own.
  13. About OBMM.... On the left side is the load order, correct? Whatever is at the top is loaded first and the bottom is loaded last? Next, how do I use OBSE with OBMM? Do I launch OBMM, set the load order, exit out, then start up OBSE?
  14. Alright, thanks everybody for your help. I can't wait to try out Theives Arsenal and Deadly Reflexes. Haha, off to do everything. Don't leave though I may have a few more questions. :D EDIT: About OBMM.... On the left side is the load order, correct? Whatever is at the top is loaded first and the bottom is loaded last? Next, how do I use OBSE with OBMM? Do I launch OBMM, set the load order, exit out, then start up OBSE?
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