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Posts posted by khotus

  1. Even if there was a way to get it past 255, 324 would be max you could raise it to. Only have 2 digits in hex for load order, so 18 digits * 18 digits = 324. After that there would be no way to assign load order. Since it is set at 255 instead of 324 I would guess it is a hard-coded limit Bethesda put in for some kind of buffer reason. Or just to help maintain some kind of stability for the game. After 250 mods your talking serious chances for compatibility issues, bugs, crashes, and just plain system instability and lag.
  2. @mewmew34 I went through and got the mesh to work right, so I made a Silver Emerald ring. Was actually kinda easy so I will be making more combos for rings and circlets as I get time. Here's the link for the mod More Jewelry Combinations . Keep an eye on it for when I get more added.


    @thefinn there is a mod that adds some really nice circlets without stones here KDcirclets full. Some have stones but some don't and they all look really nice.

  3. I forget which video I used for the base on what to do, I think it was one for making non-replacer weapon, but the idea is the same. There are some for armor pieces to, which might be better since that is basically what jewelry is. I don't think the videos explain though that you need your textures, and if new one are used meshes, in a folder in your data folder. When you set the item up in the CK you assign them to the item so they need to be there to have the correct path. Then when you set up your archive(zip,7z,rar) you need to include them in the same folder tree along with your esp file.


    Simplest way is to find the item you are retexturing, duplicate it, and then edit the dupe to your item. Then it wont replace the original. Then do the same with the crafting and tempering recipes and it will be craftable. But do both or you won't be able to temper(upgrade at workbench/grindstone).


    I did that with Auriel's bow, and made it into a craftable, enchantable bow with better speed, but the original is still in the quest with the original enchant. Made a nice retexture of steel arrows to go with it in silver and blue, since they were made to go with the Silverlight armor mod from here on the nexus.


    If you have any trouble finding what you're looking for hit me back here and I will try to find the video I used and reply with the link.


    Ok so after looking at the meshes and textures, rings and amulets do it kinda backwards. The patterns are still done in the textures but the coloring is actually done on the mesh itself. To get the combos you want, will have to actually copy the mesh files and recolor each one individually. Then use the new mesh to create the item in the CK. Which I finally got mine running again after the 1.8 patch. And all this has gotten intrigued (aka i refuse to let it beat me) So I am gonna see what I can do about making a Silver Emerald ring, just to see if I can.

  4. Those are pretty sweet. Will have to try them out. But I was thinking more along the lines of an actual crown or circlet that was dark and menacing. Ya know with like skulls or wolves, maybe even a dark colored dragon. But something that is actual armor piece and would qualify for the armor perks.
  5. Making the new pieces in the CK should be easy enough for you to do on your own. All you really need is a modified texture. Grab a dds plug-in for gimp2 and recolor away. You can use FOMM to unpack the original textures from the bsa.


    I'm working on a personal customization of Leveler's tower atm, but if you run into issues drop me a PM and I can try to help.

  6. I love some of the evil themed armor and home mods out there. Namely the Dark Tower, and Dread (female lich king) armor. But for all the cool helmets and circlets that are out there, none of them really go well with an evil themed character. And I spent about 15 mins sculpting my avatars face and have Apachii's skyhair so I want an open face head piece that shows the hair. So to any Meshers out there, please make or convert an awesome "evil" circlet. I am willing to try and help texture it to the best of my limited ability, but I have no idea how to make meshes.
  7. I am having the same issue as OP. Got the 2 lines in the ini file changed to include dawnguard.bsa but any attempt to load Dawnguard or even just Update.bsa seems to crash the CK. Game runs fine, just the CK affected. Can load other external mods like dragonbone weapons just fine. Any ides what I should do.
  8. I'm playing same as you, mainly a stealthy archer, and Aela has been a good companion. She doesn't push to bad and she will use a bow instead of just going melee. Not to mention she is an archery trainer up to 75, as well as a possible wife.


    LOL yes I have her as my wife, so she really seems to be the boss, since she gives me my allowence (my half from her marrige shop), even though I'm now Harbinger of the Companions she is one that gives me jobs to do.

  9. If you use the TIM code and get killing move done on you, such as decapitation you have to reload anyway. Other wise you're character is glitched. In the case of decapitation,your head comes off every time you go to use another object like an anvil or horse. That is provided you find a way, like the sexchange code entered twice, to get your head back on in the first place. But that brings up issues on it's own, especially if done during a time you are a werewolf. In such an instance I tried the Showracemenu code and it glitched me even further by not allowing me to complete the cure for werewolf quest. This does not happen with the TGM code but then your mana, magicka, stamina, arrow count, and item changes don't get depleted either.


    I don't think either of these is a solution to what the OP is asking for. He would be better off finding a way to flag himself as essential. I know you can do it for NPCs but I don't know about PC.

  10. I'm having the same problem, turned on IM just to get through a really nasty bit in the companions quest chain and got decapitated. Didn't notice the glitch till after all my other saves had been overwritten.


    This is already my second game cuz my 1st one got glitched up to. Some kind of ring effect issue. So I really dont want to start over AGAIN.


    Tried help in the console for decapitated, actor, head, anything I could think of to find the flag to no avail. Any help would be MUCH appreciated.

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