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About ciaphus

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    Fallout 4, God Of War (the best one), Persona 5, SAO Fatal Bullet, SAO Hollow and SAO Lost Song (playing all). Far Cry 5. Tera (of all things).
  • Favourite Game
    Final Fantasy Series Excluding 1, 2 mystic Quest, 11, 14

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  1. Likely when the TES construction set came out people explored the information data base and found it. Also there is the console of which you can do a limited amount of poking around. There are many ways to accidentally find something as well, I've discovered things by kicking them and noticed they had a strange name instead of "yet another clutter amulet". Easter Eggs are oft hidden that way. For example the corpse in the water above Fort Nikel has nary a mention in the game (and has a rather lore breaking name). However there it is, floating. Unless you walk across it you would be wholly unaware it was there.
  2. Excellent addition hopefully people will make use of this, it's very difficult to know if you have the correct version of a mod without proper version control. I hope this encourages people to upload there mods more without fear of 'figuring out how to manage the uploads with the correct version and patches'
  3. I have no_script to prevent scripting from killing my system and I am running "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13". Noscript version and flash block It appears an advertiser is injecting flash objects into the download system such that you much watch some movie advertisement first. <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function onMediaEnd(){ toggle_visibility('precontent_ad'); toggle_visibility('content_wrapper');} function toggle_visibility(id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); if(e.style.display == 'none') e.style.display = 'block'; else e.style.display = 'none'; } //--> </script> The advertisement for the movie appears to be overriding everything else in the pop up window. Since I've got outside site script execution disabled no download links appear etc. I think it might actually override everything in the entire body of the popup. Trying to force people to watch some advertisement video before you can do anything. I was able to eventually get it to work but I had so much locked down I don't believe the swf they were attempting to run ever got anywhere. The internet has turned rather savage these days.
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