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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. I defineitly agree about multiple levels of coinage... It doesn't make sense to spend a gold coin on small common things like food and tools and crappy weapons. I think gold should be rare and only used for large purchaces, everything else could be bought with a common coin like copper or bronze.
  2. I don't care if they include nudity, I just hope that it doesn't look anything like vanilla oblivion underwear... For immersive reasons it would be cool to have undergarments that are not perminatly attached and with some variety, If they have some sort of comfort bonus or something that would be cool..
  3. Well I won't be completely disappointed if there are interior cells separated by teleporting doors but if not and they are loaded the exterior cells I can't wait for actual realistic windows. The immersion boost would make me a very happy man.
  4. Ok so I was reading the topic about invironment destruction and burning down towns. Someone suggested that having houses and such burn down would require interiors to be handled differently and it got me thinking... At E3 we saw some clips from the 30 min demo being shown in private. The video cuts right before entering the cave which had openings to the exterior in the ceiling allowing light to enter, then right as he was following the water, which he said is used to guide the player out of dungeons, you can see a large opening to what could be outside once again the video cuts before we get to see. Could this be evidence that there will be no loading screens to enter interiors? Like I said this is all speculation but I can't help but be excited by the possibility... Anyone else have any counter arguements or other proof supported by ingame footage or ligitimate quotes by devs?
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