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  1. Ok, despite my sleep deprived state, and the fact that it took awhile for me to stay awake long enough. It's finally uploaded. If you find yourself confused, then just PM me and I will be more than happy to try to assist you. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20167/?
  2. Not to revive a necro'd thread, but I thought I would put my own two cents in as far as how to make this happen. I will show you the easiest way, which is a method that I accidentally stumbled on, and works very well. -Drag and drop whatever object you want. (doors, chest, whatever. In this example I will use doors.) -Drag and drop any terminal you want to use. -Give the door a unique ID reference. Something you will remember. For example: DoorBumRushRef01 -Press CTRL-D and make as many copies of that door as you want. If you want, say, a seperate door to close and lock when the other doors are activated, then just copy and give that door its own reference ID. Again, make sure it's something you will recall later on. -Double click on the terminal, edit its base, and give it its own unique ID. -Under item text, create two new texts. Name one open, and the other shut. -Put whatever message you want into the result text. -Make sure you put a check in the box for force redraw for both of the choices. -Copy and paste the following code into the Item Result Script box: ref myLink set myLink to getLinkedRef myLink.unlock ExampleMainDoorRef01.setOpenState 0 ExampleMainDoorRef01.lock DoorBumRushRef01.setOpenState 1 forceTerminalBack -With that done, double click on each of the doors, and look for the Linked Ref tab. Set the link for each individual door for the terminal. -Now, this may sound weird, but it works, especially if you already have the extra door itself linked to a totally seperate terminal. Do the same with the terminal you just linked all those other doors to, and have that terminal linked to the door you want to close behind the player. It may seem like a lot of work, but given that even with scripting you still have to link the items via reference in order for them to work properly. In either case, it's the best I can do via an explanation. I will upload my unfinished mod that uses this self same example. When in game, since the door and terminal are both set to very hard for their levels, I will place the password for the terminals on the generator outside of the main door in the service tunnel if you want to download it, and get a better idea in case I botched this. Geting no sleep sucks... The file will be titled: APPrototype.esp.
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