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Everything posted by Jerros

  1. I posted this in general Mod talk but I thought I should post here as well. I'm currently looking for someone that can help create a quest module for Lost Paladins. I'm not skilled enough in that area myself and would welcome any help or team up for such a project. If interested, you can hit me up here or send a PM. Thanks.
  2. I'm actively looking for someone to team up with who is skilled in creating quest mods. This is for my Lost Paladins armor mod. I've always wanted the armor to have a nice quest however, I've not messed with creating quest. I dabbled a little but I'm very much a noob when it comes to that so I'd much rather find someone far more skilled in this than myself. The artwork and the story are my specialty. There are 2 books I created that give some historical backdrop about the armor. So there is a foundation to build from. If anyone is interested in teaming up or helping with this, please send me a PM.
  3. EDIT: Ok so I got the compiler to finally work. Now I just need to figure out how to add both left and right arms and legs for the armors.
  4. Your other thread was responded too, Mr. Jerros. PAs may be a harder place to start given it has a palette and you don't just take a uv map and go into photoshop and copy and past some camo on it. Good luck though, and welcome, there's more tutorials now here than 2 months ago for sure. Well, I should clarify. Not my first time retexturing or modding. Just my first retexturing in FO4. The textures are nearly finished and have been tested in the game. I can add them as replacers but thats not what I want to do. I am however, looking into creating the standalone version but thanks for the response. Looking into the tutorials thanks.
  5. So I've decided to give the Paintjobs compiler a go since I'm doing several and will be adding more as I go. So far I have 2 for X-01 and all other have 1. However I plan on adding more once I get some illustrations completed. The compiler does seem a little complicated but I'm thinking thats going to be my best option. I miss the old days from Skyrim when doing textures was so much easier. then again, there was/is the construction kit which helped tremendously. Will be so glad once they release it for FO4.
  6. Ok, sounds good. I'll let you know for sure.
  7. Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. Hopefully I can get this figured out. You are a life saver my friend!
  8. Working on a PA texture mod. Just need to find a good tutorial on how to make them standalone. No idea how to go about it since this is my first retexturing for FO4.
  9. So I've finally started doing a paintjob retexture for all the PAs but I have no idea how to make them Standalone. Any info or a general tutorial would be great. I've not found any specific info as of yet. Thought I'd check here with the pros that are already doing this. My textures are almost done and I have been able to view them in game as replacers, but the main goal would be to have them as complete standalone paints. Again, any info or any sort of tutorial would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Same thing with a new game. Mods disabled. No going to Cambridge now
  11. Before the new patch I could play for hours, now if I get anywhere near certain areas I CTD immediately. Cambridge Police Station is one of the places for example. Anyone know if it's possible to roll back out of this mess? I was enjoying the game and it seemed much more stable pre patch. Now it's annoying anticipating the next CTD.
  12. In response to post #24580299. #24580459, #24580464 are all replies on the same post. I'm a mod author and I refuse to participate in this. This was not why I started modding but looks like a good time to retire from it. Sad day indeed.
  13. Hello all, I'm currently looking for someone who is seasoned at dungeon creation to team up with for an updated version of my mod. I currently have an armor mod called Lost Paladins of the Divines and am looking looking for someone who can build a dungeon. I am planning a quest to retrieve the armor but I have little to no experience in dungeon creation. If anyone is interested in a collaboration pm me and I will give further details of the project. The armor has been updated and you can find the early craftable verson on the Nexus if interested. Thanks for your time and hope to work with someone soon.
  14. I'm having the same issue and there seems to be no answers.
  15. Hi all. I am still very new to scripting and was wanting to know the script or condition for starting a quest only after a previous related quest has been completed. What I have planned exactly is to have a prologue quest be completed first then the main quest would start shortly after once the new npc was met. But I was wondering how to set a script or condition to only allow the main quest to be started if the prologue has been completed. I have both quest pretty much working but I don't want it so that folks can bypass the prologue and start the main quest on happenstance. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  16. I'm currently looking for a fellow modder good at quest construction. My hope is to have a quest for my armor mod if I can find someone more skilled in this area with the creation kit. If anyone is interested please IM me. The armor mod is Lost Paladins of the Divnes Wrath Armor here on the nexus. Any help would be great for this project. Thanks in advance.
  17. Greetings all. I'm trying to add a new 2hand sword to a mod I have on the nexus but the issue is that I can't find any good tutorials on creating blood effect meshes for the sword. The one video I did find on youtube seems more for advanced users of 3DSmax. He uses a lot of key shortcuts and settings unfamiliar to any novice such as myself. I;m still learning my way around the program but any help with a good beginners tutorial on creating the blood effects for swords would be great. Thanks in advance.
  18. Hehe, thanks Valdosa, any help would be great. if you remember anything please pass it on. I've been wrestling with this all day it seems. Ok, trying that now.
  19. Wow, not to sound ungrateful for a response but the pics arent intented as glamour shots and no need to come with an attitude. As for telling one thing I did right, as I stated, I am new to 3DS max. I can write a full description of all I did but that was intended for someone interested in firstly lending a helping hand. But if it will help, I imported the file into 3DS max. Once there I then imported the armor to do the designwork. I then made the emblem an editable mesh. Once that was done I proceeded to skinwrap it. Added a smooth first then the skinwrap. Once that was done I added the BSdismember. After that was done to all emblems added I exported the armor and emblems without any issue. I then openned them up in nifskope and everything looks fine. I hadnt done anything to fix the textures, I just tried testing it in game to make sure the mesh itself showed up. Every emblem was invisible. I then started fixing the textures with the proper BSlighting setting that wasnting broken. The armor textures work just fine but the emblems still did not show up. That is the extent as to what I did. Again, keep in mind I am no a professional at 3DS max so try to be a little less judgemental. I am only asking for a little help from those that are more knowlegable. If people are unwilling to help a fellow modder then so be it but no need to get rude about it.
  20. Currently I've been working on an update to my LPotD paladin armor. I did some work in 3DS max and for the most part the armor came out quite nice. Problem is, I'm not an expert at it. To be honest I only recently have been working in 3DS max. I can export the armor fine but when I try to test it ingame the new additions do not show up at all. I can see them perfectly fine in nifskope but in the game they are completely invisible. And yes, I changed the BSlightingproperties in nifskope with ones that were not broken. I have tried all I know to fix it but I'm sure I'm probably just missing something. I looking for someone with more expertise to help me get this armor out to the community. Heres a couple screens of the changes. What I did was added mesh based emblems instead of them being just 2d parts of the texture. I can even send the files if you think you are someone that can fix this issue. I mainly just want the update to see the light of day. Once I can get the armor working I will rework the textures accordingly. Full cred to anyone willing to lend a hand in this and big thanks in advance. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/images/103363-1345839209.jpg http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/images/103363-1345839430.jpg Any help would be monumentally appreciated.
  21. Hey guys, anyone available thats good at editing armor meshes? I just need one small alteration So that i can release V2 of the mod. I'm looking to update a paladin helmet with the dawnguard closed helm. All the texture work is almost done. All I need now is to find someone that could add the wings to the helm that are on the previous versions. Any help from a fellow modder would be greatly appreciated. Heres a screenshot of what I have in mind. Just need the wings to be added to the right helm same as they are on the left. :) http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/images/103363-1345154748.jpg Message me if interested in helping. Thanks in advance.
  22. Greetings all modders. I am currently considering doing a mod for Skyrim that involves bringing back Lost Paladins of the Divines. I have done some retexture work on a couple armor sets so far but I was wanting to see if I could retext the old Lost Paladins armor from Oblivion. Not sure if those sets are portable but if so I would ask if theres anyone willing to help with this mod. It would be greatly appreciated. The reason I think the armor may still look halfway decent for Skyrim is because at the time we did LPotD we completely reworked all the meshes from the old Beth models. Everything turned out very nice so I am now wondering if it could in deed translate over to skyrim with new grittier textures. I've recieved several request about this and have decided to give it a shot. That is of course if I can find someone skilled enough to transport the armor over to Skyrim. If this is at all possible and any fellow modder is willing to give me a hand in this it would be greatly appreciated. Just contact me here by mail/message. Thanks in advance. Oh and heres a link to the armor so that you can see what Im talking about. Lost Paladins of the Divines
  23. I noticed whenever I use the HD snow textures I keep getting this: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/images/103363-1344953104.jpg http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/images/103363-1344953244.jpg Anyone have any idea whats causing this and or how to fix it? All other HD textures work perfectly with no issues what so ever. All but the snow. Any help would be great.
  24. Sure, that would be great.
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