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Posts posted by SKYPSX

  1. I'm trying to modify the speed of the killcam to slow them down.

    What is the value that defines the speed of killcam on skyrim.ini?

    Some of these?

    1. [VATS]
    2. fVATSRangedLongDistance=2500.000000
    3. fVATSRangedPercentMin=50.000000
    4. fVATSRangedTargetLowLevelMult=0.300000
    5. fVATSRangedPercentTargetNoThreat=10.000000
    6. fVATSRangedPercentSneakKill=20.000000
    7. fVATSRangedLowHealthPercent=5.000000
    8. bVatsDebug=0
    9. fVATSCastingAfterKillDelay=1.200000
    10. fVATSKillMoveEnd=4.000000
    11. fVatsLightColorB=1.000000
    12. fVatsLightColorG=1.000000
    13. fVatsLightColorR=1.000000
    14. fVATSLightElevation=100.000000
    15. fVATSLightDistance=100.000000
    16. fVATSLightAngle=0.000000
    17. fVATSLightLevelMax=40.000000
    18. fVATSLightLevelMin=20.000000
    19. bVATSRangedSelective=1
    20. bVATSIgnoreProjectileTest=0
    21. bVATSAllowNoKill=0
    22. bVATSMultipleCombatants=0
    23. bVATSForceRanged=0
    24. bVATSDisable=0
    25. fVATSFocus=3.200000
    26. bVATSSmartCameraCheckDebug=0

    While there may be a better way to do this, you could try this tutorial on the CK Wiki, since it does something pretty similar to what you want. Then, you change the monitor script to something like this:

    Scriptname MonitorScript extends ActiveMagicEffect  
    Actor Property PlayerREF Auto
    Actor MySelf
    Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
            MySelf = akTarget
    Event OnUpdate()
    Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    Event OnDeath(Actor AkKiller)
         If AkKiller == PlayerREF
              PlayerREF.RestoreAV(10); set 10 to however much you want to restore the player's health

    The issue is I'm not sure if OnDeath works in an ActiveMagicEffect script (I don't think it does...), and there's no way to tell the script - that I know of - that MySelf is the one who died. Since the script isn't attached to the person who died, I'm not sure how I would go about doing this. The script might end up looking something like the above script though. I haven't worked with Dynamically Attaching Scripts a bunch, so I might be entirely wrong.

    Thank you very much. I'll try. When I get it I will post in Nexus.

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