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Posts posted by Maigrets

  1. I am not a professional. These forums are not meant for professionals. We are not professors of political science either. Saying that I can't make a argument simply due to not being a doctor makes no sense. Personal experience is not a solid standing point for your argument either.


    I'm not a professional either, but I also don't claim to know more than the real professionals about true cause and effect in any field, so why, according to you, is personal experience also of no value. Personal in what actually happened to me and my 30 plus year nursing career where I learned a lot through observation and listening to people as much as hands on experience.


    I never said you can't make an argument either, but you have no basis for one when you put forward ideas without facts when there are plenty of them, for and against just about anything. You are as capable as I am of searching Google for information. The main fact is that even the professionals know very little about the brain and it's functions as far as mental health compared to what they actually do know.

  2. I said that medicine is sometimes needs for mental illnesses and depression.


    I understand that some cases of depression will need outside sources to help it.


    You do rarely NEED pills from pharmaceutical companies though. There are other ways to get the substances in the pills.


    I don't quit understand what your trying to say.


    I did read your other posts marhath, and the rest of the topic. I read the debates section nearly every day actually.


    You are making a statement about the need for medication with nothing to back it up. That's what I meant about speaking from experience or what you may have heard from someone else. What do you actually know about depression and how it's treated?


    You contradict yourself when you say this after you say you recognize the need for medicines and outside help.

    You do rarely NEED pills from pharmaceutical companies though. There are other ways to get the substances in the pills.


    The main question I have is how do you know someone rarely needs pills from pharmaceutical companies? Isn't that up to a psychologist or psychiatrist to determine, especially in the acute stages? And more importantly since most of these drugs, but not all, are synthetic, what are the other ways to get the substances in the pills?


    There are natural treatments like St John's Wort, but in an acute state where a person may be contemplating suicide that is never going to work. Herbal remedies can take many weeks to have an effect which is fine if the person is not a danger to themselves, but there is a place and necessity, as I said in my previous post, for medications in a short term crisis situation.


    Just because a product or treatment is a so called "natural" remedy doesn't mean it's harmless or better either. Many herbal and other homeopathic treatments can be dangerous if used incorrectly, just as pills from a drug company can be. Even certain vitamins taken incorrectly in huge doses can cause severe problems.


    People are often under a misconception that "natural" must be safer. Sometimes it is if used properly, but many people are poisoned by natural remedies as much as synthetic ones. Many pills made by drug companies to treat other health problems like heart disease for example, are actually derived from plants and other substances, so they are not all synthetic.


    Unfortunately, mental health problems are escalating world wide so some kind of better solution needs to be found, but I have no idea what that would be. I would say education and more funding to mental health research etc, but that doesn't stop the causes which are often physical and unavoidable. Like chemical and hormonal imbalances and genetics.

  3. Some people take medicine for depression, but I'd always thought that people should learn to cope with things, in a manner that suits them. I think drugs only mask things and whenever they come off of those drugs, then their problems will still be there.


    I didn't read the rest of the thread - I stopped right here.


    Clearly you have never experienced true Clinical Depression. I have. Fortunately, my case was only a mild one and I was able to more-or-less pull myself out of it by talking with my wife and GP, and I managed to avoid medication.


    This is a subject that is very close to me, given I've had first-hand experience with it.


    Clinical Depression has been demonstrated to stem from a chemical imbalance in the brain that affects the mood centers and depresses your state of mind. Therefore, in some cases, medication may be necessary to address and correct the imbalances.


    When you start crying for no apparent reason, when everything around you is positive and hopeful - you may be suffering from Depression.


    When you dread getting behind the wheel of a car because you know that you might actually give serious thought to yanking the wheel and driving into a tree and ending it all - you may be suffering from Depression.


    When you know that the only thing that stopped you from killing yourself is your own instinct of self-preservation - you may be suffering from Depression.


    When you can laugh and joke and enjoy life when friends are present, but the second they go your good mood goes with it and you start to cry again - you may be suffering from Depression.


    Don't tell me that you can simply "get over it", or "grow up", or "learn to cope with things". You never really do. All you can do is learn how to manage your Depression better. In my experience - once Depression gets you, it never lets go. Only the degree of mood swings change.


    Sorry, kvnchrist, this time I believe you don't have any idea what you're talking about - that's what your OP tells me.



    Thank you Sync182 for your clear and precise description of Clinical Depression. Until one experiences it themselves or cares for someone who suffers from it, no-one can say they understand how it feels. It's not the same thing as feeling sad when you've lost a loved one, suffer a job loss or a myriad of other misfortunes, Although grief can be debilitating, it usually fades and with a good support base the person is able to return to a normal life. Although there are people who can go from grief and sadness to be diagnosed with Clinical Depression, they would usually have been predisposed to it anyway.


    I'm not going into my personal history on an open forum, but I will say I have experienced all of the symptoms mentioned in your post and worse. I worked in the medical profession, yet I refused to take meds because they can often create more problems than they fix, mask symptoms and have severe side effects. However, in the short term they are very often an absolute necessity.


    Not everyone is strong enough to "keep their mental head above water" or has family or friends or some kind of support system without medications. I do agree that doctors often hand out pills as an easy solution and besides incentives from drug companies it's very often because the general practitioner has no real understanding and training in mental health issues.


    Once a crisis with true Clinical Depression passes there are a number of things one can try to fend it off as already mentioned, like temporary meditation, talking to a psychologist, St John's Wort (which in clinical trials has been found to help) and other preventative measures, some of which work and some that don't. When these don't work it's not because the person is lazy or lacking in imagination or unmotivated. It's a real disease.


    But it never goes away. Anyone who suffers it can usually recognize the symptoms unless it's progressed too far, and these symptoms can vary in degree from one day to the next. It also can lead to ill health from poor diet, lack of sleep, and many other problems if untreated, or at least stabilized.


    A few years ago The World Health Organization declared Depression to be one of the worst health problem we face today and estimates by the year 2020 will be the second leading cause of disease in the Western world. The only link for the WHO I can find is a pdf document which is probably not a good idea to post.


    This article from 2009 is still relevant and calls depression the Silent Epidemic. A very good and apt description.



    @ marharth and kvnchrist,

    You both really have no idea. I would suggest you do some reading on depression and other associated mental health issues and their treatment.


    I just don't like seeing a society that becoming entirely reliant on medicine to fix all of their problems. It is starting to get to the point of abuse for some.


    I am sure some people will need to have medicine to treat depression, but as I said there are other ways to get the substances within the pills that can help greatly.



    Are you speaking from experience or hearsay? Besides over reliance on psych medications for mental illness, there are many other abuses of prescribed medicines. For example over use of antibiotics which have led to resistant bacteria and super bugs among other things.


    Some people also pressure their doctors because thy don't feel they get their money's worth without a prescription. The doctor can of course refuse, but then there's litigation and all sorts of other issues. Mental health is a very complex field and has had stigma attached to it since ...well forever.

  4. I rarely use omods except for really big mods. I install almost everything else manually, so I'm not really sure. But I think if you made an omod with the first version which was only an esp and no other files, you should be able to deactivate it and then activate the new omod and continue.


    Since both esps have the same name and content as far as scripts etc, you should be OK and the game won't know the difference. The only changes are where I selected the new meshes and textures, but the game won't register that as a different esp. It works that way manually so it should with an omod.


    Otherwise, if you find you don't have him after this you'll have to deactivate the new omod and make a clean save. Then reactivate the new omod and find him again to be sure there are no duplicates.


    I'm glad you like him. :)

  5. If you are happy to have a mountain lion companion without menus there's my Sher Ja here:



    All the details are in the Readme, but he will sneak with you and you can summon him, tell him to follow and wait by activation, has good AI and a small quest to find him.


    My Creature Companion Tutorial is also at the link at the bottom of the Readme where it says Contact Info and support. It's also at TES Alliance and a couple of other places.


    EDIT: Sher Ja uses the vanilla lion files, but you can get a custom one using meshes and textures from other creature mods.

  6. If you are adding the music to an item like the ring you need an "onEquip player" and "onUnequip player"block and it needs to be an Object script.


    Something like this script I used to add a spell to the player via a ring when equipped and removing the spell when the ring is unequipped. That's assuming you want to the music to stop when you remove the ring, or if you intend to remove it at all when playing.


    scn AAPlayerGhostScript
    short doonce
    begin onEquip player
       if doonce == 0
           player.addspell AASoulThief
           set doonce to 1
    begin onUnequip player
       if doonce == 1
          player.removespell AASoulThief
           message "The Essence of Spirit Unity has been removed."
           set doonce to 0


    Have you created the music to be played in the CS under Misc\Sounds? You need to do that before you can create the script so you have it's ID to add to the script. You can't add a line to play from your data folder like this "StreamMusic "Data\Music\Ring\lotr.mp3." The music file must exist in the CS first and also in data\Sound\fx\YourModName.



    The CS Wiki seems to be down at the moment :wallbash: otherwise I would check for the correct commands for streaming music, and I can't find it anywhere else with a quick search. You won't need the message part in my script.


    I suggest when the Wiki is available again to check "StreamMusic" and PlaySound3D for the correct way to start and stop it. With streaming music I don't think it will stop when unequipping the ring, but I'm not sure without being able to check. Besides that you may need a timer so it doesn't stop playing while the ring is equipped.


    This is the Wiki link for when it's back:



    There's also this page at TES Alliance which should help with adding sounds to item scripts, but I think streaming music commands may be slightly different.



    Anyway, I hope that helps a bit and hasn't confused the issue. :smile:

  7. If you've seen a ban on "spurious" grounds, than you should ask a staff member about it via PM in a respectful tone, and you will get a respectful reply.

    EDIT: And I forgot to mention...I thought the PM system was a "private" area for people to communicate. Unless there is a reason for someone to report another or Rules are broken via abuse etc, how can it be dictated what is said between consenting adults or even non adults. It's not really private then.


    Oh so if you want to abuse someone via PM that's just your business?


    If that's not your point I don't what it is, because you cannot be banned for "sharing" via PM, as we've stated over and over. But if that's your business, don't mention it in the forums. Simply PM the person, what is so hard about that?


    As far as being "impartial" I've always felt that "blind justice" is not justice. All people have off days, even moderators.


    I've always enjoyed your company, but I don't think your argument is fair. The site has grown since the "good old days". No matter what we do, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't so I will put my own head down and keep doing the best I can to listen before I act. If you think I made a bad decision, then by all means, bring it up to me and I will hear it out, but not if you're going to call me names. That's where I draw the line.


    Rabbit, when we look at posting history, time is a good thing, a member of long standing with no problems is not going to get an immediate ban for less than suddenly advocating piracy or intentionally uploading copyright materials, things I'd guess you're safe from doing. Come on, your fear seems a bit exaggerated--to me--just a little bit? Coupled with the sarcasm, it appears to me to be attached to an agenda. Just sayin'.


    I don't think I need to see a screencap of a ban post. I'm trying to figure out why it matters that the moderator read the person's blog, I'm certain the person getting the boot was getting it with or without the blog and sometimes the staffmember has a parting shot. That has been true for as long as I've been a member, the staff have personalities too. It sounds like the point was that the troll was trolling on their blog as well as here. So where's the injustice?


    I reserve the right to cut anyone slack whenever I think I want to.




    I never said anything about abusing people being right and I certainly have no intention of doing it. It's been done to me and it's very unpleasant so why would I abuse someone else? What I did say was aside from abuse and breaking the Rules which rightfully should be reported and not tolerated, people should be able to have a conversation, share photos or files or their phone number with friends or whatever they wish in "private." If it's not private what is the point of calling it Private Messenger?


    Please check what Dark0ne himself said about sharing files via PM on the 14th of this month where he stated it would definitely not be allowed. There seem to be mixed messages regarding the issue. How would anyone know unless one of the parties either requesting a mod, supplying it or providing a link reported it if it's supposed to be a secure private messaging system. If they were one of the people requesting a ripped mod they would be a bit silly to report it after getting the file or a link I would have thought.


    Unfortunately, since PM's are supposed to be private there's no way to know if people are sharing other illegal or suspect files or information either unless someone finds out accidentally or one of the parties reports it. That applies to piracy as well as ripped mods and who knows what other things people share.


    I never called you names either myrmaad, and I don't know where you got that idea. My post had nothing to do with you or your actions.



    You're quite correct. I guess it is two faced to criticize a site I "used" to like and was a very big part of my online life because I don't particularly like some of the changes that have been made. I say "used" to like because it's not the friendly open place it was. If I were to criticize you, the site or it's moderators and members elsewhere and if action was taken against me here because of it then it proves a point that there's no privacy or free speech on the Net which we all know is the case anyway. However, to ban or chastize someone because of it is pretty thin skinned if that's their only crime.


    To me this smacks of our openness and willingness to air our dirty laundry by publicising the bans we make coming back to haunt us. If we were to make the ban forums private, just for staff use, I'm pretty sure half of you wouldn't be here talking about this. Do you take a look at all the ban threads and worry for your own accounts? Because that's just silly!


    Why do normal members even have to know who gets banned and why? Is it anyone else's business really? It's like a shame and blame thread which I do admit to reading, so I'm not blameless either. If one reason is to show how many people are silly enough to ask about piracy or are trolling etc, it doesn't make any difference as it still happens. And, no, I'm not worried about my account. If it's forfeit because of my actions at any time, that's my fault. I assume.

  8. Perhaps not a NEW rule but certainly one that was not enforced to any degree. I think the main issue is going to be this...no one has the time to moderate that place...and the ones that get looked at will be the reported one (and I agree with Eiries on this one about the anger/vengeance reports as I think it may have happened already.) So some are going to get by while others won't then there will be a bunch of hoopla of why did so and so get banned and not so and so.




    I will also say this. I have 110% supported Dark0ne and this place since day one. I have said in writing that the day I no longer agreed or could accept the rules...as this is Dark0ne's site and he can do as he pleases....then I wouldn't play here anymore.


    So I am not..at least not in the image share. I like to put whatever I want in the images and I have so much crap I don't know any longer what is a rip, illegal or where I got it all. *shrug*


    So no more images for me. I will find somewhere else to post them.


    Also....I think it is sad in a way. The site has grown and there are great files here...and I do appreciate all the work and sweat that goes into this place..I do. But I see less and less moderator involvement in actual threads, they have less time to help and do a lot of the stuff that was being done when I first came here. One of the great things about this place is I felt and now at almost 40 I would hope so) like an adult here. I don't feel like that anymore. I feel like I need to watch everything I do and say. I see more banning post that anything else. I still think that chat place is nothing but a heartache. Moderators seem on edge and don't seem to me, at least (and this is all my opinion so you can wipe your behind on it if you want) like they are having much fun anymore.


    I used to be able to look at the bannings and understand 100% why someone got the boot. Now its like a crap shoot if I get it or not. There appears to me to be little consistency in some bannings vs strikes....again....anyone can get kicked for any reason really....and that is Dark0ne's perogative....I just don't like the taste it leaves in my mouth.


    So...I am glad that this image share matter has been put more clear....and I hope that it all works out. I will keep to my little corner and follow the rules like I always have...but this is no longer my favorite place to hang anymore...and that makes me really, really sad.



    Thank you. You said it all. Some images will be reported because of jealousy and others will be left alone. The last part of your post is the most relevant to me though.


    @ Rabbit 51


    I saw your post before you removed it, so now can't quote it, and yes, I'm in total agreement.



    @ ziitch


    That isn't going to work. Go with my method (no endorsements/comments on a picture with ripped content, or have them forcefully disabled by a mod) and the imageshare isn't going to turn into a dusty barren mostly composed of subpar images of characters in poor lighting conditions and jaggies all around because all the good screenshooters went somewhere else to upload or got banned...


    So according to your reasoning only people with the skills to post edit their images are worthy of being allowed to post them here. You don't wish to see images with jaggies, low lighting and low resolutions...well not everyone has the skills, or the will to be an elitist as your post would suggest they be. I personally don't care if people photo shop their screen shots so they no longer resemble the game, that's called art. However, your attitude once again comes off as rude and denigrating to the "lesser" among us.



    @ Dark0ne


    Truth is a lot of the moderators are on edge right now, we all have RL issues we're dealing with at the moment. Lon, Vagrant and Buddah haven't been around that much although hopefully they'll be making a return soon, I'm not going to rush them knowing how much work they've already done here, I've got lots going on in the background, Myrmaad has lots going on and Dante is a vampire for god's sake....that brings with it all sorts of problems.


    Yes, we all understand people have real life issues and sometimes that can be reflected in online life, but Moderators are supposed to be impartial. If they allow their RL to impact on their decisions here they are no different to any other member who might be having a bad day. They should not be posting or banning people if they cannot be impartial at any given time because of RL distractions.


    There's also the inconsistency with the Mod area. It's supposed to be a "No Warning Instant Ban area" but some people are banned outright and others are warned. Why?


    Another thing I and I know others would like clarified is how does Tesnexus have the right to dictate what others post on their blogs and forums which can lead to being banned here. I didn't pull this information from nowhwere. Look through the bans topic and you will find at least one post I can immediately refer to made by a moderator saying exactly that.


    In that case a person was banned here for trolling which is per the Rules, however an addition to the Moderator's post went just that bit over what should be acceptable. The banned person criticized a mod in a review on his own blog and was this was subsequently mentioned as also a reason for his removal from the site. If necessary I can provide a screen shot.


    I also have a blog and is my business and no-one else's what I do or do not say, what I post as images or which mods I link or refer to or my opinion of them according to the TOS of my blog host.


    EDIT: And I forgot to mention...I thought the PM system was a "private" area for people to communicate. Unless there is a reason for someone to report another or Rules are broken via abuse etc, how can it be dictated what is said between consenting adults or even non adults. It's not really private then.



    @ anyone else


    The Nexus isn't the be all and end all of mod sites despite what some seem to think. As Dark0ne and others have said before if you don't like the Rules go elsewhere which is one reason and rapidly becoming the main reason why I removed my mods and the few images I had here. If people want them they can easily be found.


    I used to spend hours at this forum helping out people with their Oblivion game and I enjoyed it, but not anymore. One can't even join a debate without being bullied and having the topic closed because people can't control themselves.


    If anything I say or do leads to my being banned here you can bet I won't be begging on Appeal to be re-instated.

  9. No one has answered this one yet so i might aswell post again. I am looking for the outfit shown at 4:49 in this video.



    Someone just thinks its a green robe with glass gauntlets but honestly, do those look like glass gauntlets to you?



    - The Mysterious Traveler


    I've watched that a couple of times and I almost certain this is what you're looking for and I'm surprised no-one mentioned it in your other thread. I also use the load screen pack the image is from so I see it occasionally when I play as well as using the armour itself. :D


    Ranger Armor and Light Daedric by Dimitri Mazieres



    It has several variations, including the green hood and brown gauntlets. There are no author screenshots as I imagine they were lost in the Tessource/Tesnexus changeover and I don't believe the author is around anymore. Just check out user uploaded images for a good idea of how it looks.


    There are also a couple of scimitars from R.A.Salvatore's character Drizzt Do'Urden.


    Hopefully that gets you closer. :)

  10. The CS is different than the game, so it doesn't matter what kind of system you have or how powerful.


    It's an "editor" and not meant for distance viewing as you would in game. When you load the CS you're loading every single thing in the game at once for use in creating mods, so there's no way it could do what you ask.


    What you are seeing is one cell. If you move to any far side of that cell the next one will load in the Render Window. You need to be close and not zoomed way out though as you will get the grey look.


    Here's a brief explanation of the size of exterior cells.



    You can expand all of the windows in the CS by dragging the top, bottom or corners like any other window so you can customize it to suit yourself. To see further when you've loaded a cell expand the Render Window to half the size, or more, of the screen viewing area.

  11. It sounds like you didn't remove the animation files that come with DR. Just deactivating the esp won't remove those files and they will still be used and cause issues as you have seen.


    You could manually remove them by checking the DR archive or make an omod, reinstall using OBMM and then uninstall with OBMM. Then all files should be removed.

  12. You have to be outside a city world space for the quest to start in Episode One. Just go for a walk in the countryside and the first quest message will pop up.


    BTW In case you need a walk through anytime I wrote one when I was working with ThePriest909 on Episode One. Some people have problems with finding their way around towards the last part. It's not currently hosted anywhere as far as I know, so if you need hints let me know.


    Addit: I might just do that and post it somewhere since I've had some requests about hints and I've seen some here as well.

  13. You haven't supplied much in the way of info.


    Is your game patched to 1.2? Have you tried other mods and have them work or not? Do you use Windows7 and have your game installed to the C:programs directory which can cause issues?


    Some mods are packaged so that if you extract directly to the data folder you'll get another "data" folder. If this happens the game can't find the files. For best results extract mods to a temporary directory, ie a folder on the desktop, and then move the relevant files to the Oblivion\data folder.


    Other people will suggest creating Omods or BAIN packages which is fine, but if you don't know the very basics about using mods this won't help you much in understanding how mods work.


    I personally think people should first learn how to install and uninstall mods manually so they know what they are installing, what the files and folders contain and how to fix problems.


    If you look at the top of this forum a few topics above your post, you'll see a Sticky topic about how to install mods.

  14. Is there any way to fix the crashes involved with memory leaks when I Alt+Tab to look at quest guides and stuff?


    The Oblivion Readme says it's not recommended to alt+tab out of the game as it can cause crashes and actually not let you get back into the game after using it.


    Quoted from the UESPWiki. As it says at the bottom...don't do it. :no:


    Oblivion crashes on alt-tab, the windows key etc. It also crashes on instant messenger notification, update confirmation request from my antivirus etc.



    The Alt-tab problem is covered in Readme of the game - the game may, but doesn't have to work correctly after you switch to other app. The problem though is that Alt-tab is not the only method of switching Windows focus to other application, and all the others cause the same problem.



    Keep your task manager (opened with ctrl+shift+esc) open in the background while playing. After switching out of Oblivion, do not use alt+tab or the task bar to switch back. Instead select the application in your task manager and use the 'Switch To' button. This will restore the window on your desktop but nothing renders. Now click the taskbar to switch back to Oblivion. Works on WinXPSP2 with an ATI card and latest official Catalyst package. Sometimes has to be tried a few times, but has never failed. Alternatively, open any background applications you may want to Alt-tab too (eg: this website) before you start playing. Do not close these background apps whilst playing, or the game will freeze up.

    Another way is to bring up the console before using Alt-tab to switch away from Oblivion; this seems to prevent crashes when switching tasks.



    Don't do it. Switch everything unnecessary off.

  15. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/images/37515-2-1299800137.jpg


    Just saw this on the x117 Rabbit Mini Race here, and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find that red elk mount. It looks -exactly- like Yakul from Princess Mononoke and although I've googled all over the place I can't find it. It's likely a SUPER SEEKRIT Japanese mod, but maybe I'll get lucky and someone around here will have it. :)


    It is in fact called Yakul and is my favourite mount for one of my characters. To get it you'll need to download Waalx Animals and Creatures which is a very large overhaul mod.



    You also need to register at the forum to view and download the file.

  16. How do I add custom sounds to creatures? What file format must they be?


    Sound files need to be .wav format and mono rather than stereo for creatures. There's a helpful page at the CS Wiki that explains some of the things needed.



    If you haven't already got the sound files you need there are a number of sites that offer free sound effects, but often finding good ones isn't that easy. Otherwise, if they are not stated as "free to use" they may be under copyright or have some restrictions for use, so you need to be careful there.


    When you have your files setup as described at the Wiki, you then need to add them to your creature. Got to Miscellaneous\Sound in the CS Object Window then right click on the creature sound in the list, for example, NPCBearAware, if it's a normal creature and not a completely custom one.


    In the ID field give it a new ID and click OK. You'll be prompted to save a new form, so say yes.


    You need to decide beforehand which sound will be used for which action. Taking the bear as an example, NPCBearIdle would be a sound it would make while standing idle and not in combat or Aware. Using the info on the Wiki page, navigate to the directory you made and select the sound file. If necessary adjust the other options like frequency etc. These are explained on the page.

    It's a good idea to name the actual files Idle, Aware, Death, Injured for ease of finding the ones you need beforehand.


    Note, you can't actually play and preview the vanilla sounds unless you have the Sounds BSA unpacked, but you can play custom sounds within the CS.


    Next you need to go to the creatures form and it's sounds tab where you see Foot, Death, Idle, Aware etc. For each of these right click and select Edit. Then choose the sound effect you previously setup. You'll hear the sound as you select it. You may want to adjust the frequency for how often they play for sounds like Idles etc, or you can leave it at default.


    There's no need to replace the foot sounds unless you wish to, but keep in mind foot sounds can be a drag on some sound cards. Depending on the creature you don't even need foot sounds as it doesn't effect the game.


    I hope this helped somewhat. :) If not you can PM me. I've done custom sounds for most of my animal companions, but it's easier to do than explain.


    EDIT: spelling

  17. As far as politics go it's not a subject I have any interest in debating or even discussing in passing, but that's me. My political leanings are best kept to myself.


    With respect to the title and sentiment of this thread and opening topic I agree 98% with Vagrant0, and in fact many of his opinions on various other subjects. I read the Debates and Lounge sections here most days and enjoy reading what people have to say, in most cases, but no longer have any desire to take part.


    @ grannywils


    I know this isn't what you want to hear, but what you hope for in respectful, fair and good humoured discussion is unlikely to happen for this reason. To quote you:


    You are certainly correct in pointing out that there are others among us (also from all sides) who have a tendency to have more interest in causing discord or pushing an agenda regardless of the real topic or subject at hand.


    and this,


    The rowdy, ignorant, opinionated lot to which you refer, probably need to be ignored more than they are, by all of us. Maybe then they will either learn some manners or just shut up and go away. Maybe not too likely, but I can always dream.


    Ignoring them won't make them go away. They just go quiet for a time until people forget, then resurface to continue the same behaviour. Daily, (or nearly so), reading of the debates section is proof enough to me.


    I myself have been guilty of getting angry and losing my cool when certain people enter a discussion they have no intention of being part of except to disrupt it, cause discord and eventual closure of the thread. It's not so easy to ignore them. They will never go away because they are cunning enough to stay just below the level of breaking the rules, and in some cases I believe they get some twisted satisfaction from causing trouble. This doesn't make them smart, no matter that they seem to think it does.


    For myself, I prefer to stay away altogether and not comment at all to save myself and others the aggravation. :pinch: However, sometimes it is tempting to take part in a civilized debate, if only it would stay that way.


    @ Anyone else reading this...

    Make no mistake I have no issue with people disagreeing with what I may have to say, but I do have a right to a certain amount of freedom of thought and expression as much as anyone else here, according to the forum rules, and in a civilized manner. The thing I have issue with is when some people spoil things for everyone else by trying to belittle others, steer the topic in a direction they prefer, and /or press the issue by dictating what can be discussed in a topic they have no other interest in.


    This unfortunately is human nature and it's not going to change any time soon, no matter how much we would like it to. Anonymity on the Net makes it easier for bullies and disruptive influences to proliferate without consequence.

  18. The way the world is these days people need all the escapism they can get to relieve the stresses of everyday life. Whether it's games, books, sport, yoga, or whatever else, as long as it relieves some of the pressure, and hurts no-one else, it's perfectly natural. Better that than being so wound up and afraid that you have a heart attack or a stroke from worry and anxiety.


    Anyone who says they don't need diversion from modern day life is lying, mainly to themselves. It only becomes a problem when the edges of fantasy and reality blur and some people can't fully distinguish the difference. That is pretty rare and is usually associated with other already established mental illness.


    Creating a character and their history is in fact a form of art as BlackBaron2 says. The exact same thing an author does when he or she writes a book, except you have to have some imagination and be able to visualize the author's world without the pictures. Also the same thing a sculptor or painter does, but their art is visual. Games are just created using a different medium and some people find it hard to associate computer games and art in the same category.


    If you search Google you'll find that games as a form of art has been debated for a long time. Probably since the first pixel was made to appear on a screen.


    As they say, "Art is in the eye of the beholder."

  19. The only other thing I'm going to say is this "is" a role playing game so you have to expect people to actually role play. I don't go to the extent some do in that either, so in some ways I do understand your point of view about role playing.


    My favourite game world is the Gothic series and you don't even get a choice of gender there. I could care less. I'm female, yet I don't care about not being able to play as one in that style of game. It's all about the hero who happens to be male and his story. There is of course a fairly large degree of role playing which is what rpg's are meant to be.


    As for Oblivion, I don't create super model characters because it's not my style, not because I can't. They are by no means ugly either, but they fit into the medieval world as I see it, as normal people/characters and all have their own style, set of mods and history.


    I don't think of them as family or role play like The Sims, but I do care about them because their faces in particular are my creations. It's the face that's most important to me because it holds the "real" character. Bodies matter less if at all since a replacer makes them all the same and there's no individuality, unless you can be bothered with extended mods to change that and I can't.


    I still feel that flaunting private mods in screenshots is not right, so I guess I'll stay out of that section of texnexus since no one is making me go there. That or I'll make some personal things and upload them, then tell people I can't give it to them. Like that old rule of "can't beat them, join them" so to speak.


    I wouldn't go down that road, even if its a spur of the moment thought. You'd only be creating and adding to the same atmosphere you think is wrong and make you feel worse.

  20. I'm sorry I forgot to mention something. It's been awhile since I did it.


    Anyway, if you copy the Oblivion_default.ini from your main Oblivion directory to the Nehrim directory, then run OBMM, it should work if you use the correct shortcut as I mentioned before. That way OBMM will be fooled into thinking you're using Oblivion.

    OBMM for Oblivion won't be affected.


    Edited for grammar.


    Edit again: As far as I'm aware there are no further updates for OBMM so you probably have the latest version.


    Another thing to try - Open OBMM (Nehrim version) and click Remove BSA edits in Archive Invalidation. Because Nehrim copies all of the BSA's from your Oblivion directory you may have edits, especially if you use other texture mods and have not re-installed Oblivion.


    TThis will bring the BSA's back to the default state and your HGEC textures should then work.


    The only other thing I can suggest is to browse the SureAi forums or join and ask them.



  21. @ FelixGOD


    I've had a few people ask for some of my save games and I have in the past uploaded some of them. However, they are ones I could care less about and often created for the purpose of sharing them. It's basically how I started out modding.


    The characters I do care about will never leave my hard drive precisely for the reasons outlined by BlackBaron2.


    It's one thing to see tasteful sexual screen shots which I would prefer not to using my races and characters, but it's quite another to see and hear about hard core Hentai pictures with monsters which make me want to vomit. That particularly applies to the sex mods that aren't, for very good reasons, allowed on this site. I discovered that when I released Gothic Breton and found it to be a popular race used for the Hentai scene. I regret very much having released it and in hindsight I wouldn't have done so.


    Becoming attached to a character is called role playing and they become more than pixels on a screen to some people. I never used to understand the extent of caring about a game character that much either, until fairly recently. Now I have half a dozen that are personal to me. I've created back stories and histories for most of them so they end up seeming more realistic.


    Have you never read a novel and felt some compassion or identified with a particular character? This is similar. It's also been studied by psychologists and found that identifying with a game character can actually be beneficial and good for mental health.


    Sadly, not everyone, me included, has friends or family support in this day and age and games can be a source of relaxation as well as a virtual family. It doesn't make them delusional or weird, just lonely for whatever reason, and playing a different role away from real life can be life saving in some cases.


    NO ONE here has any "REAL" copyright to anything they make. Yeah you made it, but just because you have an idea doesn't mean it's yours. So when people steal your content and release it (modified or not) you just gotta get over it and move on. It's gonna happen to the best of us, the ones with real modding skill. That's no reason to just quit and tuck tail to run away. I think THAT is childish and people need to show a little more backbone.


    Anyone who makes original material has the right to do what they like with it. Rules on forums and other unspoken, but well known rules among modders and the community are there to prevent exactly this "stealing" and re-posting of other people's work.

    Most modders have some pride and care about what they've created. This is why it can be hurtful and infuriating to see it taken for granted.


    If re-uploading, altering and other questionable things were allowed here uncontrolled, the number of new mods produced and maintained would drop alarmingly.


    Once I do get better at making meshes and start releasing things... EVERYTHING of mine is going to be open source and free for anyone to modify and change. It's just my way of giving to the community because that's what this site is for... since we make no money or anything making these mods just for personal pleasure. It's like taking the hungry kid's bread... when you've already eaten your loaf. Share with the community, and don't be selfish.


    I really hope it works out like that for you because I agree, sharing is good and giving back to the community is also good, but things don't always work out as we'd like.

  22. This can be a semi complex issue as far as I see it.


    It's only natural I suppose that if you're the person who created something special or unique (to yourself) you're are going to want to show it off. Otherwise what's the point of knowing you're the only one who has this wonderful mod and the only one to ever see it in game. There's a certain amount of narcissism in all kinds of artists, whether that means writers, painters, sculptors or people who create mods for a game.


    If the creator of a private mod decides to show it in screen shots, but makes it known the mod will never be released, they also need to realize they have also created a demand for it and some mod users will stop at nothing to get their hands on it.


    You only have to read the Oblivion Mod Detectives thread to see how it drives people to measures that border on questionable at the least, including childish bickering, especially the last few months. However, it's made worse by a small part of the TES community who seem to do it to create this kind of demand, intentionally or not....and of course denial of access. And, yes, I do believe it's out of spite at times as well.


    I strongly disagree with the "I have it and you don't" attitude. If you don't want to share something special or sentimental to you, then also don't create the demand and then shoot people down when they ask about it. Be polite about it and say, yes, it's special to me and can't be released. Then say no more and ignore the beggers who persist with demands, or remove the screen shots to avoid the inevitable reaction. :woot:


    Then again, people who are supposedly adults should also learn that you can't have everything in life and get over it. If a modder shows something they consider special to them for whatever reason, and politely makes it known it can't be shared, I don't have a problem with it, even if I would very much like to have the mod in question. It's when the jealousy and spite comes into it that I find it distasteful and a more than a little ridiculous, especially the begging. It is only a game, not a matter of life and death. :whistling:


    Besides, many of these ultra desired mods are ripped from other games or from Poser or Daz commercial models, and can't be linked to or uploaded here. As for the game rips they are usually of terrible quality and are a letdown anyway. They may look great in photo shopped screen shots, but the reality is something different. This can include faded very low res textures, (sometimes including flickering), and clipping meshes, and they often just look awful in game. :down:

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