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Everything posted by KuntCnuckle

  1. That's a great idea! As an alternative I was thinking of setting a lock file to get around this issue. I did get a suggestion from someone else to just use SyncThing. https://syncthing.net/ I didn't test it, but it seems like a much simpler approach for non git familiar users.
  2. I wrote a guide to setting up an alternative to using a dedicated server. This allows any player to host at any point. The core idea behind this revolves around using git to automatically sync worlds. Player A: Runs a launch .bat - Pulls the latest from the repository - Valheim is launchedPlayer A: Starts a server with the synced world Player B: Launches Valheim from Steam Player B: Joins the Game Player C: Joins the Game Player D: Joins the Game All Players play as much as they want Player A: Closes the game - Pushes the world’s changes to the repository To start another session, any of the players can follow these steps. You can read the setup here: http://blog.pixel-dust.me/posts/valheim-world-sync/
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