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Everything posted by skullking777

  1. Yeah! :ninja: Or if you've got the drop on them, like if your in stealth. ^__^ Or if like 20 of there buddies die, maybe not necessarily health. I think it would also have to be like, Humans only though. Like the Traveller's Mod. ^__^ I've always thought it would be a good idea for a Raider Mod. Think you'd need a Prisoner Faction or something. I don't know, I am not huge on scripting. XD
  2. While I agree, I have to disagree. Of the 122 some odd Vaults that are supposed to contain 1,000 people each (so lot all inhabitants while other had surplus people), this roughly translates into 122,000 survivors, out of that many people, someone had to know how to use weapons and/or repiar them. Not to mention the Enclave is still active and the Brotherhood of Steel are like "Reclaimers" who help the people of the Wastes survive by giving them weapons. Also, you have Intelligent Ghouls that have been alive the last 200 years, and who knows who else is alive around the world. I am not saying it is a bad idea, I am just saying, it is possible to have people running around with weapons 200 years old. The part I do agree with is specifically, Raiders and Super Mutants, more so, Super Mutants. I am not sure how smart thye are, but to me they seem to have a lack of intelligence. They sure as hell wouldn't be able to maintain a miningun and rocket launchers. Raiders I can understand, because they are almost like Guerillas. Super Mutants should have tactics like... the Necromongers from Chronicles of Riddick. Shooters in the back, mass of melee in the front, but they get close to you you're screwed.
  3. ...Just speculating... But what if you made it so instead of the Right Arm using weapons the Left Arm does... I know Lefties would love it. But then mix those animations together and then FOSE the left and right mouse button to fire each individually? I do think you'd have to make an individual animation for EVERY weapon would you... *sigh* But it might work.
  4. O__O Really? Do you have a link for him? Btw, I know what you mean, that is why I got FO3 so Dialouge and Menu Insta-Pop Up. ^__^ I wish it was all a bit more stream-lined.
  5. Thanks for the Info! ^__^ Yeah, I have GIMP, but the only thing that really bother me about Blender, is that I have to learn an entire program. XP Poor excuse I know, but learning takes time, which I don't have a ton of. But I will totally try it. Btw, what do you think about my ideas? Good? Bad? Do you think there could be some problems in creating them?
  6. Would you reccommed ACAD for Modelling and then, Blender for Texturing? I am pretty good with ACAD (lil' rusty, atleast I remember how to use) but, Blender is making my head hurt. ^__^ hehehe
  7. I know right! (hehe) That is why I am asking if anyone would like to help me. I think my biggest obstacle is modelling and texturing... I am learning how to script right now, but, out of curiousity... Is Blender ANYTHING like Auto CAD? Because I actually started teaching that class in High School. ^__^ HAHAHA!!! The teacher there barely knew the programming, so it was up to us to read the book and learn how to do it. Personally, I am really wanting to support things like CRAFT and Survival Mods. Wasteland Engineering is going to start off as an extended Item List, and then I'll merge it with CRAFT, same for Slaughter It, then eventually I hopefully to merge with RTS.
  8. Well, I was sitting around one day messing with CRAFT and a thought hit me. What if, just about everything in the game was constructible? When I mean everything... I mean EVERYTHING! ^__^ I laugh to myself as I think I've already been "Red Flagged" because I've been looking up a lot of explosive, accelerants, and construction materials like fasteners. But, I must make this sacrifice for the Nexus Community! ^__^ (hehe) In my personal life, I am actually studying and hoping to one day become an Engineer. Specifically, a Military Oriented Engineer. I have made a pretty detailed list of things, but if anybody has some ideas they'd like to add or would like to help, please post and/or PM me. I also had a idea while playing a Cannibal Mod. I was curious that anytime I kill a Brahim, I get like 2 Steaks. NO MORE! I hope to be able to completely Slaughter Bodies and get things that could help in the previously stated mod... Like, using Human and Animal Hair to make rope. Also it could use a Cooking Element and you could make things like, Molerat Soup. Mmmm... Just like Mom used to make. Now, while the other two are just beginning to be outlined, I came up with this idea a month ago, but I lack scripting skills. T__T Detailed Survival is really starting to become a good idea to bring up with Slaughter It. While a couple of mods, might go so far as, Hunger, Thirst, and Sleep. I want to take it 2-3 steps further. Not only would you have Hunger, Thirst, and Sleep(which I refer to as Consciousness), you'd also get things like Hygenie, Psyche, Pain, Inebration, Drug Level, and even Libido(for more... Adult Mods). All of these work between one another... Like a High Libido can equal a better Psyche. ^__^ If you guys like the idea or think I am overdoing it a bit, or like my other two mod ideas, let me know in a Post and/or PM. THANKS EVERYBODY!
  9. So... I was playing FO3 w/ Ineboration and MrSlackPants Radiation. Then it hit me... Instead of simply wobbling back and forth, could someone make a Drunken Walk animation? I think it would really give some fellow modders a cool animation to fiddle with. ^__^ Thanks everyone!
  10. Well, when I was younger, there was talk for Star Trek: Next Generation would hit a space distortion that threw them into another dimension, namely the Star Wars Universe... and of course it never happened if it did I would have laughed so hard. Hell, if you look at the Farscape series, Wormholes aren't just a way to get around the galaxy. They could be doors into alternate realities and times. I'd suggest making the UNSC think that the Covenant had reached Earth and they possibly nuked themselves in order to stop them (or the Flood if you UNSC have gotten to that point in time) and they soon realize this is not true. I would LOVE to see something like that. I am sure that the football nukes from First Strike the book would go well into Fallout. My suggestion for any kind of quest line would be like have the UNSC be at odds whether the Enclave or the BoS is the right way to go. If you ever create any Covenant or Flood come along with them that would be awesome too. But, have there ship be fixable so they can get back home... I guess that would be a good way to have a quest chain. "Oh NO! The Enclave are actually EVIL and they are stole our (insert special item to the ship), what ever shall we do?" Leave it to the Wastelanders to help you. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  11. I know, it does... I do like the origional design. But I also love the new design. :wallbash: Which one do I like better... Oh well. Btw, Great JOB on making a new power armor. I was waiting for someone to make a different version. It also looks great! :thumbsup:
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