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Status Updates posted by iKimberly

  1. /pokesGizinthemelons <_<
  2. Working on a house mod for Skyrim. Kind of exciting and daunting at the same time! \o/
  3. >_> Lurky forum profile post!
  4. Wishing I could find some totes friendly and creative and fun people to invite onto my Minecraft server.
  5. I started an Elder Scrolls blog. Because I was bored and yea. http://theelderstrolls.tumblr.com/ Follow along if it so pleases you. ^_^
    1. AsaRuth


      I like your characters story.
  6. Licks and kisses and meows <3
  7. Releasing her first big mod in less than a week! So excited
  8. Getting ready to release a project that has been months in the making.. mainly because I kept changing it everytime I told myself it was "finished". Lol
    1. Brittainy


      Ah, that's the curse of modding! So many things to tweak that the end never seems to come ;)
    2. Carah


      It's because your Canadian ;) Just kidding... That happens to me all the time.
  9. Because ignorance is a luxury the clever simply cannot afford..
    1. Toddemix


      Mmm'row? Mew? *purrrrrrrrr*
    2. BlueDanube


      true,and well said .... -_-
  10. Trippin on gummie bears.
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