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Everything posted by iKimberly

  1. /pokesGizinthemelons <_<
  2. Heyo, So I haven't played FO4 in about a week and I come back today to play only to find my game crashing every time I try to enter the crafting menu for settlements; any settlement. Not sure what could be causing this since it's a new problem that's never happened before and as I said, I have not added, modified or removed mods in a while and my game was fine up until today. I have tried disabling any mods that edit settlement crafting, like Homemaker, and I still get the crash. It's baffling. Anyone know what might be causing this? My mod list/ load order is below: 00 Fallout4.esm01 ArmorKeywords.esm02 SpringCleaning.esm03 ConcealedArmor.esm04 Homemaker.esm05 Snap'n Build.esm06 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp07 Binary Speech Checks V.4.esp08 Clear Water.esp09 DarkerNights.esp0A DarkerNightsDetection.esp0B EferasShoulderBag.esp0C FieldScribeBackpack.esp0D Glock20.esp0E HairVariations_Conversions.esp0F HairVariations_Elegant.esp10 HairVariations_FairyTails.esp11 HairVariations_Sophisticate.esp12 HairVariations_YoungAtHeart.esp13 Jasmineandbob.esp14 LovingPiper.esp15 M2216.esp16 M9.esp17 MojaveImports.esp18 SniperDamage.esp19 WastelandFashion.esp1A dD-Enhanced Blood.esp1B m82a.esp1C Eli_Accessories.esp1D Ambient Music Overhaul.esp1E CCOFO4 - Traits and More Perks.esp1F CMPA +300.esp20 Cel Respawn Timer 24.esp21 ConcealedArmor.esp22 Crafting Workbench.esp23 Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp24 Crafting Workbenches - Junk Items.esp25 Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp26 Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp27 Eli_ArmourCollection.esp28 Eli_PlantPots.esp29 Eli_RuggedOutfits.esp2A Eli_Sleeveless Outfits.esp2B FO4LaserBolts.esp2C Glasses Galore.esp2D JC-Shirt and Jeans.esp2E LK05.esp2F Lasers Have No Recoil.esp30 LongerPowerLines3x.esp31 Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp32 LovingCait.esp33 LovingCurie_1.0.2.esp34 MiscHairstyle.esp35 MojaveMusicRadio.esp36 NukaRadBans.esp37 PansexualPeregrine.esp38 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp39 RichMerchants.esp3A TrueStormsFO4.esp3B el_AgentOutfit.esp3C moreoil.esp3D BetterSettlers.esp3E BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp3F Crossbow.esp40 M14.esp41 R91M.esp42 MP153.esp43 G3.esp44 USP 45.esp45 Magnolia.esp46 More Durable Power Armor - 75%.esp47 OWR.esp48 RepairSanctuary.esp49 WastelandFashionAccessories.esp4A IF88TacShotgun.esp4B Perk Magazine Material Fix.esp4C keyNuker_cards_en.esp4D keyNuker_keys_en.esp4E AzarMoreHairstyles.esp4F Maya.esp50 Armorsmith Extended.esp51 HatswithHair.esp52 Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp53 Snap'n Build_all.esp Any help is appreciated. Thank you
  3. Working on a house mod for Skyrim. Kind of exciting and daunting at the same time! \o/
  4. >_> Lurky forum profile post!
  5. Hello, So I have had this issue for a while now and it has finally upset me enough to want to do something about it. Trees off in the distance while in game look as if they've been hastily drawn my a preschooler and cut/pasted into the world. They look like rubbish. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54786674/2013-12-22_00004.jpg I don't have a clue what has causes this but I would like to ask if anyone has any ideas or solutions on how to fix the issue. To the best of my recollection I haven't downloaded anything that alters trees in the game save for the changes to tree colours for The Rift that you see in the picture, and I am using the Skyrim Flora Overhaul mod as well. Any ideas? Thank you - -DP-
  6. Wishing I could find some totes friendly and creative and fun people to invite onto my Minecraft server.
  7. The only mod I have that deals with animations is Puppeteer Master and I removed it last night prior to posting this but the problem persists.
  8. Does anyone know what might cause this rather odd issue in Skyrim: Mounted on my horse, weapon not drawn - http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8290/7566674618_e0b8c13b78_b.jpg Mounted on my horse, weapon drawn - http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8165/7566674332_87c0889728_b.jpg
  9. SQQQQUUUUUEEEEEEEEE!! I already love what you have done and now I can't wait to test your new work. The noses look amazing too!
  10. Huzzah! Colour me interested!! =^_^=
  11. So other than discouraging responses that are of no help does anyone know a solution to this "Failed to enumerate subscribed mods" error? Does Steam Workshop seriously limit you to only 50 mods or is there a fix for this? People like variety and are free to use whatever means to download their mods they choose. It's not for any of you to tell someone how to get their mods.
  12. I only get any lag when I have the d3d9.dll file in my Skyrim directory. Without it the game runs super smooth and is fine and has been fine for a while now. But to use any of the FXAA mods or even the ENB mods I need that stupid d3d9.dll file in the directory or they don't work and that is when the lag starts.
  13. Okay, there may be a thread for this or a post somewhere but I didn't check so.. don't yell at me if this has been asked and solved for someone already. :P When I installed Skyrim the game was running like absolute garbage. It was so slow and choppy, even on bare minimal settings. If I set the game to ultra the game looked nicer but still ran like garbage. I didn't know what to do and I don't even remember how I stumbled upon this but I deleted the d3d9.dll file in my Skyrim directory and the game suddenly ran like melted butter on a naked baby's bum. It was weird. No lagging, no choppiness, just completely smooth and quick running game playing. And a few people that I have talked to and gone to for help about this mentioned they don't have a d3d9.dll file in their Skyrim directory, but they did have one in their DirectX10 folder in the dxnt.cab file. So FXAA injector stuff started popping up and I was interested in it so I downloaded a few files from Nexus to try it out. I started with the FXAA Injector installer and went with preset 1. A d3d9.dll file was placed in my Skyrim directory after it finished installing. Sure enough, putting that, along with the rest of the files in one of the mods made the visual changed but once again the game was running like... uhg! Just really, really poorly. I'm still at this dilemma. And it seems to be that its just this bloody d3d9.dll file causing trouble and it's pure rubbish! Does anyone know why this is happening and if there is a way to fix it? I mean I can live without it, I have been since the end of November, but I would like to experience some of these FXAA Injectors goodness if I can. I have even tried installing some of the FXAA mods but deleting the d3d9.dll file then playing, but the visual enhancements don't trigger. Any help is greatly appreciated. I am muchly curious why I am experiencing this issue and what I can do to solve it.
  14. I started an Elder Scrolls blog. Because I was bored and yea. http://theelderstrolls.tumblr.com/ Follow along if it so pleases you. ^_^
    1. AsaRuth


      I like your characters story.
  15. Licks and kisses and meows <3
  16. Releasing her first big mod in less than a week! So excited
  17. Getting ready to release a project that has been months in the making.. mainly because I kept changing it everytime I told myself it was "finished". Lol
    1. Brittainy


      Ah, that's the curse of modding! So many things to tweak that the end never seems to come ;)
    2. Carah


      It's because your Canadian ;) Just kidding... That happens to me all the time.
  18. Because ignorance is a luxury the clever simply cannot afford..
    1. Toddemix


      Mmm'row? Mew? *purrrrrrrrr*
    2. BlueDanube


      true,and well said .... -_-
  19. Trippin on gummie bears.
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