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http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Zehir As near as I can tell, he was cannon first and used by Obsidian as a plot element.
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"Centryious Linkus, Lord of the Fine Print, beast of black fiber" rolls off the tongue nicely...
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Thanks, doing everything I can to get a stable internet connection, but it's been a horrorshow, and I'm locked into a nasty contract. Apparently I need to hire Asmodous himself to translate the fine print for me when it comes to ISPs.
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Hi! A barrage of questions asked, and a barrage of answers you shall receive! 1: There are slimes in several places, and they are using the NWN1 models imported/collected by rjshea. 2: Glad you like our title options. The project's title is currently "Nightsinger's Bane." 3: It would be great to add new faces to the models, and there are numerous nice face packs available for download - it comes down to what we have room for ultimately. We're reaching a size on the project that it might become difficult to distribute, so we have to watch our assets. 4: I will page through the dialogs with the academy devils. If you're correct, (and I think you might be), some story changes will need to happen lest we create a plot hole. Thanks for the attention to detail! 5: We have a few Baldur's Gate references built into the campaign for those who are attentive. if you look closely, you might notice a few... cannon immigrants in the background. As to the status of Gorion's ward, that's up to beamdog studios. They've said they have "plans" for Baldur's Gate in the future, and last I checked, had the rights to create new content for the series. :smile:
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Status update: Some great things have been done story/wise and Grazz'zt is looking amazing. and we can't show you an of it due to unbelievably bad internet provided by Centurylink coupled with a new PC that is being very rotten with regards to all of the programs up to and including the toolset and NWN2 itself. Injate is attempting to set up a windows XP virtual desktop using some Oracle software that should help with the issue.
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Development Diary 7/20/17: - Aaaaaand we're back from our convention. A great time was had by all, and the Tomb of Horrors lived up to its reputation for those who participated in our "RPG Dinner" event. - While we were playing MAME and AD&D, jestemwlodzimierz has been hard at work refining and improving Graz'zt - adding some nice armor details and making his skin a bit more obsidian. http://www.dethguild.com/wp-content/uploads/images/nwn/ck_bioware_images/grazt2.png
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Development Diary 7/06/17: One of the events at the gaming convention we're attending will be a murderous romp through the module "Return to the Tomb of Horrors," using the 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons ruleset. We made some custom character sheets for the player character holocaust, and decided we'd share them with the community if anyone is into "old-school" role playing. Enjoy! - AD&D 2nd Edition Character Sheets
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I'll try, it's been a ton of work setting it up, but we should have a good time. Injate built some pretty sweet MAME emulators from Raspberry Pi's, and then we fabricated some controllers, which should go over well. Everyone else is lucky - they get to fly out - I on the other hand have a 21 hour drive with all our equipment awaiting me.
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Development Diary 7/04/17: - Just a quick status update - We're participating a gaming convention in Biose Idaho from the 10-18th of July, and we will largely be out of touch until then. We're buried up to our eyeballs getting things ready for the event.
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Development Diary 6/17/17: - We've added 20 pages to the campaign bible, finishing out two companion arcs, which you can read HERE.
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Development Diary 5/30/17: - jestemwlodzimierz has been working on a Graz'zt for the campaign - it's still a work in progress but it's starting to shape up nicely! - Still dealing with major internet connectivity issues on this end - a combination of construction work and generally unreliable high-speed in my area has made me regret "upgrading" from my old "slow" DSL line. http://www.dethguild.com/wp-content/uploads/images/nwn/ck_bioware_images/grazt.png
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Development Diary 5/18/17: - Internet has been intermittent to say the least over the past few weeks, causing me all manner of grief, so the focus has been on writing - another 16 pages have been added to the campaign bible. Dialog Sample: ________________________________________________ - Area Title: Jump #11 The Temple of Lathander, Westgate. - Required Characters: Mantides, Charissa - Points of interest: The Temple, The Arena Upon using the teleporter with Mantides AND Charissa in the party, the option opens to travel to The Temple of Lathender in Westgate. The party appears near the alter. ____________________________________ Charissa: Well, I’m sure this’ll be useless. If you want something USEFUL done you should hunt down some of Tyr’s followers. Mantides: Against the undead we’ll find no stronger allies than my brethren. And I’d ask that you at least remain civil in the presence of my fellows Charissa. Charissa: Fine, whatever. I’ll put a sock in it around your hippy-dippy pals. At least Opig’s wormfood, the sniveling letch. Mantides: Charissa! Charissa: Don’t blow a gasket! I was just getting it outta my system. Mouth’s shut. For now… unless things get boring… or stupid… Brother Sanders: Mantides! Praise Lathander’s light, you’ve returned to us! Charissa: *Mockingly under her breath* “Mantides. Praise Lathander’s light, you’ve returned to us.” Gag. Who actually talks like this? Mantides: Brother Sanders? Where is Morninglord Tylanna? We’ve come in desperate need of aid… Brother Sanders: We fear she’s been abducted… Charissa: You lost another one? See, this is why Tyr prepares his priests for BATTLE. Brother Sanders: …. Mantides: Feel free to ignore Charissa – what happened? Brother Sanders: She traveled to the under-city with a group of the City Watch to put down several ghouls. None returned. The following morning, another detachment of watchmen began a search. They found the… the… remains of the first patrol… it was… most gruesome. Charissa: Well, maybe you haven’t noticed… but this whole city is crawling with Night Mask vampires. She’s probably dead – or worse. Brother Sanders: I… don’t believe so… at least… not yet…I hope… Charissa: Hope in one hand – fill the other with dung – tell me which weighs more… Mantides: As much as I find Charissa’s attitude grating, intolerant, boastful, disrespectful, boorish… Charissa: Anything else? Mantides: …and rude - it’s hard to argue with her conclusion… Brother Sanders: We feared the worst as well… then we received a ransom note… along with her holy symbol… (Sander’s hands Mantides a note). Coder’s Note: Give the party leader the ransom note. Mantides: Who’d dare abduct one of Lathander’s Morninglords! Charissa: Are you really asking that? Or is this a really bad attempt at sarcasm? It’s hard to tell with you. Mantides: They seek an audience… tonight…near the arena… to negotiate a ransom… Brother Sanders: They are expecting myself and a few fellow acolytes… perhaps you and your friends could surprise them… Mantides: Captain… I know we are pressed for time… but Tylanna is a wise and devoted servant of Lathander. I must insist we rescue her. ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1: Of course Mantides… we’ll help in any way we can. 2: I have a hunch this is going to escalate into a convoluted web of deceit and intrigue… with few rewards and plenty of new scars. What? Don’t look at me like that… I didn’t say we WOULDN’T help… it’s just that… oh fine… were in… I guess… if we have to… 3: We’re on a short schedule Mantides - the keep could be attacked any moment - we don’t have time to get side-tracked. If they can’t help us, we really have to be going. Let the City Watch sort it all out. 4: Why should I care if these miserable Lathanderites have misplaced their high priest? She was either weak or stupid – or both – to be so easily captured. I refuse to spend precious time cleaning up this mess when MY lands are in peril. ________________________________ (If 3,4) – Mantides: I have… long tolerated your many vices... suffered your brutal ways… and greed… all with the understanding that we battle a greater evil. But I will not – CAN NOT – allow you to abandon the leader of my order. I won’t stomach another second of this callousness. If you refuse to help, then I go alone. Charissa: Not alone bucket-head. I’m going with you. Maybe she was stupid and weak… but that’s no excuse to abandon her. That’s not justice… it’s… selfishness masquerading as pragmatism. And since we’re talking about it, I’ve pretty much had enough of our “Captain” TOO. Out leader might be better than The Kaiser - but not by much. If I don’t get upwind now, I might never be able to wash off the stink. Come on Mantides, let’s go save Tylanna. Coder’s Note: Charissa and Mantides leave the party and walk out the door. Remove them from the party roster, and remove Charissa’s store from Crossroad Keep. (The party is free to return to the CK from the portal). (If 1,2) Mantides: You have my deepest thanks – I know we’re dangerously short of time, but this is something I can’t ignore. Charissa: Bucket-head is right. This once at least. Mantides: The note says to speak with XXXX near the arena this evening. We will be given instructions from there. Brother Sanders: An odd choice… XXXX manages the arena. He’s cruel and avaricious but not one to be party to kidnappings… most unusual. Charissa: Vampires have ways of MAKING you do what they want… Brother Sanders: I suppose so. Please… feel free to rest here and make any preparations you need. Speak with me again when you’re ready to depart. (The party is free to arrange spells and organize themselves). Coder’s Note: Brother sanders sells Holy Water, healing services and wooden stakes. (The streets of Arena District are packed, and the crowd can be heard cheering in the background as the party approaches XXXXXX, accompanied by Brother Sanders). XXXXX: Well well, look at this… it’s that pouty cleric of Tyr… and… bless my soul… it’s Mantides… my my… you sure clean up nice… the last time I saw ya… why, you were layin’ in a puddle of filth on the floor of the XXXXXXX… to what do I owe this pleasure? Mantides: Don’t play the fool. We’re short on time. XXXXX: ‘Scuse me? Not sure if I’m likin’ your tone… Charissa: Then you’ll like mine even less. What’s the deal - not content with the profits from your barbaric arena? Graduating up to kidnapping are we? XXXXX: What? Kidnappin’… the hell you getting at? Charissa: Oh… now you’re going to play dumb… maybe if I snap a knee it’ll jog your memory… XXXXX: Whoa… hey now lady… put down yer bone-breaker… I don’t know nuthin’ bout no kidnappings. Anyone who goes in my arena goes in by their own choice. And that’s the truth before you me and your god… er… gods... Mantides: Odd… he… is telling the truth… perhaps we’ve been mislead… Voice in the Shadows: Oh… not mislead… Tobias: You’ve been lead to exactly where you were… ment to… be? Wait… you’re… you’re… Mantides? Charissa Maernos?! The Knight Captain of Neverwinter… wha… Charissa: Oh, that’s just great - it’s that half-pint fake-monk vampire from the brewery… what’s-his-name. Mantides: He called himself “Brother Tobias.” Charissa: He shoulda called himself “tent-stake-holder.” Someone pin the blood-sucking little rat down while I break off a chair leg… (Charissa purposefully walks off camera). Tobias: …the hells are you all doing HERE!!! Mantides: Retrieving our High Priest - from you and your associates. She had better be unharmed. (Muffled in the Background: The sound of wood breaking. Vendor: Hey lady… that was my wagon! Charissa: Official church business! The Knight Captain will pay you back later… Vendor: What?! Who?!). Coder’s Note: Put four vampire stakes in Charissa’s inventory. Tobias: I can’t catch a break… Charissa: Back. Let’s nail this walking leech to the gatepost. Oh… we owe that guy back there a wagon wheel by the way. Tobias: H-Hold on… hold on now! You can’t go hammering stakes into people’s hearts right here on the street! Charissa: You’re not a person – you’re a pee-wee vampire. Tobias: Getting tired of the short jokes… Charissa: Care… lots. Tobias: I’ll make this simple enough even a pig-headed Tyr-priest can grok it… you so much as wrinkle my clothes and Tylanna dies messy-like. Mantides: Charissa… I know subtlety is not one of your strengths but… Charissa: Oh please… don’t go all “lawful-stupid” on us Mantides. She’s probably already dead… or worse. In fact, it’s probably a lead-in to a trap of some sort. I refuse to believe a single thing this fanged toddler has to say… Tobias: Grrrrrrr… Mantides: Think this through… please… they didn’t expect to find us here. This was an extortion attempt. If the Night Masks begin killing people they ransom, nobody will pay them anymore. Tobias: Finally… someone with a lick of common sense… Mantides: Be silent – or I’ll let my associate give you the justice you deserve. Charissa: …if it’s a real shake-down, then Tylanna’s gotta be close – we lock down the gates, search the crowd and, if we have to, hammer sharp sticks into ankle-biter until he sings. I love simple solutions to “tiny” problems. Tobias: I SAID enough with the short cracks you witch! Gah! Listen... you’ve already got two dozen Mask eyes on ya – you TOUCH ME and the priest dies – and then you’ve got a fight on your hands… right here… in the middle of the supper crowd. These blood-bags ain’t nothing more than cattle to me and my pals. No telling how many might get popped in a ruckus… you prepared to live with that? Mantides: Charissa. We can’t start a battle right here in the middle of the district. Scores of innocent people might be killed or maimed… Charissa: Oh please… this is Westgate… the ARENA DISTRICT in Westgate. Who’s going to accidentally get hurt? Those whores peddling flesh to our left? The scum betting on gladiator matches to our right? Or is it the guy across the street selling Traveler’s Dust to kids? Face it - you couldn’t fill a dingy with the “innocents” in this part of town. FURTHERMORE, if you show these Night Mask wretches they can kidnap and use people as shields, you’ll just get more of it. Mantides: You can’t simply condemn and judge every single person here… Charissa: Watch me… Mantides: (Sigh). Charissa… this is a debate for another time and place… perhaps this is a matter for the Knight Captain to resolve. Charissa: Fine with me. The Captain tends to be REALISTIC. Well? What say you? Do we reward this nonsense – or do we make the Night Masks think twice about snatching folks and using human shields? ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1: We can’t start a battle in the middle of a crowd Charissa. We’ll meet their demands and track them down later, when innocents won’t be harmed in the fighting. 2: She’s right Mantides… if we allow them to hide behind innocents and ransom folks, it will only endanger more people in the future. We must put a stop to this behavior now. 3: (If Wisdom > 20) - You’ve both got a point. But right now, we can’t start a brawl in the middle of all these people. Even if many are… somewhat less the virtuous. I don’t like being a doormat for some vampiric little knee-high, but knowingly getting folks killed is not “justice.” Not when we can prevent it. 4: I will not be bullied or extorted by some gutter feeding parasite! I have tolerated this expedition on the understanding I will be granted assistance! If you stand in my path Tobias, then I shall destroy you and your Night Mask accomplices. I care not how many of these mewling cattle die in the process! ________________________________ - A Massacre Breaks out: __________________________________ (If 2, 4): Tobias: Oh… so it’s a bloodbath then? So be it! Plan B boys!!! *Whistles* (Many dozens of normal people in the crowd stagger for a moment, and suddenly turn aggressive and begin charging the party. Night Masks also begin spawning in and attacking). Charissa: What in the hells… Mantides: Damn! It’s the vampires… they’re compelling the crowd to attack us… what… NO! Not… Tylanna too… (The camera focuses on High Priest Tylanna, who joins the attack, also mesmerized by a vampire’s gaze/bite). Coder’s Note: Turn much of the NPC crowd to faction hostile. They are all zero level commoners, and will easily die to the players. The fight will continue until all the Night Masks, commoners and high Priest Tylanna are slain. Move everyone in the party 10 points towards evil and chaotic. (After the fighting has ended, the party surveys the carnage. Peasant corpses lie everywhere, and the scene is gristly). Mantides: Are you satisfied? Is this the “justice” you wanted? Charissa: … Mantides: WELL!? Charissa: …no. Not… not like this… this… isin’t what I wanted. Mantides: Unbelievable. I can’t continue like this. This was a slaughter that didn’t need to happen. Captain… I take my leave of you and your murderous band. Lathander knows I’ve tried to lead you down the right path, but our trail always seems to cross a river of innocent blood. Charissa: Mantides don’t… be a… Mantides: …a what? What should I not be? Angry? Disgusted? Distraught? Should I be happy with this… this… massacre? Charissa: …no. I don’t suppose you should be… Mantides: Goodbye and good-riddance Captain. Take your henchmen and leave my city. And you should go with them Charissa… if this is how you “honor Tyr,” then I want you as far away from here as possible. Charissa: Mantides… but I… (Mantides walks away from the party, and vanishes at the end of the zone). Coder’s Note: Remove Mantides from the party roster. Charissa: Well… Captain… I… I think it would be best… if we… leave. (The party is free to return through the portal). _______________________________ (If 1,3): Tobias: Ahhh, seems the level heads have prevailed. Wise thinking. Now… I was going to ask for 10,000 to guarantee the safety of our little blonde songbird, but seems we netted some bigger fish… and if The Faceless finds out I just let you all walk… he’ll dust-me himself… so I s’ppose we need to improvise some… Charissa: I swear to Tyr, if he keeps going on like this… Mantides: …unless you want violence, get to the point creature… my patience is wearing thin too… Coder’s Note: Mantides assumes a combat stance, brandishing his Holy Avenger. Tobias: Hisssss! All right all right! Put down that… horrible… “thing” - ‘fore you give me a sunburn. Gah! So here’s the deal, and I’m improvisin’ here so no complaints… Way I hear it, the dueling pits have the match of the century set up. Some o’ the greatest scrappers in all the realms here. You enter and win it, give us the winnings as ransom, and we give you your songbird back. Charissa: That’s beyond stupid. Tobias: Hey, I told you I was improvising! This was supposed to be a shake-down… fishing for minnows… didn’t expect to hook a blasted whale. Look at this from my perspective… this way we still get paid… I don’t get staked… and when the boss starts asking questions, we can say we made a good faith effort to get ya all killed. Nice’n tidy! Charissa: …and it buys you time to rally your allies and attack us… Tobias: I ‘spose that too. But we’ll be sportsman-like about it. Fight’ll be down there – in the pit – instead of up here with all the sheep getting hurt in the fracas. Well Captain? We got a deal? ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1: If that’s the only way to prevent a massacre, then so be it. 2: This is rubbish. You’re stalling, and will never keep your end of the bargain. Release Tylanna now - for the agreed upon ransom - or I let Charissa hammer a wagon spoke through your chest. 3: Well… don’t you just have us over a barrel… you little fanged midget. Fine then… we’ll fight in the blasted arena – and when we win, if you don’t release Tylanna safely, there will be nowhere you can hide. 4: I will NOT be made a mockery by some fledgling blood-sucker! I refuse to play your games! Unhand that priest for the agreed upon sum before I impale you on a flag pole! 5: I will tolerate this challenge. Not because I care about the pathetic sheep bleating in the streets, nor for the life of this incompetent sun-cultist. I shall revel in this chance to match my strength with the combatants below. Their blood shall paint a glorious tribute to my greatness! ________________________________ (If 2,4): See “A Massacre Breaks Out” above. (If 1, 3, 5) - Tobias: That’s the spirit! Hey, XXXX – Looks ta me like you got some last minute challengers! Sign’em up! XXXX: Perfect – the crowd loves surprises. Tobias: I’ll be in the crowd watching. If ya live, we’ll make the trade. Good luck Capt’n mwhahaha. Or not. I win either way. Mantides: One of these days Tobias, your schemes will come up too short by half. Tobias: I doubt tha… t…. er… heh… I get it… you just had to get another short-crack in didn’t ya. (Tobias walks off camera muttering). Charissa: I hope you know what you’re doing Captain… XXXXX: You have a bit of time before your first match – I’d suggest you get yer gear’n spells in order. Speak with me when you’re ready to start scrapping. (Once the party elects to begin combat, the screen fades to black). Coder’s Note: Jump the party to the arena floor. The crowd should be roaring in the background. (The party stands together on the far end of the arena, the screaming crowd anticipating the bloodbath) Charissa: Is it too late to say this was a bad idea? Mantides: Somewhat. Charissa: Up there… left of center – is that her? (The Camera focuses on Tylanna sitting motionless, Tobias standing next to her). Mantides: You have the eyes of a hawk Charissa… yes that’s Tylanna. She appears unharmed. (The announcer’s voice bellows across the arena, interrupting the discussion). Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen… and ladies who ACT like boars… we have a special show for you tonight… Mantides: That’s… impossible… I… I know that voice… Charissa: OPIG! Obid: For tonight’s entertainment, we have the Great Knight Captain of Neverwinter, who along with hand band – and some local favorites - shall be face off against… Everybody! (If Rinara is present) – Rinara: Local favorites? We don’t even get mentioned by name? Actually…I don’t know if I should be happy or upset by this. Mantides: This isn’t possible… Obid was slain… Charissa: …by vampires. The math ain’t hard on this one kettle-top. Mantides: The wretches turned him… damn… we should have laid him to rest when we had the chance. This is my fault… Charissa: Don’t get all mopey - it’s not like we had time to leisurely stroll around Westgate and conduct funeral rites. We had Orbakh and a few hundred vampire Night Masks after our throats. Mantides: Why are you smiling… this is a tragedy… Charissa: Are you kidding? Do you know how long I’ve wanted to pound a fence-post through Opid’s chest!? And now I get to! Slowly. Mantides: I… don’t think you’re supposed to enjoy this… Charissa: Speak for yourself Lathanderite. This is quite possibly the happiest day of my entire life… Obid: For our first event, the dogs of Neverwinter shall square off against the famed Occandus and his gladiator troop, fresh from their victories in Amn! Personally, I don’t think those northerners have a prayer! Let the games begin! Coder’s Note: Jump the party to their arena starting position. Occandus and 10 burly gladiators spawn at the far end of the arena attack the party. Once the party kills the last of the attackers, run the following dialog. Obid: What a show! What a show indeed! But that was just a warm up ladies and gentlemen! Charissa: A warm up Opig? Yeah… sure…just limbering up my hammerin’ arm. Takes practice to apply just enough force to break the ribcage on the first blow - but not quite pierce the heart. WHAM! Tap. Tap. Tap… tap… tap… Mantides: That’s getting a bit… disturbing… Charissa: …tap… and maybe another tap… I am loving this moment so much I want to marry it and have its children… Mantides: About that… don’t take this the wrong way… but please… don’t ever have children… (If present) – Rinara: Ahhh… why not? She has the maternal instinct of a praying mantis… Charissa: Pffft… do I look like some frumpy housewife? (If the party rescued Casavir from the Luskans) - Charissa: Pffft… do I look like some frumpy housewife? Although… that Casavir… mmmm… I’d have his babies… that man’s built from top to bottom, and unlike some of the ninny’s I’m saddled with, he knows how to act decisively. Mantides: Death might just be a mercy at this point. Obid: For our next challengers, coming all the way from Thaymount, we have the Mighty Adrilena, the master of clay! Looks like this is the end of the road for the plucky Knight Captain and his pet troll Maernos! Coder’s Note: Jump the party to their arena starting position. Spawn a Thayan Transmuter, 4 Iron Golems, 4 Clay Golems, 4 Stone Golems, and 4 Flesh Golems at the far end of the arena. The Transmuter is geared to the hilt with Flesh to Stone and disintegrate spells, as well as mastery feats. Once the party kills the last of the attackers, run the following dialog. Obid: Well now… that was certainly… unexpected. Obviously an off day for Adrilena! But never fear folks - we’ve been saving a special one for this round! Straight from the Eastern Steppes, we have the champions of Barovia! A round of applause for the winners-to-be ladies and gentlemen! (The audience cheers and hollars). Mantides: I’d just hate to think they stacked this against us… Charissa: …you know… I’m new to this whole gladiator thing… but I don’t believe one team is supposed to fight everybody… Mantides: I can’t tell if you’re complaining or happy about this… Charissa: Do I have to pick? Coder’s Note: Jump the party to their arena starting position. Spawn Heshiro, Ki, Mica, Radghast, Kravin and Ryath. Mica will focus on nukes and summoning creatures, Ryath and Heshiro will close to melee range, Kravin will attempt to disable players with enchantments and Ki will spam healing spells. Once the party kills the last of the attackers, run the following dialog. Obid: Oh well… who the hell ever heard of Barovia anyways… obviously overbilled. Sorry about that folks! The next match is far superior! We have… uhhh… hold one moment… (XXXXX Approaches Obid and begins gesturing, neither can be heard over the crowd). Obid: …what do you MEAN they pulled out? Can they even DO that?! What kinda arena are you running here!? (The Crowd Mutters). Obid: …you are ruining this for me… bah! Fine! I’ll do it myself! Arena fans! For our GRAND FINALE, I, your beloved host, along with my erstwhile companions… (The camera pans to Tobias in the stands). Tobias: …crap… Obid: …shall put down the mongrels of Neverwinter in a fashion befitting my greatness! Don’t be stingy with the applause now! (The crowd mutters). Charissa: You remember what I said a few minutes back… that thing about my life’s happiest moment? Mantides: Despite all my best efforts… Charissa: I love this moment so much that I want to cheat on that moment with it. Mantides: Hah. Coder’s Note: Jump the party to their arena starting position. Remove Obid and Tobias from the crowd. Spawn Obid, Tobias, Tylanna and large assortment of Night Masks in the far end of the arena. Tylanna is being mind controlled by the vampires, and will fight the party. If she is killed, it will result in a quest failure. Obid: Are you ready to die you blue-eyed she-devil? Charissa: Keep dreaming you fat lump! I got a stake for you - and half of one for your pet poodle… Tobias: …that was uncalled for… Mantides: Tylanna! Tylanna! Don’t do this! Fight them! It’s me… Mantides… don’t let them control you! Obid: Oh… the soiled paladin… I’m almost sorry to say this… but Tylanna is quite under my control… she’d slay her own mother if I gave the word. I think she’s smitten with me to be honest. After we kill you, why… I might even turn her – she’ll be an adoring bride. It’s almost a curse… most women simply find me… irresistible… Charissa: I just threw up in my mouth some. Mantides: You foul bast… Obid: …oh… I seem to have struck a nerve! Do you have some feelings for our little songbird? Go on… get angry… I LOVE watching you little humans get riled up! Mantides: … Obid: Come now… don’t be bashful… tell me how much you want to split me open and strangle me with my innards. We both know you desire it… I can see the delicious impotent hatred burning in your eyes… Mantides: (sigh). No. I refuse to let you ruin my composure monster. What you offer is temptation… you’d have me fall from Lathander’s grace by attacking in hatred. I shall have none of it. Obid: Oh? Going to be the pious martyr? How boring. Such restraint is so… dull. You’ll never sleep well if you don’t get your revenge Lathanderite… Mantides: I don’t need revenge Obid. I just want Tylanna back safely. Besides… I don’t have to raise a hand against you… and I don’t have to save you from Charissa either. Charissa: I’m starting to like you bucket-head. Obid: Grrrrrrrr…. Kill them! Kill them all! Now!!!
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Development Diary 5/08/17: - Sorry for the delay, I've been suffering some serious internet connectivity issues the last week+, working to get them resolved. - We're pleased to announce that the voice actress Erin Hales will be narrating each chapter. Her demonstration was fantastic, and we feel she will be perfect for each chapter's conclusion and the grand finale.
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Development Diary 5/01/17: - We're puttingg the finishing touches on some dialog, which we'll share once they are polished a bit more. - We have some exciting news, which we'll share over the next couple of days. - We ran into some problems uploading the last version of the campaign to the .git archive, and are going to push a fresh version up.
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Development Diary 4/24/17: - Chad Springer has been commissioned to draw us another 16 pieces of unique art for the campaign. These will be shown during the into cinematic and ending credits. - We've purchased a nice microphone set up and are getting sound-sets made for Bodvarr and Terukawa. - We're still searching for a female who is interested in about 2 hours of voice-over work as the narrator. A New England or UK accent is preferred, but we're open minded. - We're currently writing Charissa and Mantides final mission, which takes place mostly in the Westgate Arena.
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Development Diary 4/18/17: - We've added another 18 pages to the Campaign Bible - including Gann's showdown with the Githyanki Lich Queen. Click HERE to download. Scene Dialog: ______________________ (The Camera pans towards a large Gith force blocking the road). Mantides: Guard yourself… I can sense these creature’s wickedness from here. Gann: You needed the power of your god to know this? Hrmmpf. I am… unimpressed. Mantides: Someday, you will come to appreciate the power of faith Gannayev. I’ll guide you along the path to salvation - even if it’s the death of me. Gann: Perhaps then, you should fit yourself with a burial shroud now… Mantides: Hah! Yours is a spirit I intend to save. Whether you like it or not! Gann: Amusing. Ahhh… it seems their leader wishes to parley… or rather, issue threats… Vlaakith CLVII: As my visions predicted… so arrives the Kalach-Cha. Did you think our conflict settled with the death of Zeearie? I am aware of the true magnitude of your crime… the gravity of what you’ve stolen… you frail little creature! I will not leave without Gith’s Blade! Return what you’ve taken, lest I make your death gruesome beyond description. Mantides: I suppose hoping for this to be settled peacefully is out of the question… Gann: I imagine we could “peacefully” allow them to kill us. Mantides: Submission has never been my style. ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1: Stolen? I’ve stolen nothing – Gith’s Sword was abandoned to the Abyss and then shattered. I RESTORED the artifact, and earned its loyalty. Yet, your people continue to attack and stalk us – how many lives must you throw away over this blade? 2: (Ahhh great… these guys again). Just hold on now… let’s not be so quick to start a fight. I earned this sword fair and square… twice… and the second time involved surgery… by a Red Wizard… with a meat cleaver. Are you that anxious to get your people killed? 3: (If Diplomacy > 35) - Perhaps we can negotiate? The trajectory of this conversation ends in a great many of your undoubtedly expensive employees dead on the ground. 4: The Sword of Gith was long abandoned by your kind, and I have bonded with it by trial and blood. It recognizes me as its master now – it is MINE in form and spirit. I will slay all who come for it. ________________________________ Coder’s Note: The dialog will play out in two branches. ___________________ Truthful Lies: ___________________ (If 3) - Vlaakith CLVII: You wish to barter? Then I will offer our terms – relinquish our people’s artifact – you will be forgiven its theft and Zeearie’s murder. Additionally, I will allow the hostages we’ve taken to go free and shall leave you in peace. Coder’s Note: Camera pans to the tower holding Maxil and company. Mantides: She’s speaking the truth... Gann: …Ahhh… but the most delicious lies are the truthful ones… ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1a: Very well, I accept your terms. 2a: Not a chance, you’ll just backstab us. 3a: (If Lore < 35) – I have read enough about Githyanki “justice” to know you have no intention of allowing us to live. No deal. ________________________________ (If 2a, 3a) – See “A Breakdown in the Dialog” below. (If 1a) - Vlaakith CLVII: It seems you have some small measure of survival instinct after all. Sword – return to me – your rightful master calls! Coder’s Note: Use a Mordenkainan’s sword creature blueprint to “float the sword” to Vlaakith. She then equips it and plays several impressive spell effects as she binds it to her will. Destroy the Sword of Gith in the player’s inventory. Vlaakith CLVII: Superb. Its power has only grown with the ages. As promised, the hostages in the tower shall be set loose. And now… I shall take my leave. Coder’s Note: Vlaakith begins to walk away with the Sword of Gith still in hand. She stops, and turns to her minions, pointing. Vlaakith CLVII: Thralls… kill these pathetic creatures, then return to the gate. Mantides: You asp! Gann: Well now… this was certainly unanticipated... ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1b: You said we were forgiven for the Sword and Zeearie’s death! 2b: This is what I get for trusting a Githyanki! What happened to “all is forgiven?” 3b: You said bygones were bygones though?! Whoa whoa… put down the sharp’n pointies! Just… just hold on a second… I’ve got a mountain of gold back at the keep… let’s be reasonable… don’t be an idiot… you’re missing out on a fortune… 4b: I stay my hand and yet you dare to treat with deception? I shall make such an example of you that the rulers of the Abyss shall flinch before your suffering! (If 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b): Vlaakith CLVII: You dare to impugn my benevolence!? I ABSOLVED you of our greatest Sword Seeker’s murder!! I have forgiven the THEFT of our people’s most valued prize!!! These crimes alone have earned torment your underdeveloped minds cannot properly FATHOM! Gann: I suppose we should be prostrating ourselves before you in gratitude. Vlaakith CLVII: SILENCE MONGREL! I’ve kept my word! You’ve committed countless OTHER crimes against our kind, and for THOSE you shall PAY! Dozens of murders, the desecration of their remains, launching pre-meditated attacks upon our outposts. Fortunately, I am a merciful queen, and you shall but die once… Coder’s Note: Vlaakith teleports away with the Sword of Gith in hand. The Githyanki force goes hostile. One of the Sword Seekers has the key to the nearby tower, with Daerred and his companions locked in it. ________________________________ (If 1,2,4) - Vlaakith CLVII: As many will fall as I require! The Githyanki live to die for their queen – and before you she stands! I am Vlaakith! Empress of the Githyanki Empire! Whatever puny bond you’ve made with that sword is of no consequence. Mantides: I don’t care WHO you are villain! What have you done with Maxil and his companions? The priest is dear to me - and if you’ve harmed him, I’ll strike you down in Lathander’s name! Vlaakith CLVII: You speak of the feeble creatures harrying our scouts? They live – for now. Surrender and I’ll spare them. Coder’s Note: Vlaakith points. The camera pans to the tower holding Maxil and company. Gann: Trust ourselves to your tender mercies and benevolence? The comedy intensifies by the second… Coder’s Note: See “A Breakdown in the Dialog” below. ___________________ A Breakdown in the Dialog: ___________________ Vlaakith CLVII: Enough of this tiresome prattle – kill them – kill them all! Coder’s Note: The entire Githyanki force and Vlaakith attack. The dragons and tanks will focus on tail slaps, wing buffets and knockdowns, while the caster’s pelt the party with debuffs and damaging spells. Once Vlaakith has been significantly injured, play the following dialog. Vlaakith CLVII: This is only the beginning! Prepare your spirit for annihilation creature! Thralls - continue the battle while I prepare! Coder’s Note: Vlaakith teleports away. She is not gone however – she has merely retreated a short distance to prepare a lethal psionic attack upon the Knight Captain. Gann: Flee you cowering wretch. Be cautious – I can sense her presence nearby… she’s merely biding her time… (If Gann Love Feat) - Gann: Flee you cowering wretch. My darling… be careful – I can sense her presence nearby… she’s merely biding her time… Coder’s Note: The Fight continues until all the dragons, githyanki and bladeling thralls have been slain. Once the last of them die, Vlaakith strikes. The screen flashes for a moment, and the Knight Captain Staggers, and then falls over. The party surrounds the fallen champion. Mantides: What? Captain?! Are you injured? Captain?!! Gann: So then… it’s come to this… Coder’s Note: The screen fades to black. Vlaakith CLVII: (Speaking inside your mind). It’s to be a battle of will then… Coder’s Note: The screen fades from blackness, leaving the KC alone, in a frozen landscape. Use a MotB filter, either the Shadow Plane or one of the dream sequences. (The KC awakens in a desolate and barren landscape, covered in large snow drifts, dead trees and frozen ice flows. A dark, churning sky roils overhead, with no sign of sun or star, and a strong wind blows in gusts, kicking up snowflakes, while causing small stands of dead grass to rustle. The Knight Captain’s many companions, friends, allies and their greatest foes lie dead on the cracked ice and wind-blasted tundra. Each corpse is impaled on a sword or spear. Uncountable scores of broken weapons, bones and corpses dot the landscape – the representation of every person slain in the pursuit of the KC’s goals). Vlaakith CLVII: Fool creature! Did you believe our battle settled so easily? I have ruled the githyanki for a millennia! The pathetic lives of your kind bloom, wither and crumble in an eye blink! I have torn secrets from the minds of fallen gods, witnessed the death of star-spanning empires - and mastered the way beyond even the greatest of the hated Illithid! Did you think our conflict ends with a simple contest of physical might? ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1: Where are we?! Where are my companions!? 2: What… happened… where… where am I? 3: What the!?! Ahh hells… this can’t be good… 4: Witch! What have you done! Answer me or DIE. ________________________________ Vlaakith CLVII: Do you not recognize this place Kalach-Cha? It’s depths of your mind… your soul- the wages of your uncountable sins. Those you’ve slain, those you’ve sacrificed – your loss. Here your spirit shall die! I shall spare NOTHING! Your flesh is meaningless – and will be left naught but an empty husk! (Vlaakith points at the Knight Captain). Coder’s Note: An earthquake, meteor swarm, bombard and hellball all strike the Knight Captain simultaneously, dropping them first to their knees, then collapsing them to the ground with a death cry. Vlaakith CLVII: What a worthless creature. Your mind is like a child’s! Your destruction is but a mercy. Prepare for oblivion... Coder’s Note: Vlaakith casts Major Missile Swarm, which is intercepted by Gann, who walks into the visible area, deflecting the attack. Gann: I think you’ve not accounted for this one - “your highness.” Vlaakith CLVII: What is this foolishness? The half breed? You are as blind to the way as the Kalach-Cha! How did you come to this place? ANSWER!! Gann: The only foolishness is thinking you might haunt the nightmares of my companion absent my knowing. Their dreams are mine. You… are most unwelcome here... (If Gann Love Feat) - Gann: The only foolishness is thinking you might haunt the nightmares of my lover absent my knowing. Her dreams… sins… and even her horrors are as dear my own. You… are most unwelcome here… Vlaakith CLVII: SILENCE HAGSPAWN! I am Vlaakith! I am queen of all I survey! I do as I please! I trespass where I wish! I destroy what I will… and I shall bring judgment upon those I’ve condemned! (Vlaakith points at the Gann). Coder’s Note: An earthquake, meteor swarm, bombard and hell ball all strike Gann simultaneously. Apply a potent shield spell effect to Gann, who weathers the attack unscathed. Gann: Is that the extent of you powers old bones? I expected more from the “queen of all she surveys…” Vlaakith CLVII: How dare you! You would presume to challenge my authority? DIE! Coder’s Note: Vlaakith begins casting, summoning a pair of balors and launches another flurry of spells towards Gann, which he counters, each in turn, first banishing the demons and then launching his own counter spells against her magic, cancelling them. Vlaakith CLVII: DAMN YOUR IMPUDENCE! You pathetic, miserable CREATURE! Coder’s Note: Vlaakith unleashes a massive barrage of spells, summons and other magical attacks. Gann brings forth a host of telthor spirits, who charge forth, destroying hers and deflecting her magic, winking out of existence as they absorb shots. Gann: Do you understand yet? This dreamscape is tethered to mine… outside it, you may be queen… but here... in the dark recesses of our mind… we reign… (If Gann Love Feat) - Gann: Do you understand yet? Her dreamscape is tethered to mine… outside it, you may be queen… but here... in the dark recesses of our soul… we reign… Vlaakith CLVII: I refuse to believe this! I shall NOT know defeat! Coder’s Note: Vlaakith conjures an army of demons, points, and they all charge Gann and the disabled Knight Captain. Gann: Spirits… now is the time for the payment of all debts… heed my call… give this one your power. Coder’s Note: Gann begins casting a spell, floating off the ground as he does. An uncountable number of spirts appear and charge Vlaakith’s forces. Gann charges Vlaakith, no-selling her frantic spells. (Vlaakith watches her minions and spells failing with growing rage and horror. Gann closes the distance and viciously strikes her with his blades). Coder’s Note: Vlaakith teleports after Gann hits her, re-appearing several yards out of his attack range, nursing her wounds. (Vlaakith steels herself, knowing the battle is lost, and regains her composure). Vlaakith CLVII: So be it then… I will grant you this child of Gulk’aush… in this place, you are unquestionably powerful. I shall allow you to keep your prize… for now. Gann: The “prize” was never yours to grant creature. Be gone – and never dare return here. (If Gann Love Feat) - Gann: Her life was never yours to grant monster. We share an unbreakable bond – all the lich queens in creation could not stand between us. Be gone – and never dare return here. Vlaakith CLVII: You’ve earned my respect – but also my undying enmity. Until next we meet… Gannayev of Dreams. Coder’s Note: Vlaakith fades away, leaving Gann and the KC alone in the barren wasteland of blowing snow. Gann collapses to his knees, exhausted. Gann: What troubles you bring this one… and I’d not trade them for anything. Wake… (If Gann Love Feat) - Gann: What troubles you bring this one… you are a thorny rose indeed.... Wake my love… Coder’s Note: The screen fades to black, and the party is back in the Forrest. The KC lies motionless on the ground, Gann next to them. The KC rises slowly, unsteadily. Mantides: Captain! You worried us. (The Knight Captain Staggers to their feet). ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1: I’m… fine – thank you Mantides. 2: Don’t get all bent outta shape… it’s… nothing a good strong keg of ale can’t… fix… I think… 3: This… *groans* puts the “splitting” in… splitting headache. Imagining a gnoll with a big halberd… 4: Be… be silent. I’m… I’m fine. The witch’s mind tricks have… failed to overcome me. ________________________________ Mantides: Perhaps – still, you appear shaken. Rest here for a moment. Gann: Ahh, you’ve returned to us… what a welcome… surpr….i…se… (Gann staggers for a moment, and then collapses). Mantides: Gann?! (The Knight Captain and Mantides rush forward and kneel in front of Gann). ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1: Gann! My Friend! Are you alright! 2: Whoa… Gann? Gann! Don’t go dying on me pal! Speak to me… wake up! 3: I’ve not given you permission to die hagspawn! Wake! I command it! 4: (If Gann’s Love Feat) – My love! Gann! Speak to me… GANN! ________________________________ (If 1, 2, 3) - Gann: It seems you’re not the only one a bit worse for the wear. Be calm – this is… nothing warm mead and the tender caress of a comely barmaid won’t remedy… (If 4) – Gann: My lovely… it seems you’re not the only one worn a bit… thin. I can feel your heart racing through my armor… be calm… you’ll not lose this one so easily. Nothing ails me… that your tender caress and some warm mead won’t remedy… Mantides: Hah! He’s fine. You know… you’re both going to scare me to death one of these days. I’ll secure the area… and let you two be for a moment. But as soon as you can stand, we should check on Maxil and his companions – I doubt the gith were gentle with them. (Mantides walks away, leaving the KC and Gann alone). ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1: Gann… you saved my life… I appreciate it… 2: Hey… about that… whatever it was… dream… vision… uh… thanks… I owe you one. 3: This is not… easy to admit… but I am… in your debt hagspawn. 4: (If Gann’s Love Feat) – You… saved me… I… I love you… thank you Gann… thank you so much. But… don’t you dare scare me like that again… ________________________________ (If 1, 2, 3) – Gann: As if I could allow our tale to end on such a drab note. After all… you amuse me… in your absence… I’d find the world rather dull. Let’s rest for a moment… and then we can solve the riddle of your missing adventurers. Coder’s Note: The screen fades to black for a few seconds, and the party is regrouped and fully rested. (If 4) - Gann: If you were you to slip from my grasp, my dreams would twist into nightmares… my world rendered forever colorless. I will not allow anything to part us. Besides… imagine how drab life might be absent this constant parade of horrors to keep my interest. Ahh… behind your eyes I see another “lecture” forming – how I should be taking this seriously. Shhhh… let us save it for later. For now… come here… let me hold you quietly for a while. Then we can solve the riddle of your missing adventurers. Coder’s Note: The screen fades to black for a few seconds, and the party is regrouped and fully rested.
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Development Diary 4/09/17: - We have the Crossroad Keep area set up and working for those who's like to download and test out all the nifty turn-ins, quests, customization options and other things we've been building over the last 4 months. Right near the zone-in is a Dungeon master, who will sell all of the various merchant turn-ins for 1 gold for those who's like a taste of the depth we're building into the setting. Click HERE to download the latest version!
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Development Diary 4/04/17: - I am learning to use git properly. This will be an invaluable tool for the project team's ability to coordinate and work together. Brain hurts.
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Development Diary 3/29/17: - Getting everything packaged up to push out to git. Again. - We've added another 10 pages to the Campaign Bible, including Gann's climactic battle against the Lich Queen Vlaaketh CLVII. - We have been told the ToH portion of the project will have it's new floor and Juggernaut Golem soon, so we will have it back to integrate a year's worth of development into it. - Testing conversations at the CK merchants and adventurer's guild.
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Development Diary 3/25/17: - We've got the upgrade quest-line finished for Ivarr the Blessed in the Church of Tyr. Players can collect Divine Spiritual Essences and various Holy Symbols from enemies, which can then be upgraded into more powerful forms. The upgraded symbol offers passive benefits, such as an improvement to a cleric's turning ability and a charisma bonus that stacks with normal attribute modifies. Additionally, upgraded (Ornate) Holy Symbols are resistant to the grubby hands of thieves, who can - and WILL - try to swipe them from your characters in combat. PS: Yes, your party can steal the bad guy's Holy Symbols, Spell Components, Spell Books and Ritual Kits as well.
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Development Diary 3/22/17: - We've another 15 pages in the campaign bible, focused on the quest system for players to earn the SoZ group feats for their team. Click HERE for the latest version. - We've completed simply monstrous upgrade dialog that will allow players to collect asterite, arcanium and netherium bars to upgrade their companions gear. Total dialog size? 3.3 megabytes. Two words: Never. Again. Dialog Sample: Adventurer's Guild Quest System Daerred: Ahhh! It’s so good to see you! Welcome to the Adventurers Guild! For some coin and a bit of time, we can train your party to join the ranks of other master adventurers – such as ourselves! In our classes, you’ll learn skills your brave fellowship can apply to situations small and epic! ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1: Why did you start a school for training adventurers? 2: How much does it cost to take your courses? 3: What skills can you teach us? 4: What do I need to take your classes? 5: We’d like to take some of your classes. 6: We don’t need anything right now. Goodbye. ________________________________ (If 1) - Daerred: We were INSPIRIED by the Knight Captain’s rousing heroics to create a school to train able bodied CHAMPIONS! Strong of body, quick of wit, and sound of mind we always say! Juen: … and fleet of foot when all else fails… Daerred: …uh… yes… of course… (If 2) - Maxil: Each course costs 10,000 gold pieces, and will involve some “in-field” instruction. You’ll need a full party – five members plus a leader – as our instruction revolves around training you to work together more efficiently. (If Ribsmasher is in the Party) – Ribsmasher: Whaaat? Price go up so much I want to SMASH! (If Finch is the Party) - Finch: Hold a moment friend… now, I’m no wizard, but some quick math tells me the cost of your courses shot up by a factor of ten… (If Umoja is in the Party) Umoja: Your prices have very distressingly increased since last our paths crossed… ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1a: TEN THOUSAND GOLD!? FOR A CLASS?!!! 2a: Your prices seem a bit… excessive. 3a: I’ve seen flocks of stirges that extract less blood from their host. 4a: You’re beginning to insult me – this bodes ill for your continued breathing. ________________________________ Juen: Good gravy, already with the whining - we’ve got expenses! Rent in the famous Crossroad Keep ain’t cheap ya know! Daerred: …and resurrections are quite expens … Candril: …AHEM! Maxil: What my companions are attempting to convey is how costly to maintain the Adventurer’s Guild is - and though our prices may seem extravagant, the techniques we impart are well worth the cost. Speaking personally, I can assure you, the lion’s share of our profits go to upkeep and other related… expenses. Daerred: Like diamonds. Sooo MANY diamonds. Maxil: Thank you Daerred, that’ll be enough elaboration. Is there anything else? (If 3) – Daerred: I offer courses in appearing fearsome and intimidating your foes - as well as teaching your party to cope with the effects of truly frightful enemies! Juen: I can train you to improve your skills at hunting your favored monsters, how to move as a group more rapidly, and some techniques for flanking enemies. Maxil: With my instruction you’ll learn how to improve your camp routines and several way to coordinate your strikes against surrounded foes. Candril: I’ll help you improve your ability to spot and listen for danger, help you learn to minimize rest time, and teach you to fire volleys of missile attacks as a group. (If 4) – Daerred: You’ll need a full group of six – consisting of five allies and a group leader – the course fee of 10,000 gold pieces, some courage and a bit of spare time. (If 5) - Daerred: Perfect! Which of our AMAZING classes would you like to take?! ________________________________ Player Dialog Options: 1b: Foe Hunting 2b: Superior Flank 3b: Team Rush 4b: Camp Routine 5b: Improved Camp Routine < Condition: Camp Routine 6b: Circle of Blades 7b: Awareness 8b: Group Trance 9b: Missile Volley 10b: Fearsome Roster 11b: Improved Fearsome Roster < Condition: Fearsome Roster 12b: Steadfast Resolve ________________________________ (If 1b) - Juen: Very good. I will teach you the basics… (Screen fades to black)… …good... I think you understand the concept. For your “hands on training,” you must travel to XXXXXX – there you will a large pack of Winter Wolves terrorizing the region. They have grown too numerous, and threaten to depopulate the whole area. You will need to reduce their numbers before they hunt the land barren – return with 20 Winter Wolf pelts to demonstrate your mastery of our lesson. Coder’s Note: Spawn a pack of 20 winter wolves in the XXXXXX zone. _________________________________________________ (If 2b) - Juen: Very good. I will teach you the basics… (Screen fades to black)… …good... I think you understand the concept. For your “hands on training,” you need to head downstairs to the training room, and demonstrate your technique to Jailboun, who’s doing a bit of side work for us. He’ll give you a certificate if you complete his test. Return with it, and I’ll give you a passing grade. Coder’s Note: Jump the party to Jailboun’s training room. This version of Jailboun has 55 parry, improved parry, skill focus: parry and is set to plot. Jailboun: Ok then – lesson’s simple – you’re trying to tag me with a few hits in the back – pull it off enough, and you pass. Fail and I’ll give you some scars as a memento. Coder’s Note: Set Jailboun to hostile, AI is set to parry, taunt and repo attacks. After he is successfully flanked five times, the fight is over, Jailboun is set to neutral. Jailboun: That’s the ticket. Here’s yer certificate. Now, if you’ll get outta my way, I have a date with a pint. Coder’s Note: Jump the party back upstairs. _________________________________________________ (If 3b) - Juen: Very good. I will teach you the basics… (Screen fades to black)… …good... I think you understand the concept. For your “hands on training,” you need to head downstairs to the training room, and speak with Mr. Giggles. It will give you a certificate if you survive its test. Return with it, and I’ll give you a passing grade. Coder’s Note: Jump the party to Mr. Giggle’s training maze. Mr. Giggles: Master said my new name is Mr. Giggles. Master said I shall chase and tag small creatures who come here. At least one small creature must make it to exit without me tagging them. If small creature makes to end, I give you slip of paper. Now small creatures, run for exit before I tag you. Coder’s Note: Mr. Giggles kills on a successful hit. It has true seeing, the dash feat and is automatically hasted. It will turn hostile as the dialog ends, and attempt to kill the entire party. If the party can make it to the end of the maze by running away, they will run across a trigger which un-hostiles Mr. Giggles, and triggers a dialog. Mr. Giggles: Small creatures learn to run fast together. Take piece of paper to masters. Coder’s Note: Heal party fully, resurrect the dead and jump the party back upstairs. _________________________________________________ (if 4b) - Maxil: Ahh, you’ve come in search of wisdom… pull up a chair and listen… (Screen fades to black)… …and that’s it… for now anyways. It sounds to me like you have the basics down – I believe it’s time for a homework assignment. Head downstairs to the training room and speak with my assistant, Radcliff. We’ll see how well you remember your lessons. Coder’s Note: Jump the party to the Test Camp Room. Reset hp on all objects in test area. Radcliff: This is our test camp – if you can maintain a good camp routine under duress, you’ll pass. Waves of summoned monsters will appear, and attempt to destroy your camp – you must repel them to pass the exam. If you fail, it will cost 500 gold to reset the test. Coder’s Note: 6 waves of 12 goblins, (one wave every 30 seconds), will spawn near the room’s edges, and charge full speed at the camp, attempting to attack the tent, fire-pit, bedrolls and supply crates. (100 hit points each). If any of them are destroyed, the test fails and must be reset. Radcliff: Well done. Here is your certificate – head upstairs and take it to Maxil. Coder’s Note: Jump the party back upstairs. _________________________________________________ (if 5b) - Maxil: Ahh, you’ve come in search of wisdom… pull up a chair and listen… (Screen fades to black)… …and that’s it… for now anyways. It sounds to me like you have the basics down – I believe it’s time for a homework assignment. Head downstairs to the training room and speak again with my assistant, Radcliff. We’ll see how much you’ve improved. If you fail, it will cost 500 gold to reset the test. Coder’s Note: Jump the party to the Test Camp Room. Reset hp on all objects in test area. Radcliff: Ahh – here for the advanced course I see! Time to ramp up the difficulty I think. It will be the same as before - waves of summoned monsters will appear, and attempt to destroy your camp – you must repel them to pass the exam. Coder’s Note: 8 waves of 12 trolls, (one wave every 30 seconds), will spawn near the room’s edges, and charge full speed at the camp, attempting to attack the tent, fire-pit, bedrolls and supply crates. (150 hit points each). If any of them are destroyed, the test fails and must be reset. Radcliff: Well done. Here is your certificate – head upstairs and take it to Maxil. Coder’s Note: Jump the party back upstairs. _________________________________________________ (if 6b) - Maxil: Ahh, you’ve come in search of wisdom… pull up a chair and listen… (Screen fades to black)… …and that’s it… for now anyways. It sounds to me like you have the basics down – I believe it’s time for a homework assignment. Journey to XXXXXX – there you will find a large White Dragon terrorizing the region. Use what I’ve taught you to surround the beast and slay it. Bring back one of its teeth, and you’ll have passed the course. Coder’s Note: Spawn a Great Wyrm White Dragon in the XXXXXX zone. _________________________________________________ (if 7b) - Candril: Welcome adventurers… I shall be your instructor in this session - so, gather around, and listen well to what I have to say… (Screen fades to black)… …and so it is. Words will not be sufficient to continue my instruction – you must now put your newfound knowledge to use! Head to XXXXX – there area is plagued by a clan of Frost Giants, who are staging ambushes to waylay travelers and merchants alike. Use what you’re learned here to survive their ambush and defeat them. Return to me with the Jarl’s head as proof of your deed. Coder’s Note: Spawn a frost giant ambush in the XXXXXX zone. _________________________________________________ (if 8b) - Candril: Welcome adventurers… I shall be your instructor in this session - so, gather around, and listen well to what I have to say… (Screen fades to black)… …and so it is. Words will not be sufficient to continue my instruction – you must now put your newfound knowledge to use! Head downstairs to the training room, and we shall see if you’ve taken these lessons to heart. Speak with my assistant Danville, and he shall begin. Coder’s Note: Jump the party to the Test Sleep Room. The room has 6 beds. Danville: Oh, I see you’ve been training to enter a group trance, and sleep as the elves do! Very good! For testing, we shall see how well you meditate with distraction! You must remain calm and focused, regardless of what happens around you! Coder’s Note: Everyone in the group is placed in one of the beds, and then total chaos and bedlam breaks out – monsters of every variety begin running around, battling warriors, wizards and other monsters – each of four waves becoming more and more insane. After each wave, the player will have to make a wisdom check < 20 in order to stay focused. If the players fail a check, or if they succeed, they are all jumped back to the starting point in the room next to Danville. Danville: You did well! You maintained your metalation despite the cacophony! Here is your certificate – give it to Candril to pass the course. Coder’s Note: Jump the party back upstairs. _________________________________________________ (if 9b) - Candril: Welcome adventurers… I shall be your instructor in this session - so, gather around, and listen well to what I have to say… (Screen fades to black)… …and so it is. Words will not be sufficient to continue my instruction – you must now put your newfound knowledge to use! Head downstairs to the archery range – we shall see if you’ve taken my lessons to heart. Speak with Clothos, our range marshal to begin. Coder’s Note: Jump the party to the Archery Range downstairs. Reset the 60 bottles. Clothos: New meat eh? Alright then, everyone grab ranged weapon – if you don’t have one, we have some spares in the box to me right. You see all those bottles downrange? You’ve all got thirty seconds to shoot’em all. If you pull it off, great, ya passed. If not, it will cost you 500 gold to reset the range – bottles don’t come cheap ya know! Talk to me when you’re ready ta start. Coder’s Note: There are 60 bottles, (AC: 25, HP: 8, Immune to Fire, Magic, Ice, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Sonic, Darkness, Divine, Positive). The players must destroy in 30 seconds. Players are allowed to use haste or other speed enhancements. Coder’s Note: If players Cast Ice Storm, Meteor Swarm, Bombard, or Earthquake, have Clothos yell at them for cheating and demand they pay 500 gold to restart the test. Clothos: Good work. Here’s yer ticket - now get outta my hair. Coder’s Note: Jump the party back upstairs. _________________________________________________ (if 10b) - Daerred: Oh yes! It is so MOST excellent to see you! You’ve come to the right place – that’s for sure – and I can hardly wait to tell you everything you need to know to be a GREAT adventurer – just like us! Now listen up… because this is the most important part… (Screen fades to black)… …and really, that’s all there it to it! Let’s put your knew talents to the test! Head downstairs to our “Intimidation Room,” and we’ll give you a little exam – which I’m sure you’ll pass with no problems!!! Speak with my talented student Mumb to begin the test! Coder’s Note: Jump the party to the Intimidation Room downstairs. Room is surrounded by cages filled with monsters – kobold, bugbear, orc, troll, umber hulk, and a grey render. Respawn monsters in the cages. Mumb: (Deadpan). Oh… hello… I am Mumb… the talented student of the great and wondrous Daerred the magnificent and mighty. I see you’ve come to learn to be intimidating. You will be faced by various monsters, and you must use your fearsome presence to frighten them away. If you are successful, I shall give you a certificate, which you must take to my stupendous master - as proof of your frightful accomplishment. If you fail, it will cost 500 gold to retake the test. Coder’s Note: First the kobold is released from the cage. It approaches the party. The players must succeed in an intimidate check > 10 to scare it away. Next comes the bugbear, an intimidate check > 15. Finally the orc, which requires an intimidate check > 20, Mumb: (Kobold) – How scary. Time for the next one… Mumb: (Bugbear) – Positively beastly. Here comes the final one… Mumb: (Orc) Oh. That’s very fearsome. Here is your certificate – please take it to Daerred upstairs to show proof of your accomplishment. Coder’s Note: Jump the party back upstairs. _________________________________________________ (if 11b) - Daerred: Oh yes! It is so MOST excellent to see you! You’ve come to the right place – that’s for sure – and I can hardly wait to tell you everything you need to know to be a GREAT adventurer – just like us! Now listen up… because this is the most important part… (Screen fades to black)… …and really, that’s all there it to it! Let’s put your knew talents to the test! Head downstairs to our “Intimidation Room,” and we’ll give you the advanced exam!!! Speak with my talented student Mumb to begin! Coder’s Note: Jump the party to the Intimidation Room downstairs. Room is surrounded by cages filled with monsters – kobold, bugbear, orc, troll, umber hulk, and a grey render. Respawn monsters in the cages. Mumb: (Deadpan) I see you’ve come for the advanced course. You will be faced by various monsters, and you must use your fearsome presence to frighten them away. If you are successful, I shall give you a certificate, which you must take to my stupendous master - as proof of your frightful accomplishment. If you fail, it will cost 500 gold to retake the test. Coder’s Note: First the troll is released from the cage. It approaches the party. The players must succeed in an intimidate check > 25 to scare it away. Next comes the umber hulk, an intimidate check > 30. Finally the grey render, which requires an intimidate check > 35, Mumb: (Troll) – Eeep... I mean… (ahem) t-that… was… actually pretty terrifying... Time for the next one… Mumb: (Umber Hulk) – I... I t-think… I may h-have soiled myself.... a l-little… (Gulp)… here comes the f-final one… Mumb: (Grey Render) – OH GODS… y-you’re TERROR INCARNATE! Y-you PASS, YOU PASS ALREADY, j-just S-s-s-sTOP!!!! H-here is y-your certificate – please take it to Daerred upstairs and d-don’t ever come back. Y-you s-s-s-shall haunt m-my nightmares f-f-f-forever… Coder’s Note: Jump the party back upstairs. _________________________________________________ (if 12b) - Daerred: Oh yes! It is so MOST excellent to see you! You’ve come to the right place – that’s for sure – and I can hardly wait to tell you everything you need to know to be a GREAT adventurer – just like us! Now listen up… because this is the most important part… (Screen fades to black)… …and really, that’s all there it to it! Let’s put your knew talents to the test! In XXXXXX there is the most frightening beast ever seen – a creature so foul and terrible that even Drizzt himself would flee from it as fast as his drow feet could flutter! You must seek out this terror beyond terror, and destroy it to prove you’ve conquered your fears! Coder’s Note: Spawn a giant rust monster in the XXXXXX zone.
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Image hosting issues should be taken care of in a bit.
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Development Diary 3/17/17: - We have added normal, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, Cold Iron, Mithral, Adamantine, Alchemical Silver and Darksteel Wakazashi to the exotic weapons merchant. - We've created a new Epic Wakazashi to be discovered as players advance through the campaign. - We've added new quest Wakizashi for Terukawa to potentially earn from the Dragon Emperor Hayate towards the end of the adventure. - We created new icons for the Wakizashi, trying to match the aesthetic of the existing Katanas. - We're continuing to work on the Companion Item Upgrade Quest dialog. Suffice to say this will probably be the longest dialog ever created for a NWN2 module. (No exaggeration). http://www.dethguild.com/wp-content/uploads/images/nwn/ck_bioware_images/wakizashi_1.jpg http://www.dethguild.com/wp-content/uploads/images/nwn/ck_bioware_images/wakizashi_2.jpg
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Sabranic replied to FreshLook's topic in Neverwinter Nights's NWN2 Discussion
This is really impressive. -
Development Diary 3/13/17: - We've finished up the CK Kitchen, Rhea Corvianna's food quests, and the various "specialty" cuisine she can create. - We built over 600 custom magical items for the Companion upgrade system. - We set up a quest system so players can retrieve rare components for Sand, who will use them to replenish his stock of Alarm Stones. - We created a quest line for players to slowly build themselves a flesh, clay, stone and eventually an iron golem servant with Safiya's help. - Established a way for players to retrieve rare items and use them to upgrade an enchanted arrow quiver, bolt case and bullet pouch with Deekin's assistance. _______________________________________________________________________________ - Area Title: CK Kitchen - Required Characters: None - Points of interest: Rhea’s Shop http://www.dethguild.com/wp-content/uploads/images/nwn/ck_bioware_images/cK_kitchen_3.jpg Once the party has explored Granite Hold and the Underdark, they will rescue Rhea Corvianna - the self-styled “Gourmandomancer of Waterdeep.” This eccentric woman has “pioneered” a fusion of gourmet cooking, alchemy and magical enchantments. Her cuisine is not only fit for a king’s table, but imparts various magical effects when eaten. Mechanically, it can be used like normal food to rest, or it can be consumed as an item or a potion, casting a magic spell when used. http://www.dethguild.com/wp-content/uploads/images/nwn/ck_bioware_images/food_of_legend.jpg Freeing Rhea from The Kaiser's dungeons, the party will discover she's taken over the CK Kitchen, and the brash woman throws a fit over the keep's poor quality cooking ingredients. “I can only make mundane slop – barely fit for swine!” However, the party will have opportunities to collect rare ingredients as they travel, which, when brought to Rhea, will allow the enchantress to cook “The Legendary Dishes of Old Empires” – truly magical foods providing mystic effects when consumed. http://www.dethguild.com/wp-content/uploads/images/nwn/ck_bioware_images/cK_kitchen_2.jpg When speaking with her, she will offer hints on where to locate the rare ingredients. (If the players are vigilant, they will turn up many of her items before she’s even encountered). Once these objects have been recovered, Rhea will craft legendary dishes and sell them through her store. http://www.dethguild.com/wp-content/uploads/images/nwn/ck_bioware_images/cK_kitchen_1.jpg Illefarn Travel Rations Magical Effect: 80% Weight Reduction Ingredient: None Ingredient Location: None, default food. Stack Size: 100 These sweet, flakey pastries remain fresh for months. Amazingly, only a few mouthfuls of will sustain a grown adult for a day of hard travel. Note: These rations are Rhea’s default merchandise, and no legendary ingredients are necessary to purchase them. They are superior to mundane food, as they stack in groups of 100 instead of ten, and have reduced weight. Luiric Caviar Magical Effect: Casts Rejuvenation Cocoon Ingredient: Sturgeon eggs Ingredient Location: Unicorn Run, 35 Survival to discover. Stack Size: 10 Salt cured Sturgeon eggs, served chilled in a small dish. Halruaan Filet Mignon Magical Effect: Casts Greater Stoneskin Ingredient: Halruaan Beef Ingredient Location: Granite Hold West Tower, Floor 2. Stack Size: 10 Especially tender cuts of the tenderloin marinated in a sweet sauce and wrapped in maple cured bacon. Mulhorandi Prosciutto Magical Effect: Casts Greater Spell Mantle Ingredient: Wild Boar Meat Ingredient Location: Awarded after killing Sorachi in The Lost Peaks Stack Size: 10 This slices of dry-cured ham that is dusted with sea-salt, rolled in exotic spices and then carefully pressed for many weeks. Imaskari Foie Gras Magical Effect: Casts Ethereal Visage Ingredient: Snowdonia Hawkweed Ingredient Location: Mirabar Tundra, 35 Survival to discover. Stack Size: 10 A pan seared goose liver, marinated in an herb sauce and served over a bead of spinach. Lantanna Escargot Magical Effect: Casts Elemental Shield Ingredient: A Jar of Lantan Snails Ingredient Location: CK Crafting Center – Listen to Jan Jansen’s entire story. Stack Size: 10 Large snails, slowly sautéed in butter and a multitude of exotic spices. Wa Karasumi Magical Effect: Casts Greater Visage of the Deity Ingredient: Mullet Roe Ingredient Location: For sale at the Tavern in Daggerford. Stack Size: 10 A the meat from a mullet roe is spiced and salted and carefully dried in the sun to create a chewy delicacy. Netherese Black Truffle Soufflé Magical Effect: Casts Shadowshield Ingredient: Black Truffles Ingredient Location: Host Tower Sewer, under a beam of sunlight in the SE corner. Stack Size: 10 Quail egg soufflé drizzled with a black truffle cream sauce. Chessentan Green Turtle Soup Magical Effect: Casts Tortiose Shell Ingredient: Pouch of Saffron Ingredient Location: Red Cliffs Area, requires 35 survival to discover. Stack Size: 10 A savory broth with a hint of saffron, fresh parsley and delicate cuts of green turtle, boiled to perfection. Delzoun Marzipan Magical Effect: Protection from Spells Ingredient: Jar of Preserved Golden Honey Ingredient Location: Illefarn Artificer’s Ruins Stack Size: 10 A small sweet confection, shaped into delicate flowers, made from sugar, honey and almond paste. Coramshan Champagne Magical Effect: Completely Restores the Drinker's Hydration Ingredient: Crate of Coramshan Grapes Ingredient Location: Purchasable from a shop in Mirabar. Stack Size: 10 A carbonated sparkling wine made from plump black grapes. It has a decidedly sweet flavor and its bubbles tickle the nose while drinking it. Shou Curry Magical Effect: Casts Battletide Ingredient: Pouch of Shou Curry Ingredient Location: The Whalebones – Pirate’s Lair, Steal from Captain Blessed. Stack Size: 10 A rich, yet mild curry, served with beef, star anise and dusted with cinnamon. http://www.dethguild.com/wp-content/uploads/images/nwn/ck_bioware_images/cK_kitchen_4.jpg STORY POINT - The Truth of the Matter: Rhea was an integral part of The Kaiser’s plot to take over Neverwinter. He abducted the enchantress from Waterdeep, and was forcing her to manufacture a mystic seasoning which is simultaneously rendering Nasher highly susceptible to suggestion and leeching away his vigor. The concoction is nigh-undetectable and highly resistant to priestly magic, allowing the evil warlord to effectively usurp control of the city and slowly kill off its ruler. To outside observers, Nasher simply appears to be growing confused and feeble due to advancing age.. While Rhea cannot craft an antidote, (only time and rest will heal her potent malady), freeing her will effectively end The Kaiser’s access to her poison, throwing a wrench in his plot to take over Neverwinter with an air of legitimacy. Once she's established herself at Crossroad Keep, she will provide aid at various points in the campaign - mostly to avenge her captivity in Granite Hold. Brash, proud and spiteful to a fault, if there is one thing Rhea knows how to do it's hold a GRUDGE - and she has a very large score to settle with the man who held her prisoner.
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