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Everything posted by steven857

  1. Robert Jordon was also one of the author of Conan he wrote 7 or 9 of the Conan novels. during the early 80's Any way just courios as I am working on a MOD dealing with Highever. On the chanter Board (in Highever) i was going to have a sidequest to involving a witch (Ursala) (Conobar's mother) I am trying to stick with the references found in Dragon age.
  2. Question was it planned or did the developers of Dragon Age not realize that Conobar (Flemeth ill fated husband) was Conan the Barbarian's evil son.
  3. I would like ot request some assistance with this MOD I am working on the castle Highever I would like to request help making the Village of Highever I would like it to be about 1/3 the size of Denerim with a port section. I should have some damage from when Arl's Howe's soldiers captured the Castle of Highever and possibly there should be a small alienage.
  4. Well looks like I might be late doing this MOD I see it was just uploaded today. Highever was taken my force so there would be serious damage done to castle and also to the village around it. I want the PC to be free to continue to adventure and Eleanor Couslandwould be able to stay at Highever (once the PC has driven the Howe's from HIghever). Eleanor could then oversee the repair and reconstruction of Highever. I do like the idea of Ser Gilmore also making it thru the razing of Highever. I want the MOD to work if you are of human noble origin male or female but also to work if you are not of human noble origin that was why the Iona's child in the alienage is the trigger to begin Highever.
  5. I like the title "Assualt on Highever." Here is the plot as I have been working on Iona's daughter is the trigger to add Highever as a location the PC can travel to on the map. The secret exits has not been found by Arl Howe or his Soldiers. The secret exit leads out of highever with also a secret entrance to the family crypt. In the family crypt a weaken and injured Eleanor Cousland (battlemaid) and Iona (rouge) will be found guarding the dead body of Bryce Cousland if the PC is a human noble she will join the party and if the PC is of other origin she can be persuaded to join the party. There will be an much older subsection containing the revenant of Conobar (Conobar of Dragon Age not the Conobar from Hyborian ERA (Conan's son)) and where if the PC is a human noble he/she will find out that Sarim was the son of Conobar and his short ill fated marriage (this may be too much I would like input on this point) .
  6. I have a MOD idea and want to get input on. A "Return to Highever" MOD or just a Highever MOD. If the Hero is not from Highever it could still be a MOD to defeat Arl Howe's Son/daughter who has taken control of Highever. I am also planning on have Lady Iona(Lady in waiting) survive the initial attack along wiht Lady Teyrna (mother).
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