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About DWMHitMan

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  1. What a hero. Few clicks coming your way ;)
  2. Our information on the current Dark City MOD found there. I'm on our teamspeak 2 server as of now. want info hop on and i'll fill you in Server: Dies-World Adress: otherwise post here or pm me to apply. we don't require you know anything, only that you want to mod. tell us something about your self and if you've modded something befor name it aswell. general modification discussion will be on our clan's website look for hitman if you have and questions signed DWM|HitMan
  3. I was trying to rename my mod from name A to name B. So at first I loaded my file A.esp and set it to inactive. When i saved it as B.esp when i reloaded it and only it i soon found the files did not transfer. To fix this problem Holty07 referred me to the FOMM plugin property. Once there I figured out that by copying existing files in the old mod (-tes4 file) i could transfer the files. under the A.esp drop down copy and paste all the groups of grup drop downs into the new file (b.esp). this may have been learned before but i relearned you... I dont care about my grammer forgive me or not i was trying to help. Thanks Holty07 for the reference DWMHitMan
  4. I was working on a file (1st.esp) when i decided to rename it by making a new active file. Now if i only load up (2nd.esp) then i only get its contents. I've gotten very far on 2nd.esp and only want to have 2nd.esp. Is there any way to add 1st.esp to 2nd.esp??
  5. Answering some questions here: Tekmon 1. Yes we'll have quite a few new mutants but not ones currently in game :biggrin: 2. The experiments are cough strength erhum mutation are confidential material you'll like them I'm almost sure 3. And robots no way will there be a suit that injects chems into your blood stream and alters your muscles and perception etc.:confused: Tony the wookie 1. I'll post it in the info section soon :thanks: mate Calli 1. My favorite long time supporter let me finish up the new buildings first Q. Should i divide the blocks into separate cells for lower end computers or wait and do that as an update Badpenney 1. As they die they will still protect 2. No citizens will die if I can defend them 3. No elite/southeast union guard will live if I can fight 4. Actors/melodramatic Militants no more like noblemen I guess 5. Yes awhile back but I'm just starting to make this after some real life difficulties Well thats all for now. Hope I was helpful. Catch you all later on!
  6. The Dark City project is currently in the making. This mod doesn't require that you know any of the lore. You as a player are free to run gun and kill through the quest freely. You really don't even have to read the info section if your intrested in helping scroll to the bottem. Info: (Not everything is unveiled here more of the story is in the mod its-self) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: The City, Southeast Commonwealth (specificly in Charlotte N.C.). Is the last known city to be left standing after the bombs fell on of the east coast. Of the four blocks, two were declared a war zone by the Elite. Due to quarantine, the only known access is by metro train (or it's tunnels). Story: As you enter the drainage of the City, the only place forgotten by the bombs. You simultaneously feel the desperation, and sorrow of the sick and homeless. From them you learn only you can save them from the unforgiving "Elite" of the Enclave. In the year 2240 the remnants of the American government (the Enclave) caught wind of the City, President Richardson ordered the Elite to move in and set up government. The government would proclaim that the locals would be its new inhabitants. Two years later (2242) the Elite lost communication with the Poseidon oil platform where they received their orders. The Elite took it upon them selves to dictate the City as the felt the Enclave should. Doing so the Elite took their pick of the locals. Anyone capable of work were moved to select houses. The "poised" citizens, those who were too irradiated were killed or experimented on. Others who lived in the City that resided in buildings needed by the Enclave were forced out. This of course made many homeless. Disease broke out, and one by one houses were evacuated or quarantined. Soon after whole apartments. As the Elite proceeded rebellion was afoot. Refugees now turned rebel fought in guerrilla style skirmishes. Turning two of four blocks into an all out war zone. As the new faction known as the Black Knights (after their power armor) emerged from the depths of the underground, refugees embraced their last hope. Cause: Black Knights serve to free, and protect citizens of The City, by which they must fight the notorious Elite. Creed: Through hell we'll fight. Through the greetings of death we'll protect. No citizen shall fall as long as I bare arms to defended. No Elite shall live if my lung hath breath. I will defend the City and all innocent within it. I will eliminate the enemy and their right to freedom. My duty as a Black Knight comes before all else. My ability to abolish my enemy comes second. History: Ruarc McHard an Irishman who during the time of the scourge, escaped The Pitt. Along with his brothers he ventured through the capital wasteland into the Southeast Commonwealth (the state of North Carolina). Ruarc and Colin two of the three brothers, made it to the refugee station of the city, and built an alliance. This alliance swore to protect The City and all innocent citizens in it. Then searching for an area to set up a base station for the refugee railroad, an old utility tunnel is found. Once finding the location for the base, the faction was forged. While fighting to take over the extermination facility, Colin along with other refugees lost their lives. On the way out Colin and the only captain at the time Larry Polk were caught in an explosion which sealed the entrance from the 4th block to the facility. A few years later the production of Black Knight power armor increased. Ruarc felt that with the strong defence 3rd could be taken and the Extermination facility could be destroyed. Ruarc essembeled the Captain of the Knights and their men. Then he said "Many men have shed blood for our freedom! We promised defence, and liberation, we will deliver. Today we crush the Southeast Union, Tomorrow the Enclave!" The Black Knights along with the rebels cleared 4th block. As the men marched for the entrance they were cut down by turrents and (police). Rebels fell blood flew men cry out and the medics who ran to help were a slaughtered. Captains of the Knight and a held full their men along with a few rebels pushed on. Knights, soldiers, and rebels droped with a trail of blood. Ruarc cried "Foward!" The (police) shouted "hold the gate!" Both sides persistant to prevail. Few Knights staggerd on guns dragging the pavement. Ruarc smashed the flag of the Black Knight through the pavement. His last words then echoed through the city "Their will be freedom!!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Needs: First things first I am very open to ideas. If you want to edit my story line with your own ideas I'm open to it. I'm very, very open to new ideas on how things should be. Via looks, story, NPCs, etc. Also: Please remember I'm not the boss here its a joint operation. I guess you could say I'm a "Director". Everyone is as equal as I am. (your probably more important in some cases) A sample of the work can be found here on nexus Jobs Are Open! I'm always needing some fresh hands here, I'm trying to get more talent on the team. So what I'm currently asking for is; Level Editors Texture Desighners Modelers I unlike others don't require any proof just say "hey I'm in!" and I'll do the rest. Post a past down here or PM me and I'll give you the info! Simple I know! I can also be found on teamspeak Server: Dies-World Adress: Just select anonymos and join! Be sure to look for me HitMan
  7. ==========Updated Original Post========== I need help on this mod one can't do it alone seeing as it is a group project please get teamspeak and come chat you don't even have to help just tell me ideas
  8. My whole map came off a 64 grid and i cant drop anything in i went down to 32 nothing can anyone help?
  9. ==============Original Post Updated==============
  10. =================Original Post Updated================= =================Pics Added=================
  11. =============Original Post Updated============= Thanks Callighan I'd be honored to have you aboard if your available. For now on the read me I'll just mark you as an exceptional idealist.
  12. ==========Original Post Edited========== ==========Needs Category============ Thanks for the info pics coming up ASAP
  13. ===============Original Post Updated===============
  14. Now found under the Project: Dark City topic
  15. Web Adress Dies-World. Teamspeak 2 server Look for hitman no mods mods or just wanna chat hop on!
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