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About Thaiauxn

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    Fallout: Project Brazil

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  1. In response to post #75816293. #75817488 is also a reply to the same post. Unless your PayPal email and password is the same as your Nexus Site email and password, which is also the same as your email password and/or the cellphone number authentication just so happens to be the phone of the hacker who hacked the Nexus...... that is very unlikely to be the same. Unless you are the hacker and authenticated the PayPal login so you could hack yourself, or, you got a notification about an attempted PayPal login and replied to accept that it was you when it wasn't you, then it could be the same incident. (Unless you have no 2nd authentication on your PayPal or email, which you absolutely should.) Unless that's the case, I'm fairly positive that is not correlated.
  2. The fact that we're aware of it is the solution. It's the stuff we're unaware of that's dangerous. Whoever it is wants to target specific users and is probably a banned user who was a mod thief (or troll) who has beef with those users which reported them. No one is really to blame here. Malicious intents are hard to predict in a site this massive with so many users.
  3. Being in the Bethesda modding community, I'm deeply jealous of how cool the Kenshi modding community is to newcomers and shared projects. I haven't played Kenshi yet, but I want to. Especially since I've sent a couple mods art assets to use! :p You guys are doing great, keep it up!
  4. I have some insight into this now, because I'm experimenting with a couple plugins I bought for Unreal for a new game I'm prototyping, and I can assure you, trying to do this in the GECK or CK would be a nightmare. https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/slug/character-customizer And the two I bought: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/slug/character-customization-male https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/slug/character-customization-female Using Morph Targets in Unreal is similar to the way the EGM system works in GECK/CK, but it makes, uh, sense. And you never have to f*#@ with a forest of incomprehensible nodes in your worthless nif format, just focus on painting correct weights and shader targets in an easy to use FBX file. All your morph targets are handled by the Engine, not the Nif with support by the engine that's hard coded. Your scripting guy can rig together this solution in Unreal in a few weeks of experimenting and developing, and master it over time with help from the hard won lessons of other Unreal devs and workshops focused on just this topic in Unreal. In CK? You're at the only company on Earth developing solutions on this pipeline. It's just you in the dark struggling with an antique meh format on an engine with no node based approach to shaders and zero (none) scripts that handle mesh deformation or vertex blending and shading of this type, blending the normals for multiple body and skin types with one mesh as a morph target slider introduces skin folds or wrinkles. There are body sliders for these games made as mods, but that likely they took approaches OUTSIDE the engine to make it work. It's not that devs don't want other body types, it's that it require so f*#@ing much work that it's almost an entire development cycle just to have that feature. It triples your budget, easy, and requires specialist team members. Just using one standard body type slashes your budget and reduces the cost immeasurably. Having males and females already doubles the cost. Adding body types quadruples and exponentially increases it for every feature after that, like destructible limbs and modular outfits.
  5. Years later, this just helped me fix the MPS on a missile trail. :p Thanks!
  6. I love it when someone makes it from modding to indie development. With initiatives like Modularity and Mod.io offering to help fund and publish indie games which feature modding, it's a good time to make the jump that way. Studios and AAA, however, seem to be the opposite of that -- they're shrinking teams and everyone is starving for work, so they can basically pick veterans for even entry level positions -- meaning they just don't need you if you're a modder. They can grab legends for lower prices. There are a lot of us making mods that I'm just like... if we had money on hand to just not have to work a day job, we'd do this full time and produce games. Modding to me is just what I do when I can't work on a feature length game with a staff!
  7. In response to post #64617816. #64625956 is also a reply to the same post. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XBpyRfK4Ok That should help!
  8. In response to post #65086131. It's likely corrupted download. There is a torrent available online.
  9. In response to post #64069346. I really proud you're looking frward to us more than a AAA or Indie, we did a great job putting this together and the effort really shows in the final product. The effort from everybody was justified. I just got back from playtesting and recording the last dialogue and I think I'm finally satisfied. We definitely can't outpace the AAA budget devs tho. :p That's subjective, sure, but that's up to you guys to decide, and I'm not sure it's accurate to say modders do it better, so much as, modders do it differently. :) If it's better or not, that's up to you. We just have a different sense of what is important.
  10. In response to post #64092001. We have I think, 3 or 4 low INT options in the mod, and they're mostly jokes, or, to check if you are truly playing a character not smart enough to figure your way out of a simple problem. :p Which happens, especially in the Enclave plot where intelligence wasn't a prerequisite for membership. :p To hilarious effect from Bragg.
  11. That's awesome! Great to see another New Vegas modder turning to Indie Development. Your mod tools sound really ambitious too. Really good insights from the GECK showing there, powered by a waaay more powerful engine. The asset swapping and new storyline tools will help a lot. I'd love to see your narrative system. Are you using Articy or writing directly into Unity? How is the storyline and dialogue implemented over there?
  12. I'm even more curious about the 100 Team Members note. Is that 100 people contributing a preexisting modders resource 1 time 3 months ago, or 100 people actively involved in the GECK making original and spontaneous content in constant contact with the leads? That's a lot of logistics either way!
  13. In response to post #63387631. I have no idea. During BETA200, try it out, write down the steps you take to get it working, and I'll post that process if you are successful. But, Rick and I will be focused on players running a minimum number of mods so we can fix our own mess. :p We take our responsibility first, so that means fixing our own bugs before those introduced by every random mod in the last 10 years.
  14. In response to post #63340426. You don't need NVSE, but if you can't get NVSE to work your problems very likely are not in the programme but in your ability to install them correctly.
  15. In response to post #63335506. #63336471, #63338151 are all replies on the same post. Ppbbtt. No. And the plan is a very generic ideal, not a literal "this is what I will do and how I will do it." Even in the words under the image it's obvious I'm thinking 15-20 years for all these, and the costs will have to adjust for what comes up, not what I wish they could be. But without an aspiration and a general plan, nothing, absolutely nothing, ever gets done.
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