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Posts posted by DocClox

  1. Doesn't seem to be. There's a CryoPod lever, but that turns out to be a door, and a AnimsLeverAction, but that's for lever action guns. There is an ActivatorLever keyword ... but nothing makes use of it.


    I admit, I'm quite surprised.

  2. I haven't tried this in Fo4. but in Skyrim you could set the player's viewpoint to use another Actor's eyes. If that still works, you could:


    • Switch player to AI driven
    • Switch player to use invisible actor's eyes
    • Paralyze player actor
    • Wait for effect to wear off
    • Restore player pov
    • Remove the invisible actor
    • remove AI driven status from the player

    If the host object has an attach node you can totally attach a terminal to it.



    Yeah, I thought about that. Depends on whether you want to place the terminal with a script, or set it up in the cell editor of the CK.




    There are also terminals in the Activator section that you will be able to attach. One of them is even for opening doors. Though from the sound of it, I'd probably go with the static substitution plan.

  4. But I can't use the ref id as a property, because apparently you can't pass the object to which the scirpt is attached to to the script as a property.





    • you placed a rotation helper in a cell
    • stuck a script on a the rotation helper
    • and then tried to give the rotation marker script a property pointing at the rotation marker

    Is that about right?


    Because you wouldn't need a property in that case - just use "self"

  5. Basically, use Game.GetFormFromFile to get the form safely from the esp file, then add it into the formlist. Repeat for each form you want to add. You can save a lot of trouble if the source mod has a quest or similar with a property array and then you just need to get the quest form and then iterate over the list.


    You'll probably want a quest in the destination mod so you can load up the forms in the OnInit method. I;m not sure if you need to do that each time the game loads or just the once. I'd try it just using OnInit myself and see what happens.

  6. Are your earlier mods esm files? If not, how are you populating the lists?


    You can reference a non-esp non-esm mod's assets in the CK, but unless the source mod is an esm, the reference won't be resolved correctly when the load order changes. Or you can get around that by softloading the references you want to use and adding them to the lists with a script.




    "Non-esm", not "non-esp" :whistling:

  7. But quests are pretty much "premade state machines", so why not use them for what they are designed to do, right?


    Be a bit careful with that approach. They are like state machines, but they only go forward. If you do

    quest q = whatever
    ; do stuff

    Then when you come to test the quest stage, you'll find it still at 20. The difference is that stage 10 won't be marked as completed until after the second setstage call, but you can't actually put the quest back to stage 10.


    I know this because I tried using a quest as a formal finite state automata back in Skyrim. Took me ages to figure out why it wasn't working.

  8. Ok, I am getting this error:

    cannot call the member function GI_RotatingWall_ButtonHandler alone or on a type, must call it on a variable

    When trying to call the function from the "master script" in the "button script".

    Yeah, you need an instance. If you want to call it from the class, the function needs to be marked global.



    I actually like the "quest stage" approach.

    I think I am going to use that.


    If it's a good fit for the problem, then why not?

  9. What do you mean by that?



    bool RegisterFuncs(VirtualMachine* vm) {
    		new NativeFunction0 <StaticFunctionTag, void>("Test", "TestClass", Example_Plugin_Functions::Test, vm));
    	return true;
    Calls the papyrus virtual machine to create a new native function called "Test" attached to a class called TestClass. The TestClass.psc definition is in the git archive too.


    I can see that there are lots of functions that get defined, but they never get called. Weird ...

    Mainly they're being passed to the engine so they can be called later when papyrus invokes the TestClass - Test method.


    You could make the buttons stateful. Maybe have them light up when pushed and unlight when pushed again. You give each light-up button the same script and mayeb a bool property to say if the state is pushed or not. Then a master script that queries the states of all the buttons is references before deciding what to do.


    That's not all in a single script, but it's got it down to two.

    Yes, that's what I did before ...

    Having the buttons enable an invisible xmarker.

    And the "MasterControlScript" would then check the enable state of those markers, and after doing what it needs to do it would disable that xmarker again, so it could respond to another button push.


    Why not


    scriptname ButtonMcButtonFace extends Objectreference
    bool property is_pressed = false auto
    event OnActivate()
        is_pressed = !is_pressed

    And then:


    script master_script extends whatever
    ButtonMcButtonFace property button1 auto
    ButtonMcButtonFace property button2 auto
    function button_hander()
        if button1.is_pressed 
    		if button2.is_pressed
    		if button2.is_pressed

    No markers needed, and you can have as many buttons as you like

  11. I made a light mesh. It's basically a concrete housing protecting a ground tracking light from the workshop, only I ripped out the light's animation and added my own. What I did works just fine in Nifskope, but crashes the CK when I try and use it. I know it's not the textures causing the crash, because I ripped out the animation (again) and the static version loads fine with the those same textures.


    I've been checking the fields against working ones from the game, and so far as I can tell, it ought to work, but clearly I'm missing something. Any ideas for how to find the problem?

  12. You could make the buttons stateful. Maybe have them light up when pushed and unlight when pushed again. You give each light-up button the same script and maybe a bool property to say if the state is pushed or not. Then a master script that queries the states of all the buttons is references before deciding what to do.


    That's not all in a single script, but it's got it down to two.

  13. There is an example plugin for f4Se which will probably go a long way to getting you started.


    Basically, it defines a papyrus class and a single function within that class, and implements code to print a message when that function is called. Which is basically your workflow, I guess: create entry point, write code to do <whatever>, package up results in a Papyrus type and return them the the engine.




    Le me know if you get the urge to write a generalized JSON reader, or similar doo-dad. That's the thing I keep flirting with making.

  14. I think I might have a better solution. I made a composite object for my rotating ring. The composite places the ring mesh and the helper that rotates it at nodes in its own structure. The helper attaches to the composite, and the ring attaches to the helper. The ring can move, but it's still attached to the composite via the helper.


    Then I attach the composite to the overall frame, and when I pick up the machine, the whole thing moves as one.

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