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  1. Thanks for the link! Altough I've figured out what I've been doing wrong, it's actually super stupid and way simplier than I thought... I just placed the number corresponding to the texture set in the controller window instead of well, texture set. I feel so bad about it, but also glad it's not a bigger issue. The textures are working now and it turns out I've absolutely butchered them with my newbie uv maps, haha. Thank you for your time and willingness to help, and I hope you have a lovely day!
  2. I've been trying to copy the properties an from existing mesh like you're saying, but there's just so many, so I wouldn't be surprised if I missed something. I'll try finding other tutorials than what I've tried so far, as well as keep experimenting myself. I really appreciate your help, thank you so much!
  3. Hmm. Each part has an UV map, and NifSkope is able to read them as I've exported them using it. Is there something more to it that I don't know about?
  4. Already have those in place, so probably my mesh is a potato after all, haha. I tried assigning custom textures to an existing model just now and something happened, so it definitely is my issue with my model. I'll try improving or redoing it completely. Thank you so much for helping me identify the issue!
  5. This is my first time trying to import a custom mesh with custom textures into the game. Started very simple, all was going well until it was time to assign textures in Nifskope. No matter what, I can't assign textures to the model in Nifskope (I'm using version 2.0). It says they're there, but none of them will display and the textures are missing in Skyrim/CK. I tried looking up tutorials to see if I've been going about this the wrong way, but people in the tutorials seem to be doing the exact same thing I've been doing, yet it works for them (they seem to be using an older versons of Nifskope though). I'm completely stuck at this point. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you can offer any insight I'll greatly appreciate it! Edited to add: I have the Skyrim data folder added to options>settings>resources
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