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  1. did you export the face gen data cntrl + F4?
  2. I am having a strange problem with femaleuppereyesocket.dds not displaying properly in the Creation Kit. Basically the entire forehead is tinted whatever the femaleuppereyesocket.dds is set to. I looked at the femaleuppereyesocket.dds and it looks ok. please see image, other than setting it to "ColorAverage" is there a way to fix this? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/images/1045863-1329980036.jpg I should add I am using Bella's Better Females, no makeup mod. I am wondering if it is because there is no Femaleforehead in that mod. NPCs in game look good unless I generate face gen data then their foreheads get colored Fixed my Problem seems I had a high resolution femaleuppereyesocket.dds in the override folder once I removed that everything was ok.
  3. OK this is from my iPhone so it will be brief. FO3Edit can be downloaded from nexus, you follow the instructions. Download it and decompress it then control and drag it to your fallout 3 directory to copy it then following the instructions rename it FO3MasterUpdate.exe, copy again and rename the next copy FO3MasterRestore.exe and a 3rd time keeping the original name. Double click the masterupdate, it scans your data folder and will tell your problems or just say finished. Based on errors with master update you can tweak your load order, if it finishes and you have a set load order launch FO3Edit let it scan your data folder it takes a few minutes, when done right click in the left side of the window and select create merged patch close FO3Edit and open FMM scroll to the bottom and enable your merged patch having it load last.
  4. Do you use FO3Edit to MasterUpdate your mods and then create a merged patch? That might fix it, I use to have the same problem in excalibr Munitions but I haven't had that problem since I started making a merged patch. I also started using FMM's check for update(in help menu) and BOSS auto sort. When I add a new mod I do the FO3editMasterRestore then launch FMM and go to the help menu -> "check for update" I then go to tools and do a load order report and manually reorder the mods or I just use BOSS auto sort. I then redo FO3MasterUpdate, then I launch FO3Edit and create a merged patch.
  5. I get a crash in the cargo hold, I have no clue what's doing it. I use FWE, MMM, WMK, EVE and a few others and I can't narrow it down. It's really random too. If I enter the cargo hold and run around doing ~ killall I still crash. There is no set time past zoning in and no specific spot it crashes.
  6. re-install any mod that has ammo or weapons, like xcalibr, FWE. I had the same with textures in that shop at one point and I just re-installed the packages in FMM, double clicking them to un-install then again to re-install.
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