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Everything posted by friedrice24

  1. I've had this problem since day 1 of ck. Anyone find a solution yet?
  2. Hey Ive created my version of Akavir except I still cant get functional LOD to work. I am going crazy trying to figure it out. If anybody can figure out my problems or better yet just do it for me (lol yeah I'm laughing too) I would worship you. I would dedicated the whole damn thing to you. Make you the star character. I don't care, I just want it look good for once!!!! - Thanks, any help is appreciated, Friedrice24 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25426/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D25426&pUp=1
  3. Hey I have a tech question. I edited my new lands mod recently and now for some reason when I enter a specific region/cell the game (its a worldspace) crashes or if I load up in the area i'm having issues with, the game just never finishes loading. How do I find out whats causing the crash? Thanks for any help.
  4. This looks good, it looks like they have their LOD completed. If they share their secret with me I'd be more than willingly to throw myself at this. My own work for reference http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25426/
  5. Have you followed this ? or this http://hoddminir.blogspot.com/2012/02/generating-lods-in-creation-kit.html
  6. What type of texture for the ground did you use? Does it look that way in ck too or just in game?
  7. you make me hate my own work. You should absolutely finish it or maybe pass it on to the Beyond Skyrim team and they might be able to do something with idk. Looks great tho shame to let it sit unfinished. How did you get your lod to work??...
  8. Those low poly trees are the tree lod. What are you doing, can you explain what you've done so far? are u editing the tamerial worldspace, or the riften? I mean are you trying to expand outside of riften in the tamerial worldspace or are you trying to expand riften from the worldspace of riften. sorry about spelling/grammer, newly broken hand = 0 shits given
  9. Hey thanks man, i havent heard anything before about using tes5edit to mess with lod, I'm going to give that a shot. Also I'm def desperate enough to try Not moving my mouse as i generate the lod. I finally posted over at Dark Creation and got a reply; he showed me this guide http://www.darkcreations.org/hoddminir/generating-lods-for-your-worldspace. There are some steps here that I've may have missed, but if i end up fixing my lod I'l change my OP to spread praise of this guide. Brb to try this out. I'm dealing w prob 2 on the guide at the bottom for refrence.
  10. I have a worldspace I've created and I'm trying to generate lod for it. I've followed every single guide i can find List of used guides: AlexanderJVelicky's http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/938453-lod-ground-textures-not-showing-correct/?hl=%2Bpurple+%2Btexture+%2Blod&do=findComment&comment=7553318 http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/854371-generating-static-lod-textures/?p=6857409 http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1354274-creating-new-worldspacesdiscussion-thread-4/ http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1354877-new-worldspaces-object-lod-and-region-generation/?p=20424312&hl=terrain%20bug&fromsearch=1 http://www.creationkit.com/Creating_a_Custom_Worldspace_with_LOD and I'm still having the same issues for the most part: 1) I can generate lod with oscape + ck and get either the land terrian lod to work or the static object + trees. but not both at the same time 2) The best I've gotten is static and tree lod AND the land is there BUT PURPLE And now my latest problem is that ck has made random static objects invisible in my worlspace. Mountain ranges and hillsides for the most part. They ONLY appear in CK but not in skyrim. This crushing after hundreds of hours of places now invisible objects. I did make a backup file before i started messing with the LOD so nothing has been permantly lost/damaged. However I am indescribably angry about how much time i have WASTED. Beyond furious. PLEASE SAVE ME/MY MOD/SANITY/COMPUTER BEFORE I ATTACK IT IN MAD RAGE. Pic of problem and mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/25426-1-1367552286.jpg http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25426
  11. Something about CK overwriting oscape. have you seen this?
  12. hey, quick question, ok so i got comment saying that when my mod is unistalled it deletes several vanilla skyim textures (ie the interior of the Palace of Kings and the Castle guard armor) but i havent even edited/used those specific textures. Anyone know what this could be from? Thanks in advnace. Here's my modhttp://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25426
  13. er i found the line in the log folder; i have about a million errors exactly like this one but different objects. please SCIENCE tell me its not because these objects are position "off" the map. MASTERFILE: Potentially Invalid Y value (-32168.00) on reference: REFR Form '' (0303CEF1) to STAT form 'NorTmpExtPlatWall01' (00026F7D) in Cell 'gobMayanInside' (0303CC9C)
  14. Hi, Thanks for veiwing this, my problem is that in a dungeon that i'm making (2 now, because i started a new one thinking it be a one time problem) some of the static objects like mountains and cliff, all spawn with me where ever i spawn in the dungeon. It doesnt matter if i move the entrance to the dungeon around, when i spawn inside the dungeon anywhere, I'm inside a plethera (dozens) of static objects all seemingly placed on one little tile. This only happens in interior dungeons, only new dungeons ( i dont have this problem in older dungeons ive made), and everything looks ok and great inside the CK. I started construction in the center of the map (0,0,0) so i dont think i'm "falling" off it or something like that. Thanks for any help. if for some reason you want to see first hand the problem; here is my mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25426 Type coc gobmayaninside to get there.
  15. delete this: sorry for spam, i would do it myself but i dont know how. thanks
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