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About ramccoid

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  1. Thanks to all who have donated, endorsed and commented in gratitude of my and others work. I really do appreciate it and after such a disgraceful recent show, which I now can completely see and understand was undertaken only by a minute and hateful minority who had no vested interest in the community, as a whole. It restores the respect and admiration I have for the vast majority of true and decent members which have only sought the betterment and growth of the community and you are the very people I love sharing my work with. Thank you very much for your brilliant support and all the very best, my friends.
  2. In response to post #24852949. @CaladanAnduril Well said. It's time to give it a rest, why keep trying to flog a dead horse. What's done is done, let's move on and see what can be salvaged from this whole sordid mess.
  3. In response to post #24765249. #24769894, #24770539, #24770799, #24771214 are all replies on the same post. @Saerileth I know what you mean, my friend. I too kept my mods free and was still abused and name called and I don't really want to mod for this community anymore, the sparkle has been extinguished.
  4. In response to post #24761834. #24762054, #24762089, #24762294, #24762689 are all replies on the same post. I do work as a freelance artist and do earn a living at it. I also do mod and share the creations, the similarities are not that different, just basically a different medium to work with.
  5. In response to post #24748294. #24748909, #24748959, #24749014, #24749054, #24749074, #24749089, #24749114, #24749169, #24749269, #24749289, #24749409, #24749439, #24749529, #24749564, #24749574, #24749674 are all replies on the same post. Don't forget the protest mod, 3,233 unique downloads to 1,438 endorsements which is the only mod ever to reach nearly 50% ratio. People didn't feel lazy or forgetful about that one. It shows the hypocrisy clearly, make the effort when it suits.
  6. In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744, #24726139, #24726244, #24726564, #24726974, #24727109, #24727429, #24727529, #24727669 are all replies on the same post. @phantompally76 Fair enough then, another mod author gone because of your arrogant, self centred views. When we're all gone, what free mods are you protesting for?
  7. In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744, #24726139, #24726244, #24726564, #24726974 are all replies on the same post. Which I understand, so why didn't you use this enthusiasm before all this happened to show you appreciation to mod authors? Because now it just looks like a betrayal to us who just wanted and still do, to mod to give enjoyment to you.
  8. In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744, #24726139, #24726244 are all replies on the same post. Do I need to repeat myself. I and others ARE DOING THIS FOR FREE and always will. We do not have a interest in making money from you that is why we are here on the Nexus, not Steam. We do and have been doing this for our community.
  9. In response to post #24724844. #24725529 is also a reply to the same post. The point being is I and others are doing this for free, that's why we are here and not at Steam but what you in your protest forget is we are who you are fighting for, the creators of your free mods. We are human and have feelings too.
  10. I'm totally disgusted by all of this. You're all posting bitter comments accusing people of this and that but you don't even give yourself time to sit down and look at what damage you have done. I bet it never. ever crosses your minds because you're so caught up in yourselves that nothing goes beyond what you want. Dark0ne told you that the Nexus will always be free. So you all decide to rant about his business dealings which he declared, benefits you, by making the Nexus sites and community better. So what's there to moan about? You're getting free mods on better sites. The thing that does really hurt us mod authors and is a total kick in the teeth, from you to us, is the way you all made the absolute effort to put a protest mod at the top of the hot files and now have almost voted it file of the month, wish you had made that effort with all mods. I've never, ever seen a mod with a endorsement ratio of around 50% to unique downloads, not even the most endorsed mod ever, has no were near that proud ratio. Then there's all the hundreds of comments, all in a few of days. I and others have spent 1000s of hours making quality mods to share, for what you are griping about, for free but it appears you would only make a big effort to support a mod which was thrown together to make your selfish point apparent. You all disgust me, when it benefits you, you'll make the effort and only if it benefits you. What free mods are you fighting for, if you lose all the quality mod authors to your selfishness. When you all only have a vast choice of mediocre protest crap to download, then you all will be the first to abandon the community, leaving it in tatters and not worth a damn to anybody. Valve and Bethesda isn't destroying free mods, they don't need to because you're all making a very good job of it yourselves by discouraging authors to mod. Why aren't you all spitting your bitter venom, at the Steam forums? That's the site which is doing this, no you would rather close your Steam accounts as a protest than keep them open and do that. The Nexus is free, so what is there to protest here about? You should be grateful that there is a Nexus, not stab the guy who created it in the back. These past few days, has shown me the real colours of the community and they aren't very bright at all. I am feeling like I want to give up modding for the community because the way it is at the moment, makes me feel like it just isn't worth spending any more of my valued time upon creating anything, if it wasn't for the minority of real quality members the decision would be a very easy one to make. A good community stands up and unites and fights together for the values it holds dear but all I have seen is you all fighting for your own self interests and it sickens me to see the community I love being broken apart by selfishness. I really do hope that you all stop with this insanity and become valued members of the community and treat it with a bit of respect before it's too late to be repaired and all of us who give you those free mods are gone forever.
  11. In response to post #24565684. #24565749, #24565819, #24565874, #24565944, #24566139, #24566154, #24566189, #24566214, #24566264, #24566339, #24566349, #24566439, #24566459, #24566504, #24566524, #24566569, #24566579, #24566644, #24566769, #24566779, #24566819, #24566909, #24566934, #24567024, #24567079, #24567154 are all replies on the same post. We are here to play a game, it's a game not life. We mod to make the game more enjoyable and we share that experience, so others can enjoy the difference we have made. Where does money come in to it.
  12. In response to post #24562404. #24562524, #24562599, #24562684, #24562874, #24563024, #24563444, #24563909, #24564214, #24564324, #24564709, #24564719, #24565039, #24565069, #24565294 are all replies on the same post. If someone steals my work and puts a price on it, then you should of checked in on the Nexus first and got it for free.
  13. In response to post #24562404. #24562524, #24562599, #24562684, #24562874, #24563024, #24563444, #24563909, #24564214, #24564324, #24564709 are all replies on the same post. Thank you all, I appreciate it loads. I like being part of this community and I love the comments of enjoyment of my mods, what price could I place on that. If I can make your game playing more fun then I'm rewarded enough and it was all completely worth it.
  14. My mods will stay free to everyone and will only be uploaded to the Nexus.
  15. ramccoid Thanks for the invitation, I feel honoured.
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