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About glinkglonk

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  1. I am looking to do a play through on survival mode, without buying ANYTHING with Units. For example I want to upgrade my suit and Multi only using Drop pods or any other way except units. I want to get my ships only via repairing them not via buying them with units. So I am looking for a mod that always makes player units = Zero or something that removes the option to use units. Anything that does if player_units > 1 then player_units = 0 would be great ! I realise that this could be done with just not using the units but I have no will power ! Thanks for reading and please reply with any advise at all.
  2. The jarrin root is only given once in a quest and you cant make a potion with it without cheating the console do your research before you make a conclusion, you dont have to use up the jarrin root for the quest, and you can grow more jarrin roots Where/How? Didn't find any jarrin roots in my garden. I think hes saying he didnt use the jarrin root but placed it in the arch mage chest that reproduces ingredients
  3. The jarrin root is only given once in a quest and you cant make a potion with it without cheating the console do your research before you make a conclusion, you dont have to use up the jarrin root for the quest, and you can grow more jarrin roots So you can I apologise then
  4. The jarrin root is only given once in a quest and you cant make a potion with it without cheating the console
  5. you dont need cheat to make that poison Really ? what ingredients then so i can test ? Im 100 alc with all perks Plus the 4 items maxed on enchant and I havent seen a poison that does 5000+ damage yet So if you could tell me the ingredients I could test then Ill post an apology that you didnt cheat :)
  6. Some people love to overcompensate. Rofl yes i may be overcompensating for something hmmm wonder what that could be :) As to the original question I would be dishonest if I didnt say that once I reach the point where I have 100 smith , 100 alc , 100 enchant the game becomes too easy and is no longer a challenge. I do play the game on master from the start and I do not fast travel. But even so this is my 4th char that has reached what is probably the cap limit because of the ease of creating ubber Armour and Weapons that far out weigh the powers of quest and loot rewards all 4 chars have been different in style but all 4 have capped out way too fast i ushaly reach lvl 20 in about 1 days play (in game at timescale 5) Ive Stopped playing now until the CK comes out as the game is just too easy Once a decent hardcore mod comes out ill start playing again :)
  7. yer enchanting and smithing sucks (...NOT...) the best i can get my steel plate and my sword is only this :- http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/648747634057516937/2014C5183DD68D9895ECC2E24DECEA557A4EB29C/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/648747634057684204/A700B3ADFF88ADBB260109F2C85150686080243F/ If ya need more power and armour than that your doing something very wrong
  8. Myself I think this is bad I dislike having to use applications other than the game itself when I play a game. Looking at the way steam and beth have made it so you NEED steam to play Skyrim with the first update they made. I can well envisage that to use a mod you get from steam you will also need STEAM running. For me steam is a tool I want to use to buy and download a game onto my PC Not something I want running in the background telling me what I can or can not do
  9. @crudius yes i found that shack with the tree :) did you notice that the guy who was crushed`s name was lucky or something like that ? Apparently investigation of the shack showed he was in bed reading the lusty angoran maid very drole I found a skeleton hand holding a lantern in a collapsed part of a mine under the rubble
  10. Ill put my hand up :) Im only 45 but hey that might get me a junior membership :) been playing online games since quake2 first computer game was binatone tennis then the usual zx81 - dragon32 - atari etc etc Now im on a 6core amd with 4mhz 16 gig ram and dual 5770 gfx cards with dual 24inch monitors a gfx tablet - belkin game controler pad - and a full flight sim jstick how things have come along since the binatone tennis :)
  11. I like the random small details i keep finding around the world one small example that I can remember is the skeleton hand holding a plain steel sword out of a small pool of water just outside whiterun. Things like that entertain me no end :)
  12. Because its tailormade for the Xbox and not optimised for PC use. Its just a port and that's why many of us hate the console hype. I was looking for a more technical explanation but thanks anyway I mean is there a switch that says maxcores = 2 ? Does the game say maxRAM = 2gig ? Does the game not look for more than 2 cores for a reason ? can we not just use a third party thingy ma bob thats forces the game into x64 ? same with more than 2 cores can we not force the game to use 4 or 6 or 8 cores ? I realise my questions are pritty dummbed down and the answers are probably very complicated or beth would have done a PC version aswell as a dumbed down version for consoles Its just .... for an example - I do video editing using a prog called after effects by adobe which is a 32 based system prog but which has a select switch built in that allows rendering using all cores your system has - Myself i can select to use 1 to 6 cores for the render of the edit - If thats possible with 1 prog on a x32 base why isnt it possible with a game using a x32 base ? cant we or they just add a switch at the main option page for pc users ?
  13. Let us say you are not trolling and this is a serious question. Let's say you did not read the uncounted posts in the forums. The talk is about a lag HUNDREDS of players with modern x64 rigs experience every day. They spent a hell of money on hardware for the game and that monkey company chose to release a console and x32 optimized game. We have almost the year 2012. But because consoles are in their main focus, we have to live with a badly optimized engine. Well not all consoles are in their focus, the PS3 guys have been kicked in the nuts very thoroghly. And even the console players of their new financial overlords (Microsoft) are experiencing trouble. This is possible only in the gaming industry where you are allowed to released unfinished products. Try to imagine that with other products. And, to your sure amazement, I have chosen to run the game (IF I do play, now I stopped) on my old Core2Duo / Windows XP System. It runs smoother (no kidding) than on my shiny new Hexacore / Win 7 system with 8 Gig of Ram. Ah I forgot that Bethesda forgot the LAA implementation, ah such a pity. Let's wait another 4 weeks for an official answer. But no, they are choosing to rely on modders. Help yourself is Bethesda policy, these cowards. "How could such a thing be possible?" (to quote a Skyrim guard)... You saying it runs better on your 2 core than on your AMD Phenom II X6 ? Just wondering as my rig is a X6 @ 3.8g - 16g ram - Dual ATI 5770s - SSD OS - Win7 x64 and I cant compare because my other rig is a amd quad core - 8g ram - single 5770 - sata - win7 x64 (i use as a server for arma2) Whats the reason the game would run better on an old duo core than a newer quad , hexacore or bulldozer 8 core system ? How hard is it to make the game work with x64 architecture from where it is at now or with multiple cores all being used ? Also would it be difficult to make the game use more system ram if its available ? Sorry for all the questions Im just wondering if they have made a game which Some Pc gamers cant really use because their systems are too powerful ?
  14. They haven't disarmed me for a long time. my armour rating is maxed on heavy though and im wearing steal plate armour (legendary at max) My guess would be its related to your armour rating ?
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