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Everything posted by Pyroboy150

  1. You know, I'm seeing this same problem everywhere - which I'm now having too. We'll see what fixes it. I've now tried: -Turning all mods off -Changing bFullScreen to 1 in the Prefs -Verifying/Checking Files' Integrity -Uninstalling and Reinstalling Skyrim -Changing iSize to my resolution in Prefs (Definitely checking windowed mode) ......... And yet, somehow, by leaving all of my mods off and turning SKSE back on and deploying it (EVEN without the FNIS tool running, it has been fixed. Unbelievable lmao. Why is all of this?)
  2. Hmmmmm.... Is it perhaps possible to download a steam version of skyrim on an external hard drive... Perhaps with mods on that version.. And run it on your Xbox from that?.. I don't know the how and/or why for much of this, that's why I'm asking.
  3. I'm sorry, I've read this in about 5 different sentence structures ð¤£. But I want to be 100% clear... You're saying that it is 100% impossible, no if ands or buts, under any circumstances, to get a nexus mod onto an xbox one?
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