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Posts posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. Finally, after much swearing, page refreshing, eggs stolen from my grasp and frustration I have a frill egg!


    EDIT: Good god! My dragon-luck must have changed. I got another one!


    EDIT2:Ok, this is getting silly. I have three now!

  2. red Alert 2


    Best of my retro games. Currently replaying RA2. Great fun.


    Red alert 2 came out in 2000. So I guess it just fits. Still a great game. I love RA1 too.

    I stand by Conker's Bad Fur Day being the greates game of all time, but my other faves are:


    Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow (yes, I have them all)

    Pokemon Gold and Silver (If RA2 counts then these do. But not Crystal, thats 2001) They were the last pokemon games I got. The it got crap.

    How old is lego creator?

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