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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. Ban Jaosals because he no longer uses blue. That was hard to read. And Now I'v nabbed light blue so find another colour!
  2. Ban dezi because girls are still confusing.
  3. Emperor Uriel Septim (number whatever) and Sackboy! (Niether as good as Snake though)
  4. I like snowboarding when everyone else is toboganning. I go faster!
  5. Ban Dezi because girls are confusing.
  6. Ban Alex for insulting the green
  7. Ban Keylek because neither do I much.
  8. Ban Keylek because I am a therianthrope. Any time, not just night.
  9. Ban Alex. What the hell are those crazy things in your sig?
  10. Ban Dezi for terrible egg puns.
  11. Ban Dezi for a bad pun that made no sense
  12. I got a storm and the rest hatched! yay. (My sheild matured yesterday too!)
  13. Ban dezi for having a chicken egg.
  14. BAn both of you because I don't care too much.
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