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Status Updates posted by XxLunaMothxX

  1. It's been a long time
  2. //Rotting Away//
  3. Heyyyy buddyyyy, how are you?
  4. New Photo: Of an old photo. of meh.
    1. XxLunaMothxX


      I got tired of my ugly orange hair pic, so I decided to use an old photo (plus I didn't wanna use any new photos). But my hair is black right now, so that's relevant.
  5. Silent Hill Mod Progress Rate: Slow and Steady.
  6. A little bit of info on the upcoming Silent Hill update for sometime in 2013...
    1. XxLunaMothxX


      Now, the new update for the Silent Hill mod will have a large amount of melee weapons that will be things like lead pipes, brooms, rakes, lawnmower blades, pots, knives, etc. They will be easy to break, and there will be plenty. Also, there will be monster respawn triggers. When you walk through a certain trigger, a group of enemies will respawn within the fog somewhere out of your vision, but when you retrace your steps they will be awaiting you. The mod is NOT going to be lore friendly anym...
  7. I'm going to be completely honest:
    1. XxLunaMothxX


      I haven't worked on the Silent Hill mod for the past 2 weeks. I got caught up in Thanksgiving, then into Borderlands 2, back out, and now I don't have the will to. So I guess I'm on my break? I've been trying to get back onto it. I'm starting up the game for a playtest as I type this. The nights are so long these cold months, and as much as I enjoy it: it's quite depressing...
    1. XxLunaMothxX


      I'm done with one thing in the mod, moving onto the list of other stuff. Thanksgiving is coming up soon, so since I probably won't be here for that lemme just say that I'm thankful to all the supporters of the Silent Hill mod, and all those people who did playthroughs on it on YouTube (yet, I cease to see someone finish the whole mod, but don't worry; I'm trying to make the objectives more straight forward and clear in the "about-final" version.) End of one thing; ...
    1. XxLunaMothxX


      I've only been working on the silent hill mod on the weekends. But I've been doing it with very painstakingly hard effort. I'm so lost in myself, I'll probably never get out of Silent Hill.
    1. XxLunaMothxX


      I can't wait to be done with making this stupid silent hill mod.
  8. Relationship issues...ugh...haven't updated this in a while. How is everyone?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jleone


      i cnt have hair like yours hehe i either go light/dark blue, jet black, blonde or pink or both
    3. XxLunaMothxX


      aww but your so pretty. And yes, this is a 2 month late comment. Don't judge me.
    4. Druuler


      Better a late response than no response, I would think.
  9. I visit here and there, but am more out of the site than in, compared the ratio of 'still here'. and... whatnot...
  10. Hopefully getting the Silent Hill Mod Beta5 out around this week. (READ ON!)
    1. XxLunaMothxX


      So that, and this Beta5 will probably like a version 0.9ish, because of how much I got done and how little is left until the full version. So when that's released I'd recommend trying out the mod. After it's released I'll get on working for a trailer and the rest of the stuff needed (i.e. Just some scary moments, end rewards, more complex story plot, and optional add-on stuff).
    2. Druuler


      Really? Sweet! Just what I need! Something else to distract me from my own projects...

      Just kidding. I am really looking forward to your next update :)

  11. @druuler

    MAGIC! *snort* *snort*

  12. 64 friends and not a hello? Well, hello thar good sir.
  13. Living La Vie En Rose:
  14. @ SuperiorMind

    And that feeling crawled out of your spine for what reason?

  15. Times seem to go really fast for me, before long it feels like I'm going to be maggot food, which is obviously far from now, but I just have a weird feeling like I'm drifting away like dust. I haven't made any mods for a while, and have been filling in time with work, games, and music. Haven't hung out with many friends lately, or at least not as much as I used to. Kinda at the high end of the low
  16. oh, hai hows it going?
  17. How have you been blue?
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