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About LtHavoc1983

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    Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Duke Nukem 3D, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

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  1. I have been trying to add images to the user section of the New Vegas Nexus but they do not show up, any idea what that is?
  2. I would like feedback on this too, because I have the exact same issue with the Fallout Nexus sites.
  3. Okay I have this issue since the site update and the problem is the following: I somehow cant get the user submitted images will not load when I try to view them on a mod page. I am not sure but the whole site seems to time out and reloading the page will result in a "Cant connect to server" message and I have to wait several minutes until I can reload the page only to have the page load and then suffer the same problem that I cant view the images. Thats going on for awhile now, same with categories simply not wanting to load the images, like going to armor and the images not loading and when clicking one of the mods the same "Cant connect to server" etc. It doesnt matter if I use Opera or Firefox or Internet explorer its always the same issue and I have no idea why that is. Also it seems that the regular search is totally gone and there is only tag search. Any idea whats up with that? So yeah, the old layout of the categories and such seemed to work just fine but it doenst seem to work anymore for me.
  4. Oh okay, thats different then. Thanks for the info.
  5. It removes weapons from the Gunrunner Arsenal? Good to know about that, because then I wont use this mod either. I have the DLCs for a reason and want to fully experience them. Thanks for the heads up.
  6. Okay but do you guys recommend it or not and are there similar mods to FOOK for New Vegas?
  7. Yes I know, but since they updated the site and changed lots of things I have issues with the searches and loading the site in general. Stuff just wont load or I cant reach the server and have to wait until I can load the page again. No idea whats up with that.
  8. What about Fook? Does it exist for New Vegas or something similar?
  9. Tale of Two Wastelands? I heard about it, but isnt that like a gigantic mod? Guess I have to check that out.
  10. Thanks, these mods look very nice. Say are there any big weapon mods? I used to play Apocalypse Armory on Fallout 3 back in the day and wonder if there are any similar mods for New Vegas (that are legal of course).
  11. Hello. I finally decided to get New Vegas and of course I would play it with mods, but seeing how many mods are out there, I thought I ask what mods you guys recommend. I mean for Fallout 3 I had a rather small list of mods/mod packs so I didnt need to install millions of single mods. Are there any big mod packs that have a sort of "best of" for New Vegas? Do I need to get a community patch? Oh and how does installing mods with Steam work? Thanks in advance.
  12. Hello. I do have a supporter account now, at least I payed for it just recently, but how do I access the supporter image section or do I need a premium membership for that?
  13. Well, you can do 2 things to get this armor: mod the Filtration helmet from The Pitt and remove the fire helmet on it so it is just a mask and wear a combat helmet and a regulator duster or Autumms Coat (or General Case overcoat), or you get the armor resources that was made for the CRI Mod but was never put in: http://www.fallout3n...ile.php?id=7348 It contains an armor that is pretty close to the New Vegas Desert Armor. You can also take a look at the Scavengers Armors there should be some interesting stuff there as well: http://www.fallout3n...le.php?id=10228 Hope that helps.
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