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About LukasAx

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  1. two words for you, when you are standing above a sea of ghouls.. fat... man imagine all the flying zombies, the blood, the dimembered bodyparts, the sight of burning corpses on the ground, the... where am i again? sry, got lost for a second
  2. Awesome, would love it When i read it i though of the RTS mod (real time settler) where you build up a village with defences and trade routes. Would be really cool to have something like that, but i suppose trade routes with other cities might be hard when there is alot of zombies just outside the door.. But just to be able to find wastelanders and save them by taking them to your village and fight off the undead would be kinda cool. btw, are you thinking the classical romero-slow zombie or, like, ghouls that can infect? hope someone creates this mod, although i have no idea if its hard or not, ive never even tried to make one
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