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Everything posted by vangriffeth

  1. Okay, we need to have this in Fallout: http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2016/04/a-wannabe-supervillian-built-his-own-thermite-cannon/#comment-3750334 It screams wasteland
  2. Hey Zanity I should have stated that more clearly, but yes you are absolutely right. The pitch and tone are really a stop-gap until we can gave more voice actors in the game. Honestly, I am not even sure this would work to make your character "sound" different. But it might, and hey that's what modding is all about, "it might work" :P
  3. bump. This is an excellent idea. I too would love to see a female courser trying to kill my character or other synths. This is entirely within lore, and seems to be either an oversight by Bethesda or a time constraint issue. Either way, definitely needs to be a mod. :laugh:
  4. Recently, there has been discussion (elsewhere on the weebs) about how the voice of the main character detracts from the facility of the player. That is, the main character's voice is White, if you play a Ebony skinned character, suddenly your immersion is lost every time they speak. I propose a mod that allows you to alter the pitch and tone of the player character's voice. The mod should have sliders that allow you to alter: Pitch and ToneThe mod should be user friendly and be readily available during player character creationStop Gaps until we have a fully functional creation kit: A mod with alternative voices for the main character that can be activated and deactivated when the player loads Fallout 4.3 alternative male voice options, 1. Deep Gruff, 2. High Light, 3. Low slowcreate 3 options for the female voice as well. Although, I am not sure what these should be Why this mod is needed: Bethesda created this game with voice overs, but made all voices match a Caucasian descent. While we cannot change the accent of the voice, we should be able to modify the pitch and tone to better reflect a beefier or lighter build of the player's character. This adds to the immersion aspect of the game, and allows players to better internalize their character's mindset. Note that this is a Mod Request, I myself am not skilled in the creation of mods. Hopefully, a mod author with the correct skill set can take this idea and run with it. I do not lay claim in any way/shape/form to the creation of such mod, nor do I require any credit for said mod. Please bump this thread if you too would like to see such a mod.
  5. This is my first post on these forums, but I am a long time lurker. I have been playing Bethesda games since Morrowind, back when I had an Athlon XP! Anyway, this is the first Bethesda game, since Morrowind, where in its Vanilla state I had not 1 CTD! Played the game straight through as Vanilla (always try this before modding so I have a baseline to judge against), and was just overjoyed at the fact that it ran like hot butter. Load times were slow, but this was mainly because, at the time, I was running on a 5 year old WD HDD ^_^;;; Soon as I swapped to a SSD (transcend ssd250 if ya wander), load times basically vanished. NOW, since I have started modding like mad (think I have like 68+ mods atm, not at home so couldn't tell you a full figure), the load times have basically remained steady. Areas where I have added tremendous amounts of mods (e.g. settlements), load times are longer, but not to the point its aggravating. I have seen it mentioned above that people need to check that they have changed their method of MOD validation in their ini files. YOU MUST DO THIS. The one time I did have any lag, was due to this ONE fact. Was like, "...wow this is taking a long time. Hmm check Nexus...oh look a new way to mod in the ini files...[changes ini settings]...ah there we go now no load time." That. Was. It. Now, in Skyrim, we had the whole issue of it being "kinda" large address aware, meaning that you could get infinite loading screens. So, I can see how people would be worried this bug is back to bite us in the behind. However, I think this (for most players), is simply a matter of incorrect ini settings, combined with maybe too many mods in a given "in-game" location. Also, keep in mind that the creation kit isn't out yet, so understanding mod organisation and correct mod delineation is still a bit of sorcery rather than science. So it would also help to fiddle your load orders and see if that fixes any load lag. ************* TLDR: Check your INI files, Check your Load Order, Check how many mods you have in a given location, Switch to a SSD, Be Happy! :D
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