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Everything posted by davidxcore

  1. If your npc looks like my character http://i.imgur.com/TTIgy.jpg then i have the same exact issue and its goddamn annoying.
  2. I have the same problem =/ http://i.imgur.com/TTIgy.jpg Same mods installed as well. Deleting all of those don't see to help now.
  3. So is it even possible in skyrim? i know you could do that in F3/FNV, where if you hit console then type TFC you can move around while the world is frozen. Basically i want to take shots of sword fights/dragon fights/ANY FIGHT. I tried opening console then typing TAI/TFC/TM but everytime i get out of console the world continues on its merry way. TAI isn't what i'm looking for since the NPCS just DROP whatever they were doing and just stand there.
  4. Definitely an immersion breaker. Wish mod tools would be released already =/
  5. Erm.. 1H: Sword, War axe, Mace, Dagger 2H: Greatsword, Battleaxe, Warhammer
  6. Tired of using my companion as a packmule =P...seriously. Unless horses have item slots already?
  7. Well, it's baby steps damnit =P. if something as simple as making a face crashes the editor...then yeah.
  8. So after finishing my first playthrough i decided to make SOMETHING in geck. Quick questions on the site and a few googles later i start to make a custom face =D.... So, there i am making a custom face for my next playthrough when BAM, i hit a crash.....i say no problem and do it again...after a few minutes GECK crashes again....ok, it's cool i say to myself. I try again, edit the values then BAM! ANOTHER f***ing CRASH!... Does GECK crash this many times? (note: i kept trying to finish my face but after 5 more crashes i gave up) Or is it just me?
  9. Hey all, so i finally got the power armor training from BoS. So happy. Now, before that i was using a normal backpack that fit in with the desert ranger armor... Now, i equip mah power armor and realize that the backpack looks ugly as sin...not to mention look impractical... So here i am. Is anyone working on a more "metal" based backpack that fit with the whole power armor look? Something like this one here...http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2698. On top of that, a metallic holster/sidearm thing would also be appreciated. edit: the minigun backpack would be nice for guns and the gatling laser one for energy.
  10. Hey all, need help finding these types of armor. http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/4348/splintercell01.jpg << found this on page 14 i believe and they said its not available for download? well, uhm, SOMEONE out there has to have the armor? pm pls? http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e29/cybo...-42-32-edit.jpg << i think this one is similar....anyone got a link? Thanks
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