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About Requiem1

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  1. I'm at my wits end with this. After the slideshow my HUD is visible and I can see the exit from Zion, but I can't look around or move. I'm stuck staring at the cave. I've tried using enableplayercontrols and no-clip, but neither worked. The only mod I have that I believe could possibly be the problem is Project Nevada, but I have the PN Honest Hearts esp installed. Plus if I remember correctly, I've completed Honest Hearts with PN before. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'd much rather not have to make a whole new character and start completely over. Oh, and if it helps, the game won't allow me to save after the slideshow either.
  2. Would you be willing to tell me how to do that? I tried just putting in the texture files in and it didn't work (I also had the directory for them in ArchiveInvalidated).
  3. As seen here - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1647 I personally loved this mod in Fallout 3, and considering how ugly the faces for New Vegas are, I would kill for some one to port this!
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