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About craigdown

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    United Kingdom

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  1. kingdom come deliverance 2 lockpicking always gold please thanks
  2. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Mod Request Majestic Glamour one without the outer top & one with the top but without the white under shirt
  3. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Mod Request to add the 5 7th infantry troppers to your party not like the other members but just like they are in the mission
  4. can someone do a mod that unlock all Vocations without needing to do the quests and if possible make it so we are still able to do the quests please thanks
  5. when you go into a part of your ship have it say at the top of the screen the name of the hab you are in so you don't get lost and to help with deciding the layout of your ship
  6. can someone add this model for the character head and body and maybe even replace professor weasley with it here are the model files as well as some upscaled textures if the originals are too small https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19_-mDCBSmnn2QVT3cZIW2Qm1zAfo1Mbq?usp=share_link please thanks
  7. can someone replace minthara's model with her old model please it looked better thanks
  8. i downloaded the file and the save editor does work not sure why it's quarantined my computer finds nothing you can edit skill, abilities, stats and money but nothing else
  9. can someone create a mod so we can join all factions at the same time to get access to all quests or swap factions to access the others quests please thanks
  10. anyone know what this armor is http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/hangakin/imgs/2/1/212c8095.jpg
  11. can someone give me a backup of datas\character\nh\nh19 please the whole nh19 folder please thanks
  12. can someone make a mod so we can Auto Brew any Potion without have brewed them before please thanks
  13. they quarry quest where you drain the water if you could replace the water at other places and create a waterpump static that triggers the draining script/effect it could be good for your water thing if you can ajust the amount of water drained
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