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Everything posted by MrHash8rowns

  1. Didn't know either of those were a thing, I've been busy with work so I haven't had much free time, I'll try this and see how it goes when i get a chance. Thanks for the help
  2. While it's possible it's MO2, I initially encountered the issue while using Vortex. If you wouldn't mind comparing, what mods in my mods list are also in yours? If it's a compatibility thing it might help narrow it down.
  3. So, Wrye Bash can be used as a mod manager? I'll have to look up how to use it for that purpose. the version of Wrye Bash I have should be the latest i downloaded it yesterday or the night before.
  4. It is not my load order its just all the mods i have installed I can post my load order as well. I do use loot outside or MO2. When you say "Play SSE without using MO2, do you mean install mods with it then launch from SKSE64_loader? Everything not active has been Bashed. Also thought I'd mention I've had this problem using Vortex and MO2 modding from vanilla on both.
  5. I tried starting another character, I ran into the same issue this time was in Whiterun. It might have something to do with sneaking or pickpocketing as that's what I was doing before the save. Also I wasn't able to find any incompatibilities between any of the mods that weren't fixed with a patch. I'll post my Mod List so anyone who reads through it might be able to help identify the issue/conflict that I'm having.
  6. alright i'll research compatibility and make sure everything works well together. Thanks for all the help.
  7. it was only 12 hours of gameplay on the first character, and like an hour on the second (i don't know if i mentioned it was on 2 separate characters).
  8. I just tried to clean the saves, it wasn't successful sadly. Thanks for the reply
  9. I've reloaded previous saves on the same character no problem but when i try to load the most recent saves, be it auto quick or regular, I CTD after a 5 minute loading screen. I'm using MO2, so far to troubleshoot I've made a new profile, installed all the same mods, made a new character saved and loaded in the same spots with no problems. Uninstalled mods one by one until the file said it was corrupt trying to load it. "would cleaning it let me continue disabling mods?" Is there anything else I can do to try and resolve this issue?
  10. I'd like a container that automatically breaks down the scrap items you place in it into their respective parts. I like to have just the basic items, IMO its easier to see how much of each item I have while looking at my settlements inventory than to figure out I don't have enough of something when I go to craft.
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