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About reLwob

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  1. I heard that you can start as a Grey Warden from Orlais? is this true? if anyone can spread some light on this it would be helpful! thanks.
  2. I got the game on release day and completed it. and put it aside because of uni. But I have some free time with my planned weeks and I wowed by this game and its modding side ( <3 all modders ). I want to start the game again and wondering if someone(s) could list some good mods. I dont want any Overpowered mods ( Swords that hit like ken shoryukens! ) but story line drive mods and and bits and bobs to do with the way you look ( hair eyes etc etc ... .) Thanks in advance! as am abit busy and if someone(s) could do this for me I would love till the end of time! <3
  3. bump I just would like axes to work like daggers as in 1 in both hands from the start thanks again
  4. but I( and properly others ) would enjoy dueling wielding axes from the start of the game. so if your not here to help then dont post.
  5. I like someone to "mod" so I can duel axes from the start! All the axes I seen are only "Main hand" I would like them to be "one hand" axes also its not to big of a trouble to add 2 simple 1 handed axes from the start! with just like + 4 attack on them! *cough* if they could be dwarf axes that would be super awesome! thanks in advance!
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