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Everything posted by sirjohn45

  1. I was wondering if anyone was going to try and do what RTS (real time settlers) did? Now that the main guy has left it seems like the mod is no more...........I really enjoyed making my own little town and had a lot too. The mod was a great mod and had a lot of potential. So just curious if anyone will try and do something like this soon? Thanks
  2. Ok a quick question how can I download new Vegas without having to download it into steam? Sorry I am new to all of this but fallout 3 did not load using steam now all of a sudden this one does. Can someon help me with this.. Thanks
  3. I would love to see more music added as the few songs they have now are great but wear on ya after awhile :) If we could have a great mod that adds more like they did in fallout 3 thanks
  4. I agree with having a Mod Manager for Fallout New Vegas. There are a lot of good mods made so far but no where to put them. I would rather trust a mod manager to sort them :)..... If I was good at modding I would do it but alas I am not that good with computers............. Thanks
  5. thanks that is what i forgot :) but do we make like a mod folder or just throw them in data folder?
  6. Can someone help me by letting me know how to download files into my fallout 3 directory? I have been away for awhile and am a bit rusty at this. Sorry if this has already been asked. Thanks everyone. John :wallbash:
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