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About moosk93

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  1. I am currently having the exact same issue. Seeing as this was posted over a month ago, have you found a solution? I'm considering just reinstalling oHUD, MCM, etc.
  2. say for example, I kill dogmeat. How do Fawkes, RL-3, etc. know that I did it? I killed Dogmeat so that I could get another follower but then when I went to get Fawkes, he started blasting the crap outta me. So did RL-3.
  3. haha yeah. That's kinda strange now that I think about it.
  4. I don't see how Animated Prostitution is art. Or if you download a sound addon thingy for it you, I quote, "Enjoy the sound of nova coming." If that is art, that is some twisted kind of art.
  5. You have to use the sniper rifle he gives you. How come when I shoot people in the head, their head just pops off most of the time? I want them to explode more often or at least just have them normally die. Not have their head look like it was cut off then thrown in the air.
  6. I washed up this morning and my thing was there. Why should I feel like I am still dirty. I feel that it is time people stopped using the word dirty to describe the mental surge they get to their eyes brain functions. Sex is not masturbation, sex is not flirtation, sex is procreation. I see you have one too. Hmm? Mines bigger then yours so that makes mine dirty? No matter how our brains focus the sensation of SEX, it takes a man and a woman to make sex happen to be sex. I can almost imagine a group of cheerleaders jumping and shouting, "S. E. X. spells SEX. Raw Raw Raw Sex! Procreation proceation; ZIP, BOOM, BAH! Sex makes babies Ooh OH, AH!" So dirt is clean and sex it dirty? Excuse me I think it is time the moral got a sweeping change so the dictionary has that slang definition of what dirty peoples minds are thinking about. Clean up? Nooo? Masturbate? NOoo. Sex and marriage go together like a horse and carrriage? NOoo. You ask, "What then?" Mystery, Myth, Sensual desire to be the man of the house, the king of the castle, the chosen one. The one who is taken home by the woman at all hours of the day and night to be their companion while they dress themselves and us up and groom us for their idea of the ideal one they want to have walking to when they alight on that journey along the ilse with their white outfit followed by a train so long the whole congregation could ride on it to the alter. It's a parade of visual and sensual delights. Art at it finest? NO! It is too also too bad that Marriage has become such a toy we can just play out and dump it over and over until we tire of the playing that scene. I don't know who to blame for that. Should I point my accusing fingers at the true keepers of books and words, or the folks who decided to change the bonding mood which brings woman and men to the dance of life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. I sense that losing at the game has brought some of us the false intellectual sense that sex is dirty. Loosing at the game was written in to books by someone who could not find the illusive love affair that their heart yearned for. But they did not lose and they left the heart breaking tale on the table. They deserted the chapters when love found them. Now we have a record of the whimpering cries of the lost soul who finely found their voice and sang out loud attracting the woman of their dreams to their side. Too bad their passions fire did not burn the chapters of that book so we born of their passions could have avoided knowing before we found our own soul singing out loud to attract the female we too find swoons to our song. Remember this facts, that, in almost every species the male is the one who cleans up, dresses up, and/or sings to attract females to the dance. We males do so to find our one true life mate. So, if you think it is that you are not attractive to females or you think you are gay I say, "Your heart is still beating and you have all the talents to bring about those who you can dance amongst in the crowd just like the jerk or jock who some of us envy because he has a woman at his side. Even the minds who become so egotistical that they stare down their noses at women they are looking for the that mate, but because they have songs voicing their pain makes it even more obvious. The males who mimics anothers style in clothing or songs tune, instead of their seeking their inner voice, so their own special appearence or song emerges has not attracted the female which would swoon to their bright colors or hypnotising song to the dance. Vanity is part of the play so if you find yourself dressing like your mother when you got that thing your father has it is only because you know how strong your mothers attraction is. Your father did to, or you would not be here. True sensual minds don't see nudity as dirty. Dirty? No. Dirt is dirty. LOVE IS ART, and Sex is, "PAINFUL, HEART BREAKING ART". So dress up, sing out, and ignor what all the others voices are saying, because when you see her, you will know her, and she will look like the Sun that warms you. Nude or dressed no one else will be as clean as her in the visiion you behold, your vision of her. jeez, buzz killington.
  7. haha yeah I have seen the male nude mods. That is just as bad if not worse. They have freakin' hard ons. lol
  8. No. It's a plus. It's not only a game, it's a sandbox, a tool of creation. As such, there is nothing strange about it. The dress up thing I guess I understand from what you said. But still, the whole making people have sex I still think is strange.
  9. hahaha Fallout: New Vegas is the next Fallout game. Fallout New Vegas Wiki Page
  10. One thing that annoys me, is the mods that are made that make the females nude with highly detailed boobs and vaginas. I mean, this is a shooting/role playing game. Not a porno. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/im...-1250581007.jpg Even worse, there are actually mods that have the animations for having sex. That's pretty sad when you spend your time watching virtual sex in Fallout 3. Also, another thing that annoys me is when people use Fallout like a dress up game. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1236814289.jpg Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of the game? I mean, is that why they play fallout? To make their character look "pretty?" Dress them up then pose them having sex?
  11. I just read all 20 pages (took a while). Can't wait for the Halo stuff. Getting my new computer & Fallout 3 sometime this summer. Your Halo mod will be probably one of the first mods I download, that is, if it is done by then. Great work, big Halo series fan. :thanks:
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