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Everything posted by Funkdrspot

  1. I desperately need a few mods to make this game worth a 2nd playthrough. There are 3 mods in total that I'm requesting. I'd also be very open to anyone showing me HOW to do this in the GECK as I've poked around in there and I'm utterly confused. XFO-like Accuracy-not-damage. The one where the weapon skill determines your accuracy and not your damage. The game just seems so unrealistic when my skill with a non-melee weapon makes it hurt more. XFO-like rebalance. I'm fed up with sneaking up to a guy, delivering my full AP worth of headshots in VATS and having it only take off half his life. MMM-like increased respawns & bigger mobs. What balanced out and made the 2 XFO changes more fun was the increase in the number of enemies you had to fight.
  2. Yeah i just dL'd DarnUI and the stuff on the side isn't there. Sux, but I guess i just gotta wait.
  3. Yeah, but I guess I've never had a thing for armor that serves almost no purpose and restricts mobility. If you're going to have functional armor, at least have it come UP and not OUT to block head/neckshots. But that's just my .02. Either way, GL with the request, I always like new stuff to my game :P
  4. Yeah i saw Darn UI after I posted this. I'll go with that. Thanks guys!
  5. What I don't get is why not just take off the shoulder pads and have a nice SPARTAN/Power Armor hybrid?
  6. The way the camera is positioned back and to the left makes it a pain sometimes to snipe around corners. It'd be cool if there was a way to hit a letter or mouse button and have the camera pivot over to the opposite side.
  7. It'd be real nice to be able to keep a running tally on things w/o having to pop into the pipboy. It'd make hardcore less of a chore.
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