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Everything posted by cyphreiredell

  1. You mean kind of like this? http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40242 Though you'd have to edit the .esp of the weapon you wished to update, but provides a bit wider range for applying different automatic fire rates, burst (which kinda works), and semi.
  2. The Hazmat suit, which has a separate helmet, which also features night vision built in. Haven't tried it myself, so it might look a little funky around the base of the neck because the suit is sort of ragged.
  3. In theory, you could copy the same conversation bits from the interaction with the pod in The Sink (where your heart and spine also are). So long as there is a 'Goodbye' option within, you're set. The rest I don't believe would require any dialog interaction itself (activating inventory, weapons, etc).
  4. In fact, you could probably just use the general template of the eye-bot companion from Primm. The only real thing missing, however, are weapon implements somewhere on the body. Would be funny to be able to continue conversing with your brain though! Although now all I can think of is if the dialog changes if you have a super low INT when doing OWB...
  5. Hats in general usually change current hair to another type that is usually tucked up. I don't consider myself an expert on the subject, but additional hairs, such as those from Lings, don't have that complimentary hair to fit along with the given selection of hats. The only way some hats still work is by either using default hairs, or the mod hair has to be small enough to not clip through. Or just be bald...
  6. Definitely have to agree, best DLC to date, of all added content. Even beyond the lengthy mission to the playerhome features itself, there are tons of areas to explore, hilarious characters, and all sorts of secrets to learn. Above all else, everything is intertwined canonically with the Fallout universe in New Vegas (and Dead Money).
  7. Come baaaaaack!! D:
  8. Seeking and searching! So many things await!
  9. It will require using the GECK and a few simply boxes checked! In the GECK, open FalloutNV.esm and wait for it to load; hit the button that looks like a disk on the top left and it will prompt you to create a new plugin file (or open another plugin file of your choice to make things tidier by going to 'open' double-clicking FalloutNV.esm as well as the plugin you wish to modify, then hit 'set as active' on the plugin so that it is being edited). Once everything has loaded, go to Weapons on the left which will bring up all the weapons in the game. Scroll down to WeapNVServiceRifle, right click and Edit. Click the box that says 'Automatic' on the right side, above the tabs. In the first tab Game Data, adjust your Fire Rate to your desired rate of fire (an example being that the Assault Rifle is 12.0). May have to adjust a few other things, such in the next tab Art and Sound, but you should essentially just go to another automatic weapons like WeapNVAssaultRifle and compare your options. Other things that may need adjustment: Attack Anim, Projectile (most automatics use AutoTracerProjectile), and Attack Multiplier for balance.
  10. Pretty sure the Steam check was to curb the number of complaints "FOMM NO WERK 4 ME" for people using incompatible mods that bypass Steam itself or are otherwise running a pirated version. Though I suppose the number of FONV updates already stops enough people. For those who perceive those developers as attempting to 'police' the community: 1. Cry moar 2. Run Steam in Offline Mode 3. ????? 4. Profit
  11. Something I also desperately wish for! Great and all to have a radius of light around you, but it doesn't really 'light the way' to wherever it is you are attempting to travel at night or in dark buildings. I REALLY hate when crap pops up out of nowhere, or all I hear are the pitter patter of feral ghoul feet before it pops up in some random direction next to me. Isn't there some means of providing directional light if the pipboy light uses standard light dynamics of some variety?
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