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  1. Just wanted to chime in here about RegisterForUpdate() According to the CK Wiki, this function's arguments are run in real-time seconds. Example below ; Run Register For Update every 1 hour in real time RegisterForUpdate(3600.00) Source: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=RegisterForUpdate_(Papyrus)
  2. ^^ This ^^ In the event SSE users come here, the equivalent file is called CreationKitPrefs.ini
  3. Just wanted to add that I had the same problems. I was sure I did everything right between 3ds Max and Nifskope, but I was wrong. The problem in my case was choosing BP_TORSO for the body armor in Nifskope. It actually needs to be SPB_32_BODY. Once that was adjusted, my armor appeared in game
  4. In response to post #73705423. - The Upload button needs equal margins on the bottom and top. It looks off right now For one, it's not margins. It's padding. And the padding is 8px on all four sides. - Notification colour is a horrible brown (on Skyrim Nexus at least) Yeah, that particular shade of brown is a bit of an eyesore where ever it's used :) - Notifications should not disappear on click. You can still see all your notifications by clicking on "See All"
  5. I ran into the same problem with Sheogorath's quest. Indeed, the culprit here is how the game crashes when the player has too many items in their inventory. Luckily this time, I had already completed Molag Bol's quest. So I could use the chest in Abandoned House to dump everything. Afterwards, Escape from Cidhna Mine played though smoothly. TLDR; Dump all your items somewhere before the game is going to remove all your inventory
  6. I know this topic is old, but I'll comment anyway. I think the problem stems from the game itself, in my case SSE. I happened upon this bug in a mod that I'm actually making. It doesn't have any dependencies other than SSE. I'm not using any mods in the testing phases. But I get the water squares up in the damned sky which are unselectable in Creation Kit 64 altogether. Like the original poster, this bug just appeared out of nowhere for me. Adding insult to injury, this rogue water up in the sky can't be selected in Creation Kit.
  7. Chiming in here with my experiences with script lag. Ok so the situations where I encounter script lag are as follows: 1. An active quest is updating its displayed objectives. Can be traced back to SetObjectiveDisplayed(). This function is at work when we complete a quest objective and a new objective is displayed. 2. Looting a container or corpse. Might be traced back to OnContainerChange(). This script runs when we remove stuff and place it into our inventory. 3. Feeding on a corpse ( I use Better Vampires ). Not sure what script runs in this situation. But since Better Vampires uses a script to keep track of number of feedings the player has, it's definitely script related. 4. Mining an ore vein. The ore veins that we see in the game are just static objects. However, in Creation Kit every ore vein is linked to a mineore marker which contains the script. I don't remember the name of the script, but it's in the marker object. I was experiencing a lot of script lag of the above nature all of a sudden in Oldrim. What's really crazy is it just started to happen even after years of a heavy loverslab based load order. It seems the mods that I used are irrelevant. Having crossed over to SSE, the script lag is still there. And I'm not using any loverslab mods this time. I have a high end rig and can run SSE at a consistent 60fps outdoors even with mods like Simply Bigger Trees, Noble Skyrim HD 2K, and Viscous Grass. Now that I type this, I just wonder if it's actually something to do with Windows 10 itself. The past few updates seem to coincide with recent Skyrim issues. Of course that's just a theory and observation. I really don't have enough to go on to call it a hypothesis. I guess I should post a link to my modlist. Maybe we all have 1 or more mods in common that might narrow down the cause of script lag. https://modwat.ch/u/SkyrimBeast/plugins
  8. I ran into the same thing. There's just next to no vampire eye mods for the ningheim race. What I ended up doing is opening the actual vampire eye texture in photoshop and editing that file to my liking. If you want to go this route, the file is located in textures/actors/character/Ningheim/eyes/eye_typeU_Vampire.dds
  9. I was having the same problem in that when I went to preview my standalone follower, CK was complaining about missing models. The problem in my case is I'm using the ningheim race body, but I had installed it with TBBP support. CK ain't having that. Once I re-installed the ningheim race without TBBP, my follower didn't crash CK anymore.
  10. I'm having the same problem. Tinkering with the options in Worldspace->My Worldspace just seemed to make things worse. The only thing I haven't tinkered with is the camera data section in the worldspace I'm working on. Will report back if I come to a solution.
  11. Just want to add my thanks for making this tutorial. My first worldspace was a bit flat. But once I began to understand how L3DT does what it does, it was no trouble to make some adjustments and get the hilly terrain I'm looking for. The magic lies in the altitude setting for creating hills and valleys.
  12. Damn, I live in the US or I'd sooooo apply for this job
  13. Give it around 24 to 72 hours for the kids to show up. Please for all that is holy NEVER MESS WITH BREEZEHOME!. It's one of the buggiest locations in the game. It's never happened to me that they don't show up. Keep in mind, the kids are small defenseless creatures and the distance between where they are and your house factors into how long it takes them to get there. They also like to pick up things along the way to their new home. That said, they can't run as fast as we can :-)
  14. It's in the /documents/mygames/skyrim/ folder. Look for files names Papyrus0.log. Be sure to check the sub-folders as well.
  15. There's a ton of errors regarding missing files in that log. Skyrim is looking for the individual Unofficial Patches when USLEEP has been installed. Surely that has something to do with it. Also, the Bless Home spell is cast inside the home. The exterior cell only serves as the location so the kids "know" where to go. Okay. I thought that usleep was all the patches in one! Okay, I'll get the individuals along with usleep. Currently reinstalling cold and starting over. NO NO NO Brotha!, USLEEP replaces all the individual patches. That's all ya need.
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