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Everything posted by Echelon

  1. A great collection to test, that i am using as a base and adding mods too which constantly reproduces this issue is here: BG3 QOL and Extras collection https://next.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/collections/anung9
  2. How do i help test this with BGS?? Managing my collection is insane and i have to restart Vortex 5-10x and then copy over my backup Modlist over to replace when my main 3 mods are the only ones locked.
  3. Thank you for that replay Jim. I found a way to use 4gb with NVSE Ok i got the solution..get you kudos giving finger ready : ) Make a shortcut to f4gb.exe to your desktop. click that then, edit properties --> go to shortcut tab and then look in the "target" box. Mines looks like this: "C:GamesSteamSteamAppscommonfallout new vegasfnv4gb.exe" Edit that line, at the end put a space and then "-nvse_loader.exe" without quotes at the end of the last line of text in the target field. Now it should look like this: "C:GamesSteamSteamAppscommonfallout new vegasfnv4gb.exe" -nvse_loader.exe Save and close...launch through the fn4gb shorcut on your desktop. Ingame open the console and type: getNVSEversion it should return: NVSE v.1 p.s. You're welcome. This post was edited by streetstar5 at 08:45, 6 November 2010
  4. So is it possible to launch from FOMM with NVSE, and 4GB enabled?
  5. You should see a lot of good mods coming out now, along with good ones being updated for NVSE compatibility.
  6. I am in New York...so this is much appreciated...past few days has been like hell trying to download for me. This site is the truth.
  7. Valid points on both sides, but i have to agree with how Nexus is handling it. I also think they should implement it the way Khettienna suggested..but whatever works. However, in my opinion..this new feature will also keep the site from containing a gazillion "similar but non congruent ported mods"? Also maybe prevents some good mods from ever developing due to these new rules. But modders who completely vanished and left the scene and cannot be contacted, who left no instructions or permissions - resources should be available to anyone in the community.
  8. Offtopic: Can you put something on the front page about how Nexus handles non changed named files? Alot of mods are updated yet the authors are unaware that if they dont change the name or atleast(could be 1 letter) Nexus never uploads the new file. Users don't get the new file(fixes/updates what have you) Causes so much confusion. Issue like this is on Nexus and with the flood of new modders, i'm sure they are unaware how the site handles. Vet nexus uploaders know about this but every uploader should be warned. Issue needs to be addressed.
  9. There is already a mod that lets you launch without the Fallout launcher for steam. Its on the nexus search "Run Fallout"
  10. At the moment i am still getting "reported bad site". I'm on Google Chrome Browser. Warning: Visiting this site may harm your computer! The website at www.thenexusforums.com contains elements from the site www.fallout3nexus.com, which appears to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that contains malware can infect your computer. For detailed information about the problems with these elements, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page for www.fallout3nexus.com. Learn more about how to protect yourself from harmful software online. I understand that visiting this site may harm my computer.
  11. Seems he already has - this thread is actually one shared across Tes-nexus, Fallout3-nexus, and Dragonage-nexus. So i assume the features are shared as well.
  12. @ Milo: No problem Chrome has tons of features, security extensions & plugins. Download the latest beta version and look what it has to offer. Chrome in a year or two will become the #1 browser.
  13. Chrome all the way for browsing - Safari is just as fast and almost identical - i use 3 browsers, those two and Firefox since im a greasemonkey -_- Once you start using chrome you wont touch IE again. Safari is just as good as an alternative. Glad i helped you or anyone else who has problems related/unrelated to this.
  14. Working fine over here on Google Chrome Browser - no issues after just normal refreshing via (F5) Maybe clear your cache, close your browser, and then retry. Edit: IExplorer in my experience is the worst of all browsers.
  15. Gotta love these Nexus sites...
  16. @ ace992 - you have no merger patch esp- you need to use fo3edit to make one. learn how here: http://www.fookunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2058 - FWE-UFP support is built into the MM-FWE master release.esp so toggle that off. -PCB.esp causes crashes to my knowledge. -What is NAPA.esp? is it compatible with FWE/MMM? -make the changes and report back.
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