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Everything posted by ChadwickTheChadRat

  1. I recently released a mod which changes some of the meshes that are referenced by skins.xml such as body_meta_mesh="body_male_a" and body_meta_mesh="body_female_a". The changes I made work, but only if the xml file in native is replaced with the edited one. Now I want to have my edited xml file override the one in native without having to change the contents of the native file itself. I've followed a few guides for editing xml files and now have the edited skins.xml file and a project.mbproj file in my mod's ModuleData folder. The game launches without any issues, but it uses the skins.xml file in native instead of the one in my ModuleData folder. I've tried a several methods, but haven't had any luck. For those who are interested here are some screenshots of what I have right now. I'm new to modding and running out of ideas so any tips would be much appreciated. project.mbproject: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <base xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" type="solution"> <outputDirectory>../MBModule/MBModule/</outputDirectory> <XMLDirectory>../WOTS/Modules/ModTest/</XMLDirectory> <ModuleAssemblyDirectory>../WOTS/bin/</ModuleAssemblyDirectory> <file id="soln_skins" name="ModuleData/skins.xml" type="skin" /> </base>SubModule.xml: <Module> <Name value="ModTest"/> <Id value="ModTest"/> <Version value="e1.5.2"/> <DefaultModule value="false"/> <SingleplayerModule value="true"/> <MultiplayerModule value="false"/> <Official value="false"/> <DependedModules> <DependedModule Id="Native"/> <DependedModule Id="SandBoxCore"/> <DependedModule Id="Sandbox"/> <DependedModule Id="CustomBattle"/> <DependedModule Id="StoryMode"/> </DependedModules> <SubModules/> <Xmls> <XmlNode> <XmlName id="soln_skins" path="skins"/> <IncludedGameTypes> <GameType value="Campaign"/> <GameType value="CampaignStoryMode"/> </IncludedGameTypes> </XmlNode> </Xmls> </Module>
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